"That'd be Miss Government," Iakov says, as if desperate to insert himself into the conversation. "She does that."

Trixie still isn't acknowledging him. "Aimes, if you married him against your will, we can do something about that." Her voice is satisfyingly grave. "If he kidnapped you --"

"I didn't," Iakov interjects.

"If he kidnapped you, we can have him arrested, and you won't have to deal with..." she looks, significant, at Aimes’s hand, still held in Iakov's.

And there's still no way Aimes can see getting out of this one without even more conflict. "Iakov, can you give us a moment?"

He gives her the most unimpressed look. "No."

She rolls her eyes at him. "I'm safe with her, just...go in the other room?"

His eyes narrow, as if she doesn't quite understand what she's asking. "What, and get questioned by Katya's pet Succubi?"

"Succubi?" Trixie blurts out, then, at their identical nonplussed looks, "oh my god you weren't kidding."

Aimes gives his hand a quick squeeze, then withdraws her hand, despite the pang it gives her. His eyebrows draw up, and he gives her such a brief glimpse of distress that a lump forms in her throat. "A few minutes. Miri's harmless."

"I'm not scared of her," he grumbles, but miracle on miracle he stands up, wincing. He gives her another long look, the sort of look that would be scandalous in any other situation, then steps out.

The moment the door clicks closed, Trixie throws her arms around Aimes. "Oh my god," she whispers, voice thick. "Oh my god I'm so glad you're okay."

Aimes awkwardly pats her on the back, noticing for the first time that the IV is out. "I'm okay, this...this isn't even the first time it's happened."

Trixie pulls away, her eyebrows drawn, before her face clears. "That weird flu thing." She blurts out. "That weird flu thing at the grocery store."

Aimes nods.

"That long ago?" Trixie grips her arms, still clearly wanting to hug but actually wanting to see her face more. "That was like...8 months ago or something." A thread of hurt wounds its way through her voice. "Why didn't you say anything?"

Aimes looks around the tiny little hospital room. "How would you explain this?"

"Aimes, I saw the guy disappear and then reappear eight feet away. Have him do that, just, you know, not with you in a hospital bed this time?" Her fingers dig in on her arms, trembling a bit. "I thought you were dead. You looked dead."

Aimes takes the moment to rub her arms like they used to do in college. "I'm okay," she pauses. "I'll be okay, it doesn't...it doesn't actually do any damage? Just hurts?"

Trixie gives her the glare. "That doesn't help." Her voice cracks. "Jesus, why didn't you tell me?"

Aimes doesn't have an answer for that, so she pulls her back into a hug. Trixie clings to her back.

From the corner of the room, Katya politely coughs, startling them both. "She would be violating the law, that's why," she says, handing a cup of water to Aimes. "It's not as if she didn't want to."

Aimes shoots her a grateful look, which she takes with a nod.

Trixie squares off on Katya, squints, then scoffs. "You met her before you got punched, didn't you?" She asks, then shuts her eyes. "Oh my god, the guy punching, was that related?"

Katya nods, and she has her professional composure back. "Aimes has faced some prejudice based on this." She even has her clinical tone out in force. "It has not been an easy transition, and she is very grateful to have you as a friend during it."

"Don't talk like I'm not here," Aimes grouches, hauling herself up so she can swing her feet off the bed. "Can I go home?"

Katya's eyebrows raise, but only for a second. "Not yet, Iakov's calling in a professional warder."

"He's not enough of one?" Aimes asks. If Iakov, scared, paranoid Iakov who didn't even want her to know who she was, was calling someone else, it must be bad.

Though the bloody sheets and the rattling breath were enough proof of that. Her skin runs cold as she sips her water.

"He wants better," Katya says, as if it’s the most blasé conversation ever. "This week....this week did not go well."