“What am I doing?”
“I came here knowing exactly what I wanted to say, but it’s just so damn frustrating. You’re so frustrating.”
“Wow. Sorry I’m making it so difficult for you to manipulate me.”
“See? You’re doing it again!” I shout loud enough for her to cringe.
She recovers quickly, but I register her reaction and I’m instantly sorry.
“Look. I’m not trying to manipulate you. That’s the last thing I want to do. All I want is for you to understand how much I like you.”
She reacts again, this time widening her eyes until they’re almost bulging from her head. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” Now that I’ve said it, it’s easier to say it again. “I like you. A lot, in fact. Why the hell do you think I’m in this freezing-ass cold weather making an idiot of myself? You think I do this? I don’t, Hazel. Ever. I feel like an absolute moron right now, and I don’t care.”
She stands there, teeth clenched, shaking her head. “How can I trust you?” Though there’s not nearly so much bitterness to her now. Her voice is softer, her body language not quite as forbidding.
“Can you please believe me, one time?”
She rolls her eyes, but I press on because I think I’m starting to get through.
“You make me insane. This isn’t me. I don’t do things like this. I don’t follow employees around at warehouses. I don’t take chances, risking having a door slammed in my face or, worse, having the cops called on me.”
“That would’ve solved this much easier.”
“I came here knowing very well that was a possibility. Why would I take a risk like that? Why would I risk any of this if I didn’t care? It’s because I like you, a lot.”
I swear I see a light smile trying to poke through.
“I saw that.” I point at her mouth. “It happened.”
Her brows knit themselves together and she points over at the Charger. “You need to go, and you’re a bigger jerk for parking that where I can see it.”
“Not until you agree to go on a date with me.”
For the second time, her eyes bulge. “You know I can’t do that. You’re insane.”
“I know I am.”
“Why would I want to complicate my life like that?”
“Because you like me too.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t deny it.” Goddamn, I just want one date with her. I just want her to not hate me. “What could it hurt? Go on a date with me.”
She blurts out a laugh. “What could it hurt? You can’t be serious.”
I can tell by the way she’s rocking on her heels, trying not to smile. I’ve got her, and I’m not letting go now. I have to have her.
Her face hardens. “Why are you doing this? You already got me to give up. That wasn’t enough for you? You just can’t stop until you geteverythingyou want? Is that it?”
I take a step toward her, sick of these games and the guilt trips. “Just do it. I know you want to. I can tell.”
“No, I don’t. You don’t know me.”
I get right up next to her, lean down to her ear, and lower my voice in case the camera on that doorbell is recording. “I’ve been inside you, Hazel. I know every sound you make. So that’s a lie. I know you.”