Page 13 of Imperfectly Perfect

Fallon nodded and opened the day in Athena’s calendar. “Three in the afternoon.”

“Sure.” Savannah typed furiously on her phone, putting the date into her calendar.

Fallon did the same, trying to avoid looking at Savannah, but it was so damn hard. When she was done, she stared up intoSavannah’s deep brown eyes and just waited. What she wanted to happen next, Fallon had no idea, but surely it would be something, right? Savannah wouldn’t leave without a pleasant word or a comment about what they should be doing together.

Was the other week a fluke?

Or had Savannah enjoyed herself as much as Fallon had?

Would there be a reprise?

“I brought you something,” Savannah said, sliding her phone into her oversized purse.

Fallon furrowed her brow and canted her head to the side. She locked her eyes on Savannah’s. “You brought me something?”

“Yeah, I saw it the other day and couldn’t stop thinking about you.” Reaching into that gray oversized purse, Savannah rummaged around until she pulled out a small round of cheese and set it on the desk right in front of Fallon. Her lips curled up sharply, and she looked so damn pleased with herself.

Couldn’t stop thinking about you…

The words echoed in Fallon’s mind. When she looked into Savannah’s eyes, Fallon had missed that gaze over the days in between. She’d only gotten a glimpse of that when they’d gone to the wine bar. It was a look of cocky confidence and self-satisfaction that she was doing something right.

“You brought me cheese?” Fallon raised her eyebrow at the round of cheese before flicking her gaze up to meet Savannah’s. “You can’t bring me gifts.”

“Why?” Savannah’s face fell slightly, but that happy look was right back in place. Was it only a mask? What would it take to find out if the real Savannah was just that damn happy or if it was a way she acted to please everyone around her?

“Because it can be seen as inappropriate or bribing.” Fallon lifted the cheese and looked at it. It was smoked, aged cheddar, one of her favorites. Savannah hadn’t forgotten their discussionwhile at the wine bar. How much had she thought about that night out in the last few weeks since they’d seen each other? Just as much as Fallon had? Or more?

“I didn’t… It’s not, though. I didn’t even think about that.” Savannah frowned, a moment of sadness descending on her entire body. How long would it stay there before Savannah pushed it to the side?

“I wouldn’t expect you to.” Fallon set the cheese back down. She would have to check with Athena about whether or not she could keep it. “Give me a minute.”

Fallon stood up immediately and walked directly into Athena’s office. Nerves swirled in her belly. She’d never done something like this before. She was always the professional—or at least she tried to be. But ever since Monti had sort of come back into her life and really come into Athena’s, the line between professional and personal had been blurred.

“Got a second?” Fallon asked as she knocked on the door.

“Sure.” Athena straightened her back and put her hands on the top of the desk, two open books in front of her already that she’d been reading.

Fallon bit the inside of her cheek and shut the door behind her. “I don’t know what to do about Savannah.”

Athena canted her head to the side, her brows furrowing. Fallon nearly growled at herself. She wasn’t explaining this well because she had no idea how to even begin. It wasn’t like she was interested in anything with Savannah. She had no desire to even be in a relationship with anyone.

“I think she wants to go out again.” Was it that or was it that Fallon wanted to?

“Are you considering dating her?” Athena was always someone who could cut straight to the point. Fallon appreciated that right now because she was floundering in trying to get this question out.

Shaking her head, Fallon crossed her arms. “No. But she brought me a gift, as another apology, and I didn’t want it to be a conflict—”

Athena put her hand up, stopping Fallon mid-sentence. “You’re allowed to have friends, Fallon. By no means do I want to control your life.”

“I know that. I just… with the case, I didn’t want to cause anything that might harm it.”

Athena’s lips pressed together hard, her gaze narrowing. She hollowed her cheeks and sucked in a sharp breath before shaking her head slightly. “I’m not sure we’ll be going to trial or even filing anything.”

“Oh.” Disappointment rang through Fallon’s tone. She’d just assumed since they were still having meetings that Athena had already agreed to take on the case. There must have been something else going on that she wasn’t aware of, something that would create a doubt that Athena could win or even make some sort of change overall.

“Savannah is the sister. What I really need is the wife.” Athena crossed her arms and leaned back in her office chair. “The case would be much stronger and perhaps relevant with that. Savannah can’t do much from her position.”

Fallon flexed her fingers, her chest tightening a bit. Did Savannah understand that? She hadn’t seemed worse for wear when she’d come out of the meeting with Athena. Or did Savannah simply have such a sunny disposition that even bad news like that wouldn’t taint that smile?