KATYA (11:56 AM): You're back though?
AIMES (11:56 AM): yeah. He was gone before I woke up tho.
Trixie slides into the booth next to her, pours herself a mug of coffee, and sighs. "How long till you travel again?" She asks, plaintive.
It takes her a few seconds to think. "I'm in North Carolina next Thursday, but I'll be back same day."
Her phone buzzes.
KATYA (12:01 PM): Can you stop by Flasks this evening?
AIMES (12:01 PM): Sure.
"Well, if you're back same day, I'm going to Vegas this weekend, wanna come?" She's overly casual, which sets off all the alarm bells in Aimes's head that this is way more important.
The waiter takes their orders, before Aimes turns back. "What's in Vegas?"
"Male strippers." Trixie says, immediate. "And an interior design convention. And Kristopher has this big lawyer thing and he can't come along anymore, and I bought two tickets for pretty much everything."
"Was he going to go to the male strippers with you?" Aimes elbows her, and gets rewarded with a smile.
"Actually, they were his idea. Said he wanted to learn some tricks." Trixie raises the eyebrow again, as if daring her to call her out. "But his case...thingie...went south."
"I'll see if I can get my return flight changed to Vegas instead of Burbank, so I don't have to bounce as much."
The idea of travelling again sounds soul sucking.
It has been years since they last had a girl weekend in Vegas, years. Rocky disapproved of it on concept, and Trixie hates going alone, so they just...hadn't.
Trixie watches her a bit too intensely, but nods, and she has the sudden feeling that she agreed to something too quickly.