Something continuously beeps, and the noise grinds my gears.
“Come on, moya Printsessa,” Killian’s voice filtered in. “You need to wake up, I need you.” His breath hit my ear, his voice low, and as if I dared to think, scared. “We have things to discuss, moya Printsessa, and I need you to wake up.”
Darkness took me once again before I even attempted to do anything.
I jerked awake, my eyes flying open. The bright light blinded me, and right away I glanced at the windows. Blinds and curtains were over them, but not doing much to keep the sunlight out. My eyes peeked around the room. The bed I’m lying on sits in the middle of the room. The wall in front of me and to the right is covered in windows, and one has a bench in front of it, while the windows to the right have two accent chairs.
The room is cozy and warm.
Taking a deep breath, I was hit with a rich warm vanilla. But a small hint of that woodsy smoke again. I’ve always loved that smell; the warm vanilla mixed with the smoke. I took a deep breath, letting out a sigh of relief.
Heavy footsteps had me tensing, realizing I had no idea where I was and who was walking quickly to me.
The moment I was ready to open my mouth and scream, the door swung open. Killian’s large frame filled the door, and his eyes immediately latched onto mine.
His eyes widened when he noticed I was fully awake.
My tongue darted out, wetting my lips. His eyes tracked my movement, and they flared.
“You’re awake,” he murmured.
Giving him a jerky nod, pain shot down my body. Crying out in pain, I clenched my eyes closed. Pleading for it to go away, for everything to just go away.
“Here, drink this.” He sounded closer, and I blinked my eyes open. He held out a glass of what I was assuming was water, with a straw. Holding it closer to my mouth, I flushed in embarrassment when he held the straw to my mouth.
Sucking it down within seconds, I gasped for air as soon as I drank the rest of the water.
“What h—happened?” I whispered, my voice cracking, and my throat closing up.
“You don’t remember the accident?” he asked, carefully watching my face.
Suddenly the air left my lungs, as everything came flooding back. Our argument, me leaving, finally walking away. Someone had followed me to the cliff where my car rolled down. I blacked out until I heard Killian calling me.
All I remember is numbness. I couldn’t feel anything.
My eyes darted down, my right arm held in a sling, my right wrist in a cast. The pain coursed through my body. My eyes glanced to my left leg, a cast going all the way from my toes to just below my knee.
“Stop crying so fucking much!” Holly screamed at me. Following me from my bedroom to the top of the stairs. “Who cares your little fuck buddy left you, who would even want you?” she muttered.
“Why are you even here!” I yelled back, swinging my glare at her. She had no idea what she was talking about. I wasn’t crying.
Not anymore.
I refused to cry over him anymore. It’d been three months.
Three long months.
Twelve weekends.
Thirty-six days.
All those days of me just sitting on the swings waiting for him to come back.
The texts and calls I’d sent.