Page 56 of Imperfectly Perfect

The door opened, and Savannah looked stunning. Her hair was in waves around her shoulders, her eyes were bright in ways they hadn’t been the last time Fallon had seen her. Fallon’s lips parted, and her heart raced. She wanted to step in and press their mouths together, kiss Savannah until they needed breath.

Savannah’s lips pulled upward to the side in a half-smile. “You can kiss me.”

“Thank God.” Fallon wrapped her hand in Savannah’s hair against the back of her neck and pulled her tight.

Fallon’s mouth brushed across Savannah’s before she dove in. Their tongues tangled. Fallon’s eyes fluttered shut, and she poured everything she had into this one kiss. With the way she’d left the other week, she wasn’t sure this would ever happen again. Turning Savannah into the wall by the door, Fallon pressed into her and held her in place.

“Touch me,” Savannah murmured against Fallon’s mouth.

Fallon kicked the door closed and fumbled for the lock. Finally, her fingers brushed across the deadbolt, and she flickedit. She didn’t want to move. Everything she wanted tonight was right here at the tip of her fingers, and she was scared if she slipped to the side too far that Savannah would pull back and stop everything.

Kissing down Savannah’s neck to the top of her chest, Fallon pushed her hands up under Savannah’s shirt to touch her hot skin. She groaned at the thought of what was coming next, soft tender flesh, hot, supple. Fallon flicked the side of her thumb over Savannah’s nipple as she cupped her breast under the strain of her bra. Savannah moaned, arching her back and pushing toward Fallon.

“Do you like that?” Fallon asked, trailing kisses up Savannah’s neck to her mouth.

“Yes.” Savannah tightened her grasp on Fallon’s hips, holding her close. “Yes, do it again.”

Fallon complied, teasing Savannah’s nipple under the fabric of her clothes. She’d never thought in her wildest dreams that this would be where they ended up tonight. She’d thought without a doubt that Savannah had called her over to end their relationship, to finish it swiftly and easily. Sucking Savannah’s lip between her teeth, Fallon nibbled and released.

“Bedroom?” Fallon asked.

Savannah didn’t answer verbally. She pushed Fallon’s shoulders back and stepped away, sliding between Fallon and the wall until she was free from both. She tossed acome hitherlook over her shoulder and started down the short hallway.

Fallon could barely drag her gaze away from Savannah’s ass as she followed. The sway from side to side was the most glorious thing she’d ever seen. There was confidence in every step, a sense of knowing who she was and where she was going. Fallon had worked hard to find that in her own life, and she was glad to see Savannah had found the same.

Once inside Savannah’s bedroom, Fallon nearly drooled. Savannah was already stripping off her shirt and her pajama shorts. “Did you bring the strap?”

Fallon shook her head sharply. “I wasn’t sure what the invitation was for.”

Savannah paused, slowly dropping her shirt onto the floor next to the bed. “I thought this was what our relationship was about.”

“It is, but after the other week, I wasn’t sure if that was still on the table.”

“Why wouldn’t it be?” Savannah squinted, coming closer to where Fallon stood. She trailed her hands up Fallon’s arms to her shoulders, cupping her cheeks. “I never said I wanted to stop.”

“It was just a concern, one that doesn’t matter anymore.” Fallon moved into Savannah, wrapping her arms around Savannah’s back and dipping down to kiss her. There was far more comfort in Savannah’s arms than she ever anticipated. She thought they’d have a deeper connection because of their tentative friendship, but whatever they’d found was beyond her wildest imagination.

“Good to hear,” Savannah murmured before walking backward toward the bed. She climbed onto it, resting on her back.

Fallon immediately undid the buttons on her blouse and stepped out of her heels. Savannah slid her fingers between her legs and touched herself while Fallon pulled the edges of her blouse apart. As soon as she looked up and made eye contact, Savannah closed her legs over so Fallon couldn’t see what was happening.

“Don’t do that,” Fallon said gently. “Let me watch. I enjoy it.”

Savannah’s cheeks were fire-engine red. She shook her head, her eyes wide. But Fallon couldn’t tell if that was fear or something else.

“Why not?” Fallon asked, uneasiness settling into the top of her chest.

“I don’t look good doing it.”

“No one looks good having sex.” Fallon scrunched her nose and reached to her waist to undo the snap and zipper on the slacks she’d worn all day.

“Yeah, but I look awful.”

Fallon froze mid-motion with her fingers hooked in her waistband. She raised her gaze and stared directly at Savannah. “I don’t even know what to say to that.”

Savannah’s mouth opened and closed in silence several times before she shook her head in bewilderment. Fallon felt the same. She stood still, half undressed, and she looked directly at Savannah. She had no idea what to do next. Continue or stop? Say something or ignore? And Savannah wasn’t giving her any hints.

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be here.” Fallon clenched her fists tightly, still not moving any closer. Something about this made her want to keep her distance. She needed to make sure the space between them was still there for her own sake.