Page 7 of Love and War

“You know I don’t think you ever swore before.” I didn’t. Sure, I swore in my head, but I never said the words out loud. It was always easier than getting in trouble, as the Selena Gomez song said,Kill them with kindness. So, I never swore, yelled at people, or disrespected them in any sort of way. Most of the time I said nothing actually and just let them “win.” Killian was the only one who knew this though. “You’re thinking pretty loud, darling.”

“Shut it, shithead,” again blurting the first thought that came to mind. But he liked that about me. He always told me to say whatever was on my mind.

“Do we need to talk about this disrespect, Aziza?” He again sounded closer this time.

Alright brain, you got the car unlocked. Just get inside. Ignore him and get inside. Inside where it’s safe.

“I won’t ask again.” His voice was more stern, rough around the edges. He only usedthatvoice when, in his words, I was being a brat. Except now, I had a reason.

“Shove it, popsicle stick.”Why did I just call him that?“I need you to back off so I can breathe.”Don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t freaking say it.“Please.”fuckdamnit.Rolling my eyes at myself. I knew what I sounded like, and hated that fact after everything, everything that I’ve been through, that he’s done, I still say please.

“Aw, look at you, being all polite. Saying please. Are you going to say thank you next?” He was taunting me. I knew it. And of course, me being a sap of shit for him I couldn’t stop myself from taking the stupid bait.

“Fuck you.” Turning on my heel, I shoved my finger into his chest. A chest that should not be that rock-solid. His defined muscles. And I made the mistake of finally looking at him. His pale gray-blue eyes bored into mine. His nose had a slight bump on the bridge now. I assumed he broke it at some point. His lips were full, the bottom slightly bigger than the top. His jawline was so sharp it’d cut steel. He wore black jeans, black combat boots, and a too tight black long sleeve. It shouldn’t distract me. But it did. Killian’s never been bulky. He was tall, almost a whole foot taller than me. But he was stronger than he appeared. He was different though, more muscle, had more everything.

“You know, keep talking like that, keep giving me this attitude…” His eyes traveled down my body. I couldn’t stop myself from squirming under his gaze. “I’m going to fuck that attitude out of your mouth, moya Printsessa.”

“Excuse me?” My words said one thing while my body said something else. I was turned on by how crass he was being. Goosebumps ignited over my body; the air was trapped in my lungs.

“You heard me,moya Printsessa. Keep giving me that sweet attitude of yours and you’re going to get on your knees, open that pretty little mouth of yours, and let me fuck your beautiful face to shut you up.” He swiped a hand down his face, rubbing his jaw, a smirk tugging up his lip. I wasn’t sure how I was standing here not jumping his bones already.

I had no words. My brain was blank as I stared at him, his arms crossed over his chest. His biceps bulged in his shirt; my eyes tracked the way he flexed just a tiny bit. He knew what he was doing.

“No, you won’t,” I smirked. Two could play this game.

“I won’t?” Of course, he chuckled, thinking I couldn’t do anything. But as much as I did want him to force me onto my knees, to fuck my mouth until I was a drooling mess, until all I could feel, all I could think of was him…

He left me.

For six years.

Dropped me like I was nothing.

So, taking a much-needed breath I cocked a brow at him as I whispered the word that forced him to stop everything. “Iris.”

His eyes widened slightly; his breath hitched. His hands gripped his arms, forcing himself not to do exactly what he wanted. Me on my knees.

Instead, he inclined his head and took a step back as I got into my car, not daring to look at him as I drove away from the house. I didn’t think as I got to my house, not even when I changed into one of his large shirts, his smell forgotten years ago. But once I was in my bed, the flood gates opened.



“Iris,”shewhispered.Ittook everything in me not to ignore that one little word. I wanted to force her onto her knees, to tell her to open her mouth until I poured myself down her sweet throat. Instead, I took a step back and watched her taillights disappear.

Then it took me a moment to work on breathing through my nose, out through my mouth before I walked around the house towards Salem’s home gym. Even with my cock harder than steel, hard enough that I knew if I touched it now, I’d cum faster than I have since I was a teenager.

Aziza was my weak spot, always had been, always will be. She was always able to test my control, test every fiber in my fucking being just with a simple look. She’s done it since she was a child.

Aziza - 6

Killian - 10

“Kills, come on,” Z called from the hallway. Shoving my iPod into my pocket I quickly made up my bed before meeting him outside. Z had been my best friend for the past year, ever since his mother took me in. She wasn’t technically a foster parent, and I technically wasn’t a foster child. I just had a mother who ran out when I was five, and a father who’d rather use me as a punching bag. So when I told him I was going to stay with Z, who’s three years older than me, he was glad he didn’t have to “worry” about making sure I was alive. Though he never truly worried about it. It worked out for the both of us.

“Took you long enough.” He shoved at my shoulder as we made our way down the road. Every day since we found Tanner and Kyle bullying the blonde last week, we’ve been going to the park. Spending basically all day waiting for her to show up. I’ve tried telling him she doesn’t come until Saturday, but that didn’t stop him from dragging me out, every damn day.

“You know she’s not going to be there,” I muttered. Shoving my hands into my pocket, I ignored the tightness in my chest.