Page 1 of The Monster's Mate

Chapter One


The walk home from The Monster’s Den isn’t far. If anything, I enjoy the silence after a crazy night of managing monsters.

The chill in the air has me running my hands down my arms to try to warm up.

My head tilts, and I scan the street, preparing to get moving again.

My neighbor, Bane, used to walk me home every night. Ever since the incident with the wyvern, I’ve been managing on my own.

I should have known he was too pretty to trust—Bane, not the wyvern.

No man should be that gorgeous.

It’s unnatural.

“Hello, darling.” The airy Scottish voice belongs to Athos, the djinn.

Nadia and her demons, Knight and Wraith, brought him back from their adventures in North Falls.

The silvery-blue cloud appears before I can make out his features. Long, straight, silvery-white hair tumbles around his shoulders as he swirls into view.

I take a step back, though not because I’m afraid. It’s genuinely awe-inspiring to see him levitate with no bottom half. Sometimes I wish I had that ability, especially when my legs ache after an exceptionally long day.

The shimmery cloud that circles his middle is a cool trick, but I know from previous experience that he does have a full humanoid form. He just doesn’t use it regularly.

“What are you doing here, Athos?” My gaze slides up from the ring of smoke to take in his broad chest covered in black runes and sigils. It takes a few seconds, but my eyes land on his.

“My love”—he swirls closer—“as your mate, it’s my responsibility and greatest honor to ensure your safety.”

Good God, hearing him saymy lovein his accent is almost too much for my brain functionality.

A shy smile tugs at my lips as my head shakes. “That’s very considerate, but I’ve told you before…” My chest gets tight as I think of my wyvern. “Eldritch is my mate.”

Athos doesn’t miss a beat. “He was finally able to communicate his name?”

“Yeah, it’s just taking some time.” I mean, that’s what popped into my head while I was cuddling his beast one night, so I hope I’m not calling him by the wrong name.

“From what I understand.” Athos offers his elbow. “Nightmares are able to remove negative memories. It’s an extreme option, but if you’re sure he’s meant to be yours, it might be something worth considering.”

“Malice offered,” I say, referencing Aline’s nightmare demon mate. I loop my hand through Athos’s still-outstretched arm. “It just seems so extreme…”

“I’ve heard a bit of his history.” Athos guides us down the sidewalk toward my home. “Being kept prisoner and used to fuel Kash’s nefarious spells would have an effect on any one of us. That type of trauma is extreme, especially if his beast refuses toconcede control back to the man. If he can’t make the choice, you might find you have to. In my opinion, it’s the more merciful option.”

I sigh heavily.

This is a conversation I’ve had many times recently. And it’s not like I haven’t spent hours obsessing about what the right call is.

Eldritch’s wyvern refuses to pass control back to his more humanoid form. His monster was protecting him from the trauma of being held captive and being tormented by Kash, but he’s safe now.

He has been for weeks.

Everyone’s patience is wearing thin at having a massive nine-foot wyvern in animal form running around town.

“If you were in a similar situation, you’d want your mate to make that call for you?” I tilt my head, studying Athos as he hovers at my side.

His forward movement stops, and he shimmers away, only to appear directly in front of me. “Mates are sacred. A gift from an otherwise cruel universe. They’re always a perfect match—genetically, emotionally,spiritually, physically.If you truly believe a matebond exists between the two of you, then you must understand. You’re physically incapable of making a choice that would hurt your other half.” His silvery-blue hand raises to brush my light brown hair back. “And for the record, I would trust you implicitly if I were in his place.”