“What the fuck?” My fingers flew over the keyboard. Searching every web, every dark web, every fucking corner. And nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing! I don’t know how it’s even possible for there to be no trace of her. Screw searching for Salem. I’ve tried every day, searching new places. Doing everything in my power, switching her name, searching the town. Salem doesn’t exist.
Now Aziza. My sweet sassy Aziza.
She somehow doesn’t exist either. They’re both completely gone.
“Killian.” Jumping from my seat, I glared over at the door to see who was bothering me. Zane stood there arms crossed meeting me with the same look. Always glaring, I was surprised his face hadn’t been stuck like that.
“Still looking into her?” he asked, stepping further into the room. Ever since we met Salem at Dimitri’s house before she blew it up to pieces, I’ve been trying to look into her background. Never found anything. No matter what I tried, even putting in the address to this house, it doesn’t exist. Which sounds crazy. How can someone completely wipe out their identity like this? Even if you did, which for a hacker like myself, is still a tough nail to crack, there’re always footprints you leave behind.
“I can’t find anything, Zane,” I mumbled. I ignored the disappointment I felt. Knowing I claim to be the best of the best. I mean I was able to hack into computers when I was eight. By the time I was eleven I was hacking into people’s accounts near me. By the time I was sixteen, it was around the world. I was able to hack into anything I wanted.
“Her name probably isn’t even Salem,” he muttered under his breath. It was a real possibility. But what I didn’t tell them was about the address, about how I took an old photo of her that I found and haven’t been able to find anything.
She does not exist.
“Have a fun night?” I smirked, in desperate need to change the subject.
“Don’t think about it,” Zane snarled.
“Think about what?” I taunted. Trying to get a rise out of him was better than me being under the spotlight. He just didn’t know; no girl has caught my eye. It’s always been Aziza and will always be her.
Salem was also batshit crazy, which was good for Zane. Since he was just a male version of her. Batshit fucking crazy.
But she’s calmed him down. I never thought I’d see the day where Zane was no longer throwing punches at everyone and everything that made him mad. Or made him feel things in general.
“Killian, I’ll lay your ass out right here, right now if you don’t shut the fuck up,” Zane growled. His temper was getting the better of him.
Only if he knew the one person, theonlyperson my eyes have ever been on is that fucking blonde.
“Is there a reason you’re here, you know, bothering me?” I said, closing my computer down. Maybe that’s what I need, a break. I need to take a moment and come back with fresh eyes. She’s messed with my brain, has always messed with it.
“Yeah, I’m going into town to get some food. I don’t want any of this healthy shit she’s got.” One of the things we all learned quickly about being her is that Salem loves vegetables and fruit. She's a health nut. Except for her goddamn fries she’s obsessed with. That girl could literally survive off potatoes. Or the damn cookies her and Tobias continue to make, only to eat them all in one sitting.
“Okay?” I knew what he was asking without actually using the words. He wanted me to go with him. I just wanted to be an asshole and make him ask me.
“Are you really going to make me ask?” Messing with Zane was easy, but he made it that way.
“Absolutely.” Crossing my arms over my chest I leaned back against the desk chair. Thankfully, Salem gave me the guest room that held a small desk where I was able to set up some of my equipment.
“Fuck you.” His tone was soft, a smirk tugging at his lips. I should put him out of his misery, but I honestly enjoyed fucking with him too much.
Neither of us spoke for a moment. Him glaring at me. Me smirking at him.
“I’m not asking,” he finally said. “Let’s go, we're going to get some unhealthy food.”
Leaving it at that I followed Zane out, neither of us speaking as Zane drove us into town. Which was fine by me. My mind was flooded with Aziza.
“I’m thinking of buying some land around here.” I didn’t know if I truly was going to, but the moment the words fell from my lips I knew it was. I had always wanted to eventually buy land somewhere around. I had safehouses scattered around America and Russia. No one knew about it, not that I didn’t trust Dimitri or Zane. I trusted them with my life, but something always stopped me from telling this.
“Why’s that?” he asked in between bites of his cheeseburger.
Shrugging my shoulders I continued on eating my own burger.
“I’m going to stay here with her,” I blurted out.