Page 36 of Wake Up Call

I jerked my face away in response and walked away, taking a seat. I suddenly felt dizzy. "I need to get out of here." I squeezed my eyes shut to stop the room from spinning around me. I didn't want another incident like the one I'd just had moments before.

"No problem." Max walked over and grabbed my hand. He pulled me to my feet and smiled. "I can help you with that," he smiled. "Let's go."

Jace calmly pulled Max's hand away from mine, placing my hand at my side. "No, man. We're all leaving," he said sternly.

Kat reached for Jace's arm and pushed her bottom lip out in a pout. "Wait a minute. I really don't want to be left here alone and I'm not ready to go home." she whined pathetically, while rubbing her finger over his smooth skin. Who does she think she is touching him like that?

Jace pulled his arm away and turned to look at Max. Suddenly, I could breathe again. "I don't think-"

"Come on, man." Max walked toward the door and grabbed the handle, holding it open. "You have a big house. Why don't we all just go there for a few drinks?" he suggested. "It can be like old times."

Jace sighed and motioned for me to walk in front of him. "Yeah, I guess." he groaned. "It has been a while since I've seen you, man."

I nervously twirled my finger in my hair and watched Kat and Max step out the door and into the night. I didn't know either one of them and the thought of entertaining them for the night made me feel uneasy.

Once outside, Kat froze and slapped her hand to her forehead. "Oh crap! I forgot that I don't have my car with me," she said, with a slight whine. "Jace, do you mind if I ride with you?" She smiled and picked at her long purple nails while waiting for a response.

Jace rolled his eyes and looked up from opening his car door. "Yeah... sure." He looked unsure and almost a little stressed. He ran his hand through his hair while looking at me. "Come on, Avery."

I felt my stomach knot up as I walked toward Jace's car. "I'll sit in the front." I said, placing my hand in front of Kat to stop her from getting in. Of course, she would automatically think that she would get to sit next to Jace. Not if I had a say in it. "If you don't mind."

Kat looked down at my legs, as I shivered from the cold and rolled her eyes. "Does it really-"

Suddenly, Max reached for my hand and stopped me from getting in the car. "You can give Kat a ride and Avery can ride with me. That way they both can sit in the front." He nodded at Jace and pushed Kat toward Jace's car. "Problem solved. We'll meet you guys there."

I peered over my shoulder as Jace leaned against his car with his arms folded across his chest. His jaw stayed clenched as he watched us walk to the car, his eyes glued to us the whole time. He didn't take his eyes off us until we were inside Max's tiny red Sports Car.

Max watched me as I adjusted my skirt and set my purse on my lap. His eyes were wide as he pulled his seatbelt on. "This way we all win." Max smiled as he leaned over and grabbed for my seatbelt. "Jace and I go way back."

I pushed Max's hand away and pulled my seatbelt over my shoulder. "Thanks, but I can handle it." I smiled weakly at him before looking out the window. There was something about both Max and Kat that made me nervous.

I watched anxiously as Jace jumped into his car and started it, turning on the headlights. He didn't hesitate long before stepping on the gas and pulling out of his tight parking spot.

Max waited a few minutes before pulling out and following behind Jace. He looked over at me and smiled as I played with the buckle of my purse. His smile, even I had to admit was gorgeous. "So, Avery," he started, "how did you meet Jace."

I cleared my throat and turned to face him. His dark hair fell around his face as he stared out the windshield with a smirk. "Um... I met him at the diner."

Max peeled his eyes away from the road to look me over. "That lucky, bastard," he muttered.

I looked down toward his muscular arms as he gripped the steering wheel and pulled into Jace's driveway. His arms were significantly bigger than Jace's and you could tell that he dedicated hours of time into working out. I could understand why he was so cocky. "I guess," I whispered.

Just as Max was pulling the keys out of the ignition, Jace jumped out of his car, walked over to my door, and opened it. "Give me your hand." His face was expressionless, once again.

I placed my hand in Jace's as he helped me out of the car without even giving Max a second thought. "Thanks."

Jace glared over at Max as he walked over and unlocked the door. He held the door open and Kat was the first to walk inside.

Kat walked in with wide eyes and started looking around. "Wow! Nice place. I can really see myself spending time here," she said sweetly.

Jace looked at all of us awkwardly before walking away toward the kitchen. "Thanks... I guess."

I followed Jace into the kitchen with Kat and Max following close behind. He didn't look up from the counter as he set out some bottles of booze. "Have fun, guys. I'll be watching TV." He ran his hands through his messy hair and walked away with heavy steps.

“Come on, man.” Max called after him. “The night is young. We have catching up to do.”

My stomach rumbled at just the thought of booze. I slipped out of the kitchen unnoticed and into the living room, taking a seat on the loveseat.

Jace looked over at me from the couch and then turned away again. He crossed his arms over his chest and then leaned into the couch. "Did you have a nice ride home?" he questioned stiffly.

I shifted in my seat just remembering the awkwardness. "It was okay. He didn't have much to say." I bit my lip and leaned into the arm of the loveseat. "You?" I questioned, eyebrows lifted. I found myself seriously curious.

Jace mindlessly ran his tongue over his lip ring and played with it "She was on my nuts the whole time," he said uncomfortably. "She-"

He stopped as Max and Kat walked in with drinks in hand. Kat smiled playfully and plopped down next to Jace as Max sat next to me on the small loveseat.

Jace sat back and blew out a breath of frustration. "So this is fun."

Kat placed her drink in between her legs and looked over toward Max and I. "You guys look hot together. Are you guys dating?” She winked. “Or maybe just messing around?”