Instead of saying anything, Savannah walked right into Fallon. She slid her hands from Fallon’s wrists to her arms and to her neck, cupping her cheeks next. The grin never went away as she leaned up on her toes and pressed their mouths together.
“I’d love to be with you,” Savannah whispered. “I’d love to know you’re here to support me, through thick and thin, and I have no doubt that once you make a decision you’re all in on it.”
“I am,” Fallon answered, her heart thundering loudly. “I won’t hold back with you. Not anymore.”
“At least you won’t do it on purpose,” Savannah corrected, touching their lips together again. “I won’t forget that you’re not perfect.”
Fallon moved quickly. She threaded her fingers into Savannah’s hair, holding onto the back of her head as she tilted forward. Sliding her tongue along Savannah’s lower lip, Fallon kissed her with everything she had. She moved, she sighed, she held on. Fallon kept close, wanting and needing Savannah tounderstand how pivotal this moment was. It wasn’t one that she would forget. It wasn’t one that she was going to let go, either.
This was a moment just for them moving forward.
Savannah groaned. She slid her hands around Fallon’s back, sliding her fingers up and under Fallon’s shirt. The sensation of Savannah against her, the soft touches, the heated kisses, Fallon couldn’t keep control of herself any longer. She was ready to melt into Savannah, let Savannah hold her and keep her there, let Savannah take that tenuous control she was so unwilling to give up, even on her best days.
“I don’t take it you brought the strap,” Savannah whispered, her breath hot against Fallon’s ear.
Groaning in frustration, Fallon dropped her forehead to Savannah’s shoulder. “I never anticipate these things.”
Savannah chuckled, her voice low and seductive. “Then it’s a damn good thing that after the last time, I decided to buy my own.”
Fallon’s lips curled. She pressed a kiss against Savannah’s hot neck, her own joy pouring from her body without resistance. Quickly, Fallon flipped them around and pushed Savannah into the counter. She ran her hands down Savannah’s sides and back up, palming her breasts and massaging gently.
“Thinking ahead is one of your talents.”
“Thank God for it.” Savannah kissed her again, this time stealing Fallon’s breath.
They melded together, touching and tasting. Anticipation filled Fallon’s chest, her entire body, and she was ready. Never in her life could she reasonably say that. But she was ready for this. She’d thought about every possibility, about every downside and every fear. And none of those compared to this.
Pure and simple. Well, not simple, but definitely pure. Fallon wasn’t going to give this up, not just yet. Not until she knew if it would be worth it in the end, whatever that end might be.
“I’m not sorry to say that I’m glad Brinley isn’t here tonight,” Fallon whispered into Savannah’s shoulder as she pressed kisses against the top of her chest, over her voluptuous breasts. Daring a chance, Fallon dipped her tongue out and tasted Savannah’s salty skin.
“Why’s that?” Savannah’s breath came in short rasps.
“I want you to be free to scream.”
“Oh God.” Savannah tossed her head back.
Fallon immediately moved her mouth against the column of Savannah’s throat. She kept Savannah tight against her, touching and tasting.
“Oh God,” Savannah repeated. “Bedroom.”
Savannah kept Fallon’s hand tightly in hers as she walked down the short hallway to her bedroom. Leaving the door open, she immediately spun and captured Fallon’s lips again. She wasn’t sure she could ever get enough of her kisses, of her touches.
If they could stay like this, then Savannah knew they wouldn’t have any issues. Or rather, she wouldn’t have any issues. Fallon never had problems with sex. This was where they thrived. Fallon leaned in, nipping at Savannah’s ear and flicking her tongue over it.
Moaning, Savannah’s knees went weak.
“Whatever you’re thinking, stop it,” Fallon whispered before going back to nibbling on Savannah’s ear.
“I wish it were that simple.” Savannah kissed Fallon’s cheek and then her jaw. “But now that we’re here, my stomach is churning.”