Page 53 of Love and War

“And you?”

“Her boyfriend.”

“Alright, her boyfriend, how is she doing?”

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I glanced back down at her suddenly too small frame.

“She’s barely hanging on; her left leg is bent at an angle. There’s blood everywhere, and I can’t see where it’s coming from. She hasn’t moved her arms, and I’m not sure if it’s because she can’t or what. I don’t know.” I sighed, forcing myself not to cry in front of this grown man.

The whole time he nodded his head, strapping a harness around himself. He turned and started speaking to two other medics behind him that I hadn’t even noticed.

“Alright, this is going to be tricky, but that’s okay.” He finishes setting himself up. “I’m going to need you to step aside while I try and work this door open.”

Nodding, I stepped back, bracing myself against a tree.

“Hi, doll, my name’s Tony.” The medic smiled at my girl. I clenched my hand, knowing that he’s just doing this to help her. Working the door open, I tried to see around him, but I’m unable to.

“Alright, now tell me, you got feeling in your arms?”

“Yeah,” she croaked out.

“That’s good, very good. My friend on the other side there, his name is Henry and we’re going to get you out of here, okay?”


I watched as they worked a board underneath her. Minutes passed in uncomfortable silence.

“What’s your boyfriend's name?” Tony asked.

“K—Killian.” I smiled at the fact she hadn’t corrected him.

“Alright, I’m going to have Killian come over here and hold this board so we can get this brace around your neck. He looks strong enough to hold this up, right?”

She hummed, not sure if she’s in agreement. Climbing over a few branches, I did as Tony said. Holding the board, with Aziza half lying on top of it.

She winced as Tony began placing the brace around her neck. I watched as Tony searched around to see where she’s trapped.

“The seatbelt is around her waist, it’s the only thing keeping her in place. I’m going to cut it off of her, and I need you ready for her entire weight to be placed on this board.”

Nodding my head, I’d do anything to get her out. Holding this with her weight on top is nothing.

“Conformation, Killian.”

“I got her,” I growl.

Ten minutes later, Aziza was free, and placed with her back on the board. Her neck was in a brace, along with three splints. Her leg was a mangled mess, and both arms are in splints.

“Killian,” she cried out as they began carrying her up the hill towards the road.

“I’m here, moya Printsessa,” I murmured beside her. “I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”

Heaven or Hell, I’m following her.



Ipacedbackandforth. Zane stood in the doorway, arms crossed as usual, while Dimitri sat in the chair on his phone. A nurse tried to hand me paperwork a few minutes ago, asking for insurance and other health information. It angered me when I realized I had no idea about any of her information. I couldn’t even find anything out if I hacked into her systems, because Aziza hid her identity so well that there was nothing on her.