I don’t know if she even realized she was stepping towards me, her face flushed red with anger. Her hands gripped her biceps, and I could already see the indentation from her nails.
“If you don’t leave, I will,” she smirked, almost like she thought she’d won something. Little did she know, I was no longer going to let her just run away from me anymore. I was done fighting her on this. Yes, I left. I know it destroyed her, but it also did something to me. I had to leave; I couldn’t let him hurt her. I could have gone about it a better way, sure, but I was twenty-one. How was I supposed to protect her when I only saw her once a week?
I couldn’t. There wasn’t anything I could do. I couldn’t protect her from afar, I couldn’t do anything. Which is why I ran. It was the only way I could protect her. I had to stay as far as I could away from her. I had to.
“You’re not going anywhere,” I gritted out. I couldn’t tell her the reason, but I needed her to understand. I loved her. “Now sit down, check your blood sugar, and eat,” I ordered.
“Killian, you’re not the boss of me,not anymore,”she said under her breath. I wanted to laugh at that. How could she think I was the boss of her? I never truly was. She had wormed her way into my heart, into my brain. She was a fucking parasite. A damn drug that I needed my next fix of.
“You run every time I’m near you.” I fought the urge not to grab her shoulder and shake the shit out of her. Just because I know she’s stubborn for her own good. “Now, I’m not going to tell you again. Sit your ass down!”
“Maybe you’d take that as a hint I don’t want to be around you,” she huffed out, but nonetheless sat down.
“I think you’re lying to yourself.”
This whole conversation was pointless. She was as stubborn as they come. She always had been. It was one of the things I loved about her. She was outspoken and said what was on her mind. Never took shit from anyone, not even me.
Neither of us spoke as she pricked her finger and waited for the results. Once she was done, she set it to the side before glancing up at me.
“Nine hundred,” she mumbled rolling her eyes before she started cutting into her chicken. I watched as she took a bite, telling myself I wanted to know if she liked it or not. But honestly, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Everything Aziza did I found myself unable to look away. It could be the simplest thing, like eating or watching her dance. My eyes always found her.
“Are you going to eat or just stare at me the entire time?”
Glancing down, I noticed she had already eaten half of her plate. And I had just been staring at her.
“Thank yo—” A banging sound stopped Aziza, and her body tensed as she listened to more banging on the door. Neither of us bothered to look away from each other. But I couldn't stop my mind from racing as I wondered who could be at her door.
“Who the fuck is that?” I said, narrowing my eyes. I swear if it’s another guy I’ll kill him. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve killed for her, and it surely won’t be the last.
“Please, just stop talking.” Aziza's eyes fell closed as if she wished I would actually disappear.
“AZIZA, I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE!” That… that voice. That voice was officially familiar, and definitely not a man's.
Watching Aziza, her body tensed even more. I could visibly see her swallow. Her eyes remained closed as she worked on controlling her breathing. I’ve never seen her this upset about someone knocking on her door.
“Fuck this,” I growled. Getting up from the table, I headed towards the front door. If she wasn’t going to get rid of the woman on the porch, I would. I barely made it out from the kitchen before Aziza grabbed my forearm, yanking me back.
“Please don’t.” Her eyes went wild with worry. Though I had no idea what she would be worried about. I wasn’t going to kill her. I didn’t think so anyway.
“Who is it?” I asked, loving that she hadn’t removed her hand.
She took a deep breath, dropping her hand. I tried not to let it bother me. Instead, I focused on her face.
“Don’t kill her.”
“Why are you protecting her?” I didn’t even know who it was. The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place a face.
“I’m, I’m not. I just don’t need you going and killing her, you have that…” She waved a hand in my face. “That murder face.”
Frowning, I said, “I do not.”Do I?
“Killian, I love you, but you do.” Tapping my face she scooted around me. I don’t think she even realized what she had said. But I did.
I love you.