Page 66 of Wake Up Call

Chapter 18

I sat at the kitchen table lost in thought as Jace gave me a loving smile and carefully slid a mug of tea in front of me. I stared down at the little blue mug and stifled back a grin. Things weren’t what I’d expected.

The events of last night replayed repeatedly in my mind and I couldn't believe that Jace was still there, in front of me, and breathing. When I thought that I had lost him, I would have given anything to get him back. I would never be able to forget that feeling.

"Jace," I whispered, looking up at him as he ate his food.

Jace looked up from his plate and reached for my hand. He softly ran his fingers over mine and smiled. "Are you feeling okay?" he questioned.

I nodded my head and looked him in the eye. I wanted to scream out that I loved him, but I didn't know if I had the courage to.

I swallowed hard and said the first thing that popped in my head. I hadn't even told him yet and I felt so ashamed. "I have a new apartment," I blurted, my heart racing.

Jace's eyes widened as a look of hurt crossed his once relaxed face. He turned his head away, taking a deep breath before biting down on his bottom lip. My heart dropped as I watched him. He looked hurt.

The room stayed silent. I didn't know what to say. We both sat there looking down at our plates, until Jackie entered the kitchen wearing a fitted black suit. She looked back and forth between the both of us and then leaned against the counter. "Well, everyone seems a little out of it today," she mumbled. "What's going on?"

Jace gave me a weak smile before looking up at his sister and motioning for her to join us at the table. "Everything's fine." He squeezed my hand and pulled my chair closer to his. "You look nice today, Jackie. Do you have some special plans that we don't know about," he questioned, trying to sound excited.

He was right. She looked great. Her black suit fit her perfectly and she had her hair pulled back into a tight bun, with a loose strand of hair that hung perfectly around her face. She looked very professional. She was quite beautiful.

She flashed us a huge smile and dug into her food. "I'm going job hunting today." She shoved a forkful of eggs into her mouth and then slammed back her whole mug of tea. "I'm really nervous, but excited at the same time.” She sat back in her seat. “I've been doing a lot of thinking and I'm ready to change my life. Joe has kept me back for so long and I haven't even experienced life yet." She looked over at Jace and reached for his shoulder. "I can't do this without you, little brother. I really need your help." Her eyes watered as her bottom lip began to quiver.

She really did need his help. She needed his help much more than I did now. Maybe me getting the apartment was perfect timing. Jace's place was only big enough for two people and now, Jackie was the one that needed him the most.

Jace wrapped his arms around his sister and pulled her in close for a hug. The sight made my eyes water. Jace was the greatest and most loving person that I’d ever met. Jackie and I were both lucky to have him in our lives.

"Jackie," I said with a slight smile.

Jackie peered over Jace's shoulder and smiled back. "Yeah."

"I'm moving out today. My old room will be empty if you'd like it." I glanced over at Jace and he nodded his head in approval.

"I have enough money saved up so that I can buy a new bed and a few other things to get me started. You should take my old room and be close to Jace.” I paused. “You guys need each other."

Jackie's eyes fell down to Jace's shoulders before she pulled away and looked Jace in the eye. "I don't know. I don't want you guys to think that Avery has to move just to make room for me." Her face scrunched up as a tear fell down her cheek. "I can't-"

"It's not like that. I would have let you stay no matter what.” He said firmly. “I would have been perfectly fine on the couch or in Avery's room." He looked over at me and smiled. "Avery just needs to be on her own for a bit. She's been working really hard to get on her feet and now is her chance to do that. It's not a problem, Jackie."

Looking at Jackie, I suddenly got the urge to reach out and give her a hug. She felt like a big part of me now. Maybe that was because she was the biggest part of Jace. I wanted Jace and everything that came with him.

I stood up from my chair, pushing it under the table, before walking over to Jackie. I looked down at her and then slowly bent down and wrapped my arms around her. Her hands felt stiff for a moment before she squeezed me close to her and rubbed my back. "I'm so happy that you are here with Jace."

Jackie grabbed both of my arms and looked me in the eye. "You have no idea how happy I am to be back. Jace was the only place that I had ever really felt safe. He took care of the whole family for so long. He was the glue that held us together." She turned her head away and squeezed my arms. "I lost that for a long time. Don't let that happen to you."

We both looked over at Jace to see him staring in shock at the both of us. To be honest, I was in shock myself. I never really felt the need to hug anyone in my life before. Jace had changed me. Love had changed me. The feeling scared the living crap out of me. I never wanted to feel that I needed someone to be happy. Or that I needed someone to be close to. Now, even the thought of being out of Jace's arms broke my heart into a million little pieces

Jace cleared his throat and then stood up from the table. "Well ladies. I'll do these dishes." He kissed Jackie on the forehead. "Good luck." Then he walked over, grabbed my face and pressed his lips to my cheek. "Go and get ready so I can buy you a few things for this apartment of yours." He smiled and then looked down at the ground, his eyes looking sad.

I just stood there staring as Jackie walked out of the kitchen and Jace stood in front of the sink with his back toward me.

The whole kitchen spun around me as I tried to put my life together. In just a few hours, I would be on my own, in my own apartment, and with two decent jobs. No more crappy apartment or job as a stripper. I felt... normal for once and alive. More alive than I had ever felt.


The sound of Jace's voice broke me from my reverie. I shook my head and looked up. "Huh?"

He chuckled at my expression and turned off the sink. "Are you alright?" He walked over and lightly rubbed my shoulders. "Are you going to get dressed or do you need another day of rest?"