Page 35 of Wake Up Call

That's not embarrassing...

Once inside the single bathroom, I locked the door behind me and hovered over the shiny white toilet. I grabbed my hair, pulling it out of the way, as the vomit shot out and into the round bowl. There was no stopping it. I placed my hand on the side of the toilet and gripped it as I got down to just a dry heave. The pain shot through my stomach as my body quaked uncontrollably.

After gaining control of my body, I crawled over to the wall and leaned against it, with my hands locked in my hair. There was no way that I would show my face after that.

My head jolted to the right as someone softly knocked on the door, the sound making me want to hide even more. No matter where I went I could never seem to get away from everyone.

"Avery, is everything okay in there?" It was Jace, his muffled voice carried through the door, causing me to feel sick to my stomach again. "Answer me," he demanded.

I pushed myself to my feet and glowered at myself in the mirror. Mascara streaked my face and my lips still had traces of puke on them. I reached out and grabbed for a paper towel. I squirted a little hand soap on it and then soaked it in water. I let out a breath of frustration and then wiped down my hair and face, before rinsing out my mouth.

I froze when I heard another knock. Go away. The knocking stopped, but then just as quickly as it stopped it started again.

Frustrated, I threw the towel into the trash and leaned against the sink. "Jace, please go away," I breathed. "I'm not coming out."

I looked over at the door as the handle jiggled. Nice try, but you're not getting in this time.

"Avery." Jace slapped the door before finally giving up on the handle. "Just let me in," he complained. "I want to help you."

I bit my bottom lip and crept over to the door. I placed my hand on it and shook my head. "I will stay in here all night until I know that you're gone, so you might as well just go."

I was surprised when a new voice joined in. "Is this girl ever coming out? I really have to pee." A female questioned.

"I'm sorry," Jace responded. "I'm really trying to get her out." He knocked on the door again but, this time with more force. "Avery, please."

I slammed my fist against the door and then pressed my back into it. I don't think so. It’s kind of comfy in here. "No."

"Look, my name is Kat." The stranger spoke through the door. "Please let me in. It can't be that bad." She knocked on the door when I didn't respond. "Please! I have to pee."

Deciding that I had to at some point open the door, I slowly cracked the door open to see a gorgeous young woman with red curly hair and a deep set of dimples. She smiled at me and nodded her head.

I noticed Jace out of the corner of my eye looking at us so I grabbed Kat's tiny arm and yanked her into the bathroom, shutting the door behind us.

Kat pulled her arm away and gripped it with her other hand. "Ouch! Take it easy," she whined. She stared at me with her baby blues as if she were trying to figure something out. Then she leaned into the wall and smoothed out her skinny black jeans. "Is everything okay," she questioned. She looked me up and down and smiled. "You look great, so what's the issue?"

I leaned into the sink and wiped an arm over my face. "I'm embarrassed if you must know." My voice shook. I looked into the mirror and wiped more mascara off my face. "It's complicated."

Kat smiled and walked over to the toilet. "I saw you out there. Those men are gorgeous. I can see why things are complicated." She pointed at the toilet and tilted her head. "Do you mind," she questioned. "I really have to pee."

I nodded my head in response and turned my head the other direction. I wasn't use to sharing bathrooms with strangers, but at the moment it didn't matter. I had too much going on to even think.

After Kat finished using the toilet, she walked over and washed her hands. Then she smiled and nodded at the door. "Can we get out of here already?" She grinned and gave me a light shove toward the door. "Come on, gorgeous. The night is still early."

I reached for the door handle and then stopped to pull myself together. I looked over Kat's slim body, curvy hips, and full breast. She was almost perfect. It caused an aching in my chest. "Are you here with anyone?"

She giggled and ran her hands through her red curls, playfully. I could just assume she heard that question often. "I was here with a friend, but he left in a hurry. He can be weird and pushy sometimes." She gave me a confident smile. "Why you ask?"

"No reason." I said, more trying to convince myself than her.

I nodded and opened the bathroom door, letting Kat walk out first. "That feeling sucks."

Jace stood against the wall with Max standing close by. He grinned and pushed himself away from the wall. "I see that you ladies found your way back out," he laughed. "It's a good thing because I was about to send in a search team."

His humor made me loosen up and laugh. He always had a way of making smile, even when I'd rather not. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if he had that effect on everyone. He was handsome, funny and caring. He definitely was something different from what I was used to.

Kat laughed while walking over to stand next to Jace, her body language flirty and sexual, as she stared up at his towering six-foot frame. "Aren't you just cute and funny!" She reached out her hand and grabbed for Jace's. "I'm Kat, and you are?"

Jace smiled, but didn't seem impressed as he shook her hand. "I'm Jace and this is my friend, Max." He pushed Max a little closer to Kat, as Max smirked, and then walked over to stand next to me. "Avery."

I quickly turned the other way in an attempt to get away. "Jace, not now," I demanded. "Leave me alone. I took a step toward the exit.

Jace softly grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop. Then he turned me around to face him. "Stop running away all of the time. Let someone help you for once." He brushed my hair behind my ear and ran his thumb over my cheek. His touch was gentle and caring. "Please," he breathed.

I felt lost and speechless, just as I always seemed to feel around Jace. Therefore, I said the only thing I could think of. "Okay."

He placed his hand on my cheek and looked me in the eye. His expression was soft. His jaw clenched as he rubbed his thumb under my right eye, causing my heart to sink.