However, Charity will likely be grateful to have Eldritch in his fae form, making now the perfect time to ask again.
Having Charity be the keeper of my jar is a far more enticing prospect than easily replaceable beverages.
Grabbing my jar from Nadia’s home takes no time at all.
If Charity accepts it, Wraith can finally be free of me.
Appearing at the bottom of the stairs in Charity’s great room, I glance around for the perfect location. I’m technically unable to place it down without her permission. Damn, I hope she’s awake, or I’ll have to return it to Wraith.
I jolt as a loud clatter comes directly at me from the stairs.
I spin around as Charity barrels into me.
My eyes widen as my jar goes flying.
It’s a split-second decision between allowing her to smack into the wooden flooring or saving my jar.
It’s quite the painful choice, emotionally.
Not physically.
I choose to protect my mate’s soft body, even though I’ve been told that, if my jar is destroyed, I will cease to exist.
My jaw falls.
Bane flies through the air, landing hard on his back next to Charity and me as he cradles my jar to his chest.
“Damn, woman,” he huffs, using his feet and shoulders to push himself off the floor in one fluid movement. “Do you have it out for the djinn?”
“Oh my god,” Charity whispers. “I’m so freaking sorry.”
I chuckle and siphon us to our feet, since apparently, Bane wanted to make me look bad with his ability to get upright without using his arms.
Brute strength will never be my greatest asset, but I have other desirable attributes.
I smirk down at Charity as she clutches on to my forearms for dear life.
“I need a favor,” I murmur.
“Anything,” she says as her pupils dilate before my very eyes.
“Since Wraith never made a wish and Bane just took ownership of my jar…” I give her a chagrined smile.
This could look like a setup, but I certainly didn’t plan its near destruction and Bane’s intervention. I simply hoped to bat my eyelashes seductively and comment on how nicely my jar fit her choice in home decor.
I offer some flirty lash batting, just for good measure. “Will you, as my mate, accept my jar?”
Charity’s eyes widen, and she nods tentatively. “Yes, I’m so sorry. I know how important it is. I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Give it no more thought.” I bring a hand up, brushing my fingers over her cheek. “You’ll need to physically take it from Bane.”
The dragon shrugs, holding out the three-foot-by-two-foot canister. “It’s kinda heavy, so be careful.”
Charity turns and collects it. “Do I need to put it anywhere in particular? Or do you have a favorite spot?”
I chuckle. “I do enjoy the kitchen, but my newfound love of cooking might be talking. How about near the fireplace?”
“That works for me,” she agrees, carefully taking the three steps down into the living room. She crosses to the mantel and places my jar down near the right side of the fireplace. “Do I need to say anything special?”