Page 47 of The Monster's Mate

Charity’s agony becomes so thick that I can hardly breathe.

Eldritch shoves himself out of his chair a second later as he clearly senses the same thing.

“We have to go.” I grab him by the shirt and siphon to Charity’s bedroom.

I pay little mind to the clothing I grab for her without acknowledging Eldritch’s questions. Once I feel like I have several options, I grasp on to Eldritch again and focus on our mate.

We siphon through the air, landing in a cabin.

Bane buttons and zips a pair of jeans that he must have had waiting here because the last time I saw him, he was nude. He jabs a finger at Charity, who sits on the edge of the bed.

She looks terrified.

I swirl through the air, dropping the clothing at her side. “No wishes, my love. Tell us what happened.”

“Help her get dressed,” Bane growls. “The dragons made a play to claim their heir.”

A shiver runs down my spine as Charity blinks at me with unshed tears in her big blue eyes.

She doesn’t have to say it for me to understand. She’ll trust Bane for now, but if it comes down to it, nothing will stop her from wishing, if the need arises.

I exhale heavily, waving Eldritch over. “Help her.”

He grabs the dress on top of the pile and shakes it out as I step over to Bane. He’s strapping himself into an unimaginable number of weapons.

“What do I do?” I ask, trying to figure out where I’m supposed to be.

“Go for Wraith and Knight,” he says, grabbing a coat off the hook and pulling it on. “Get one of them to collect Malice and Aline. Have all of them meet us at Meena’s. Hurry.”

My heart races, but I nod.

An instant later, I siphon through the air.

Wraith appears in front of me as I form. His head tilts as his massive void-like eyes blink eerily.

I spew everything I was told to say as Knight appears over Wraith’s shoulder.

“We’re going to need someone who can form a portal.” Knight scratches his jaw. “Doesn’t matter. We’ll figure it out together. I’ll go for Malice and Aline. You head to Meena’s.”

Wraith nods. “Tell Charity she will have the support of Haven at her back.”

My chest gets tight, and I nod before siphoning back to Bane’s cabin.

Eldritch pats the back of Charity’s head as he nuzzles his cheek to her temple. Bane must have loaned him some itemsbecause he’s strapped into leather braces with a dagger on his hip. “We will have him back by dinner tonight.”

My eyes fly to the windows.

The sun is just rising, but he knows as well as I do…time moves more quickly in Faere. We may be able to bring Veryn back in time for dinner in the human realm, and I’m certainly no expert on the time differential, but I’m fairly sure a few hours in our timeline equals days in Faere.

That just means every second counts.

I grab Bane’s arm, dragging him toward Eldritch.

As soon as we’re within reach, I hug Charity from behind. My magic drags all four of us into the siphon.

“If anything happens to him,” Bane snarls as soon as we land, “I’ll have your fucking head, witch!”

“Calm yourself.” Silence steps in front of the rabid dragon. His pastel green magic glows in his eyes and his hands as he blocks Bane’s path. “You have every right to be panicked, but it’s not Meena’s fault.”