Page 37 of Imperfectly Perfect

Savannah froze. She’d never thought about Fallon as an orphan. She’d never thought of Fallon in any way other than who she was today. But she had nearly thirty years on Savannah’s grief. She had decades of life lived and grief learned. Savannah was so new at this.

“How do we make space?” Savannah asked, sure there was no answer that Fallon could give.

Fallon sighed heavily. She brought Savannah’s hand up to her lips and pressed a kiss to the skin. When she relaxed again, Fallon looked directly into Savannah’s eyes. There was sadness there that Savannah had never seen before. Was it because Fallon had hidden it or because Savannah hadn’t even bothered to look for it before now?

“We make it, just like we are right now.”


Shaking her head, Fallon pushed to stand up. “I was about to go to the store to get something for dinner. What do you say we order something in, open a bottle of wine, and watch something cheesy and easy?”

“If you’re talking about cheesy as in real cheese, I think you’re going to be hard pressed to find something good.”Savannah watched as Fallon walked back toward the door and snagged her phone from her purse. “I don’t really want to watchRatatouilleagain.”

“I was thinking morePulp Fiction.” Fallon laughed as she came back to the couch and plopped down next to Savannah.

“I like that idea much better.” Savannah immediately found herself curling up against Fallon’s side. There was something safe here that she didn’t want to give up. It might not have been words or actions, but it was a feeling. One she’d longed for, and one she was glad to have found.

“Then let’s do it.”


“Savannah!” Fallon exclaimed in her surprise.

“I wanted to thank you again for the other night.” Savannah slid a box across Fallon’s desk.

Fallon’s stomach twisted. She glanced furiously at Athena’s office door. It was closed—thank God—but she knew that inside was not just Athena but Monti. This was a disaster waiting to happen.

“You don’t have an appointment today,” Fallon mumbled, trying her best to keep herself pulled together. She couldn’t have this happening. If Monti saw them together, then she would know exactly what the other night had been about. Athena might not be that observant, but Monti wasn’t clueless. And if Monti figured it out, then she would tell Athena, and if Athena knew—it might all have to end.

“I know, but I was in the area meeting up with another coach, and I thought I’d stop by and drop this off.” Savannah pushed the small box across the desk even further, leaving it right in front of Fallon.

“I told you to stop bringing me gifts.” Fallon snatched the box up and didn’t open it. She set it to the side of her desk and stood up, needing to be on her feet for this impending disaster.

“Yeah, but it felt fitting. Another gift for another apology of running all over your night.”

“You didn’t…” Fallon stopped, hearing Monti’s voice through Athena’s closed door. Savannah must have noticed Fallon’s energy and the furtive glances she kept giving the door because her smile faltered. “Let’s get together tonight, okay?”

“I have Brin tonight.”

“Tomorrow. I promise, I’m not worried about the other night at all.” Fallon stepped around the desk, coming to stand right in front of Savannah. Why was she so worried about this? Other than Athena might find it inappropriate and force her to choose. At this point, Fallon wasn’t sure she’d be able to.

The door to Athena’s office clicked open.

Fallon’s heart sank. She wrapped her hands behind her back and then immediately moved them in front of her body, remembering at the last minute that Athena preferred to see hands. Monti stepped through the doors, her eyes alighting on Fallon standing up and then Savannah standing next to her. She faltered slightly, something that only Fallon would notice, before she glanced over her shoulder and back into the office.

“I think there might be someone here for you, Athena.”

“No, I’m not.” Savannah gave Monti a wry smile. “I was just dropping something off. I don’t have an appointment.”

Athena joined them, her cool blue eyes locking on Savannah before immediately pinning Fallon. This was the disaster. It was right here in front of Fallon’s eyes, and there was nothing she would be able to do to stop it. It was all screeching to a huge halt right now.

“Monti, this is Savannah Logan. Savannah, this is Monti.” Athena was the first one to break the silence.

“My sister,” Fallon mumbled the words. She didn’t move her gaze to Savannah, too scared to see what Savannah would thinkor say. Instead, she left her gaze locked on Athena, wondering just exactly what was about to happen.

“It’s good to meet you.” Savannah put out her hand and walked toward Monti. The expectedFallon’s told me so much about younever happened. Because Fallon hadn’t. She’d barely spoken about Monti or the fact that her sister was dating her boss, or the complications that brought to her job and her relationship with everyone involved.

“You too,” Monti touched Savannah’s hand lightly, tossing a curious glance over her shoulder toward Fallon. She looked to Athena, as if expecting some sort of explanation as to who Savannah was, but no one in the room was going to give it. Not unless Savannah broke that silence.