Yeah, no shit.
We are a leader in robot and automation technology. Obviously, humans work side by side, and there are people running around, yelling out. Forklifts going everywhere.
The best way I can describe it is: organized chaos.
Everything has somewhere it needs to be within a few days, and we get it there faster than anyone in the world. The place almost gives me vertigo it’s so damn big and full of energy.
We pass through the front of the warehouse and into the next section full of conveyor belts hauling empty boxes to their destination, printers spooling endlessly for packaging inserts and shipping labels. Employees dart this way and that, shouting questions and instructions while boxes pile up for shipment on one of the trucks waiting at the loading bay.
Even our parking lot and docks span for acres, just to accommodate all the trucks.
A football injury ended my first dream, but I haven’t done too bad for myself since. Not too bad, indeed.
We’re almost at the elevator when Bree stops short, her phone going off in her hand. “It’s a call from the office. Can I meet you up there?”
“I can handle an elevator.” I smile and wave her off like she didn’t need to ask, even though I know she always will.
She moves aside to take the call a moment before the elevator doors open. I step inside and press the appropriate button, waiting for the doors to slide shut.
“Can you hold that?”
I’ve barely registered the question before a petite little brunette darts into the car. She’s wearing the same vest and hardhat as the rest of the warehouse workers. She doesn’t look like a typical warehouse worker, but there are jobs here for everyone.
I saw a flash of eyes when she came in, and I can’t help wanting to see more. I’m pretty sure she’s smoking hot, butshe has on too many damn clothes and that helmet to make a judgment call.
What is wrong with you?
I’m a man. What the fuck?
Suddenly, the vibe in the elevator shifts. She seemed like she was just in a hurry to get where she was going, but now it’s like I feel eyes on me, even though she’s not looking my way. Maybe it’s her body language. I’m a master at reading people, and something tells me she just darted in here on purpose.
My intuition is confirmed when she slowly turns, and I get an icy stare.
Goddamn, what’d I do?
At the same time, that stare is hot. Like really hot. She looks good when she’s serious, and her eyes are even prettier than I thought. They’re a light brown, almost maybe with a shade of yellow which turns them almost amber. It’s a color I’ve never seen before, and they’re big with golden flecks in them.
“How are you?” I try to see if I can break through that icy demeanor.
“Oh, not too bad.”
Holy shit, the sarcasm in her voice. And her goddamn voice. It’s equal parts feminine and don’t fuck with me.
She lets out an obviously fake sigh. “Be better if we had more than five minutes to use the bathroom.”
I blink a few times. “Sorry? What?”
I almost thought maybe I’d fucked her before and forgotten. Look, I’m aware no matter what you do, there will always be employees with grievances. We’re all humans, and there are a metric ass load of humans in this building—this entire company. You can never please everyone.
Still, I didn’t see this attitude of hers being about working conditions.
She smirks.
Fuck, now I want to kiss her. I want to kiss that smirk right off her face.
Pull yourself together, bitch! You’re the CEO of this company. She’s an employee.