AIMES (2:12 PM): Can you come get me?

She attempts to stare at the screen for a while, but the code now makes a mockery of her, and it's too much to even contemplate trying to fix anything else.

It's not like her heart is pounding, but something isn't right. Her landlord should've called, not the nebulous government official. Well, they most definitely have everything of hers tracked, but.


TALL GUY (2:20 PM): No.

She flips up the phone, dialing Katya.

"He says my cats are safe," she says, quick.

There's a moment of heavy breathing from Katya. "Good." But it’s...strange. Like a voice box, someone imitating her voice but not actually speaking like her.

"Can you come pick me up?" She asks, tentative, the skin on the back of her arms prickling. "Jake can't, and I want to check..."

There's a choked off sound, like Katya's crying a bit, but her voice is just as professional as before. "I'm sending Miri." There's something, a crackle off the phone, something in the background.

The hair on her arms rise up. "Thanks."

And Aimes spends the next forty-five minutes staring at the computer screen, something off.

Katya shouldn't sound like that, even in crisis. It's as if she was spoken to by two different people, both with Katya's voice.

Iakov should be able to get her, even if she's in danger. Even if he's in danger. He got her out of Vegas, and can get her out of this.

Breathing hard, she grips the handle of the bronze knife in her purse, waiting.

* * *

Miri doesn't havea hair out of place, but her eyes are wide as she regards Aimes's grim face as Aimes climbs into her car. "I want you to know that I do not want to do this," she says, her honeyed voice grim. "I don't want any part of this."

Aimes nods as she buckles herself up. "Sorry."

The car, one of those rickety old Corolla's that's still stick shift, jerks into motion, and Miri drives it way more white knuckled than is normal. "You shouldn't...go into the apartment." Miri says, her voice reluctant. "It'll probably be not safe."

"If your apartment burned down, would you want to go see what's left?" Aimes snaps, leaning her head against the cool glass of the window, watching as the 210 becomes the 134.

Miri grips the wheel tighter. "Not if demigods were the one that burned them down." She spits out. "I'd run. I'd run away and never come back."

Aimes glances at her. "Is Katya okay?"

Miri's lips thin. "Haven't seen her today, just got an email to pick you up with the deets." Her profile darkens, her brow drawing down. "I can't believe she'd send you there," she says, soft, almost contemplative. "She should've.."

There's a long silence, with just the bumps in the road for music. "She should've what?"

Miri shakes her head and purses her lips even further. "Not my place to question the boss."

Aimes turns in her seat and faces her. "What."

With a yank, Miri pulls them over to the shoulder of the freeway and jerks the car to a stop, and the seat belts pull Aimes back with a shock. "Are you sure you spoke with Katya?" She asks, earnest. Horns blare at them streaming down the side of the freeway, but she pays them no attention.

Aimes blinks at her, and Miri is wide-eyed and innocent looking as possible. "It was her voice."

"It was her voice, but was it her?" She asks, slowly.

Taking a deep breath and ignoring the many honks, Aimes stares her in the eyes. "I don't know."