“Good, because I expect a bit of screaming.”
Savannah gave a nervous smile as she led the way back to her bedroom. They weren’t going to tease their way into sex this time like they did last time. Granted, the text messages had gone from pointedly asking sexual questions to more support through Savannah’s grieving in the last week. But she missed the teasing that they’d had with each other, and she wanted it back.
With the door shut, Savannah’s nerves worked deeper into her belly. She sat awkwardly on the edge of her full-sized bed and watched as Fallon set her bag into the corner of the room and put her hands on her hips, staring her down.
“Are there any rules that you want me to be aware of when it comes to Brinley? What to say to her ornotto say to her?” Fallon started with the buttons on her blouse, pulling them one at a time and revealing smooth creamy skin.
“Oh, um, don’t tell her anything untrue. She’s very discerning.”
“Good to know.” Fallon pulled her blouse off and dropped it to the floor next to her bag, right along with her heels, which she slipped out of. Fallon reached to her side and slid down the zipper on her pencil skirt.
Savannah couldn’t take her eyes off of every single move that Fallon made. She was completely entranced—or at least she wanted to be. Instead, her mind kept bobbing around from topic to topic. “I mean, don’t tell Brin that we’re dating or something like that.”
“Because we’re not,” Fallon said as she stepped closer, her bare feet sinking into the carpet as her hips swayed from side to side. Fallon was nearly naked, and Savannah was still completely covered by her pajama shorts and loose tank top.
“Right, we’re not.” Savannah couldn’t find words. She wanted to tell Fallon what she was feeling, but they weren’t here for feelings, were they? That much was clear with how she’d invited Fallon over that night. They were here to fuck, not to make nice or compliment each other. Something about tonight felt far more like a booty call than the last time they’d done this.
“I won’t tell her anything about what we do in here.” Fallon bent down, pressing her mouth to Savannah’s.
Turning her chin up to meet Fallon’s mouth, Savannah pushed herself into the kiss. She wanted to forget the awkwardness, forget what she was worried about, and forget that she wasn’t as confident with her body as she used to be. The extra weight and all those years of unplanned celibacy were doing a number on her brain.
“I’ve been thinking about this a lot,” Fallon murmured against Savannah’s mouth. She covered Savannah, pushing her into the mattress.
Warmth filled Savannah’s chest. This wasn’t just sex. Not with the way that Fallon was talking, not with the softness in her voice. They’d spent hours together not having sex. They’d spent time consoling each other, sharing their pain and their hurt. Opening herself up, Savannah wrapped her arms around Fallon’s back, gliding her fingers along Fallon’s smooth skin.
She’d needed this.
Because it was more than sex. It was connection. It was enjoyment. Digging her heels into the mattress, Savannah pushed up with her hips and flipped them over. She effectively pinned Fallon between her and the bed, and nipped at Fallon’s lower lip.
“I’m so glad you’re here tonight,” Savannah whispered against Fallon’s skin.
“Me too.”
Stripping off her tank, Savannah shifted her hips. She didn’t want to crush Fallon’s smaller frame by any means, and that fear raced through her. Fallon skimmed her hands up Savannah’s sides, over her hips and along her breasts. Savannah bent her head, covering Fallon’s nipple with her mouth. She flicked her tongue over the hardened nub and then sucked.
Fallon groaned, digging her fingers deeper into Savannah’s sides and wiggling under her touch. “I haven’t been able to get your fingers out of my mind.” Fallon’s laugh was dry. “Or your mouth.”
Savannah’s cheeks heated, but it wasn’t embarrassment. Rather it was hope and passion. She’d felt exactly the same, and she was more than excited for the fact that Fallon had agreed to do this again. “Tell me what you want me to do this time.”
“Anything with your mouth. You’re wicked with it.” Fallon bumped her hips up against Savannah. “Take your shorts off though. I only want you.”
Savannah climbed off Fallon’s lap and did as she was told. The chilly air was more than she’d anticipated, and goosebumps formed along her skin on her legs and her arms. Her bed was so much smaller than Fallon’s, but it was what she had. They were going to have to be far more careful with what they did because of that.
“Please tell me you have a strap,” Fallon murmured when Savannah climbed back on top of her.
“I don’t. I never…” Savannah stopped. She’d been about to say she hadn’t needed one, not with Forrest. He’d never have allowed something like that to happen. But even before and after, she’d never thought she’d be doing something like thisagain. She’d always thought that she would be lonely and old and gray.
“I’ll bring one next time.”
“Next time?” Savannah asked, pressing her crotch onto Fallon’s smooth leg. The pressure was brilliant, and exactly what she’d wanted in the moment.
“Oh yes, we’re definitely doing this as many times as humanly possible.” Fallon pulled on Savannah’s hips, encouraging her to come down on top of her. Complying, Savannah pressed their mouths together in a heated kiss.
She stopped talking and started focusing only on touching Fallon. Fallon had brought her so much pleasure before, and Savannah just wanted to do the exact same if she could. Savannah snaked her hand down Fallon’s body, caressing each breast before cupping the back of Fallon’s neck.
Climbing off the bed, she stood at the side of it and pulled on Fallon’s calves until she was much closer to the edge. Bending down, Savannah pressed delicate kiss after wet kiss along Fallon’s smooth skin.
Fallon threw her hands over her head, gripping at the bedsheets, trying to find something to hold on it, but she didn’t manage it. “Want me in you?”