Page 18 of Wake Up Call

“It’s good to meet you too.”

Caleb and I watched in awkward silence as Maple walked away and disappeared into the kitchen.

"Great," Caleb mumbled. “Just great.”

An hour later, we headed back to Jace’s place, Caleb following me inside without a peep. He barely even spoke a word while at the diner and things were starting to get uncomfortable. I just didn’t know what to say to him. I never did. It was probably best if he just left. “Maybe you should-“

The swinging of the front door rudely cut me off, before I could manage to send Caleb on his way. Jace strolled in with a very bubbly Emma following at his heels. He looked a little irritated.

Emma puckered her full red lips, while running a hand over her pink shirt that was only a few more breaths away from ripping off. “Hi again," she muttered. Then she tilted her head toward Caleb with a devious smile. “I see that you have company. Nice.” She walked over gently placing her hand in Caleb’s hand. “He’s cute.”

Caleb backed away from Emma’s unusual greeting, cheeks turning red, as he looked her up and down. “Thanks, I guess.” His eyes quickly shot across the room as Jace pulled his jacket off and hung it on the coat hook. “This must be that guy.” He raked his eyes over Jace disapprovingly while stepping closer to me.

Jace nodded his head when he acknowledged Caleb being in the room for what seemed to be for the first time. “Yeah, I’m that guy,” he said confidently. “Welcome to our home.”

Caleb’s eyes wandered over Jace’s body trying to size him up. Caleb knew that he was good looking but clearly, he had nothing on Jace’s bad boy good looks. Caleb had that sweet ‘take me home to mommy’ look.

We all stood there in awkward silence before Jace turned and headed for the kitchen. “Okay then. Who wants a drink?” The sound of clinking glasses filled the room as we all followed Jace into the kitchen. “Avery, I picked you up some Cherry Mcgillicuddy and Sprite.” He set the bottles in front of me and then pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels, not even bothering to acknowledge anyone else.

Caleb’s eyes followed Jace’s every move as he leaned against the counter, arms crossed over his chest in anger. “So that is what you drink.” Caleb growled in my direction, clearly jealous that Jace knew something about me that he hadn't.

Emma rolled her eyes, clearly not looking too thrilled either. She walked over, snaked her arm around Jace’s waist, and reached for his chest. "What about me Jace? Do you have anything for Margaritas?" she questioned, looking me in the eye with a wink. She was trying to get to me, and for unclear reasons, it was working.

Jace laughed while pushing her hand away from his chest. Then he walked over to the fridge and pulled out some Pepsi. "Nope. You'll just have to drink Jack or what Avery’s drinking. I was really only thinking about the two of us when I went shopping."

His words somehow caused my heart to speed up. I looked away embarrassed.

Emma peered over at me and rolled her big eyes. "I don't drink that sissy shit," she whined. "Give me some damn Jack." She moved away from Jace, jumping up on the black granite counter as he poured a few mixed drinks for everyone.

Caleb watched my reaction and then smoothly walked over and gripped me by the waist. I instinctively shook him off with a grunt. He knew better than to grab me. He gave me a dirty look, shook his head, and turned to face Jace. "I'll take a couple of shots," he said firmly.

Jace didn't even bother to look over as he grabbed four shot glasses and poured Jack into them. He slid two of the shots across the counter and kept two in front of him. "Enjoy," he said, as they both grabbed their shots and slammed them both back, watching each other with guarded eyes.

After the second shot, Caleb made a sour face and reached up to wipe his mouth off. "That's some good shit."

Jace just gave him a hard look and stepped away pressing his back against the counter. He gave me that calm smile that he usually wore and took a long sip of his drink.

Emma didn't waste any time striding her way over to Jace and planting a kiss on his lips. He stiffened up at first, almost as if to push her away, but didn't.

A pang of unwanted jealousy surged through me, suddenly forcing me to grab my drink and slam it back. I shakily wiped a hand over my mouth and leaned over, grabbing Caleb by the neck. Surprisingly, I found myself pushing him down into a chair and sitting on his lap.

I glanced up shortly to see Jace pulling away from Emma. It was too late by then.

I slammed my lips roughly against Caleb’s knocking his breath out. He didn’t hesitate before running his hands through my hair and trailing them down my body. I stiffened before pushing his hands behind his back. I still couldn’t handle his touch.

“Don’t stop," Emma whined.

I glanced up to see Jace looking directly at us with Emma tightly hanging on his neck. A dark look crossed his face as he wiped his mouth off, and clenched his jaw.

Looking at Jace’s handsome face made me want to go crazy. I couldn’t help myself so I took it out on Caleb. I placed both of my hands on Caleb’s face and pulled him closer, nibbling on his bottom lip. It tasted of Jack Daniels. I never cared for it much but was too involved to care.

Jace let out a long deep breath and then grabbed Emma up wrapping her long legs around him. He stood motionless, in a daze at first before walking away. I knew where he was going and I hated it for some reason.

"Ugh!" I grunted. I pushed my way out of Caleb’s lap and grabbed him by the shirt. "I want you right now," I blurted, before I could change my mind. “Come on.”

Caleb pushed me down the hallway, bouncing off the cream painted walls, before we both fell through my open door. He picked me up with a hunger and threw me on top of my bed, pressing his full lips to mine. "I'm so turned on right now," he moaned. He grabbed for my shirt to take it off but I stopped him. “What?" His eyes jumped around as he stared at me.

I jumped back when hearing a loud bang come from the room next to us. It sounded as if someone had fallen into the wall or rammed it. The thought of Jace slamming Emma into the wall angered me even more.

I roughly kissed Caleb while moaning loudly. I just wanted it to look bad. For some reason I wanted Jace to be bothered like I was. I wanted his heart to sink as mine had.