Don’t, no. Don’t do it.
Narrowing my eyes at him, I tried really hard to keep my mouth closed. Unfortunately, the moment I saw his eyes traveling to my forehead again, I lost it.
“Mirror, get me a fucking mirror,” I growled out. When he didn’t move, I was so close to doing everything in my very little power that I had to beat him. “NOW!”
I ignored my hurt body. Instead, I met his glare.
“Oh, no. Nope, no can do.” Shaking my head, I looked around for what I could stab him with. I’m going to plunge whatever I can find into his traitor’s heart. “Get me a pen, a pen right now.”
“You’re not going to stab me.”
“Oh yes, yes, the hell I am. I’m going to stab you, over and over again then maybe,maybe,you’ll actually listen to me. Maybe you’ll remember I’m stubborn.”
“Oh, Aziza.” He chuckled, stepping towards me again, his face inches from my own. “I remember exactly how stubborn you are. But I’m not getting you that pen and I’m sure as shit not giving you a mirror.”
“Why?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. Daring him to say something stupid.
He didn’t say anything. But that was fine because my eyes began to tire. My body was more than sore, and I was beginning to grow tired very quickly.
“I’m tired,” I mumbled, my face falling flat.
“You need to rest.” No longer glaring at me, he looked sad.
But I was fading fast, my eyes drooping. “Please, don’t leave me,” I barely heard myself say.
I could have sworn I heard him saying, “I’m not going anywhere, moya Printsessa.”
But I had to be mistaken. He left once, he’ll leave again.
Isatacrossfromthe bed, watching her shallow breath as she slept. She almost looked peaceful, except every once in a while, her brows furrowed as she’s in pain. I should have given her the meds before letting her fall asleep. But she was asleep before I was even able to tell her I wasn’t going anywhere. She probably wouldn’t have believed me because I left once. And now I struggled to be around her.
Not because I didn’t want to be, no. I wanted to hold her, I wanted to take all her pain away. I wanted to make all her dreams come true. Unfortunately, every time I looked at her face all I could focus on was the “X” marked on the side of her left eyebrow.
I hadn’t noticed it when I first found her. I’d barely even noticed when she was lying in the hospital. How could I have not seen it though? I stared at her constantly. I mapped out her face. I could count the number of freckles across her pale nose.
But now every time I looked at her, all I saw was that “X.”
It was a warning. I think more than a warning. Aziza was distant, pushing me away when I thought we were finally making progress. Only I made mistakes. I was pushed away, so far that I felt like we were never going to get over this bump.
Okay it was bigger than a bump.
I left.
I left the only person I loved more than anything.
The rope cut into my wrist, causing me to hiss. I bit my lip, refusing to let the fucker hear anything from me. I wouldn't let him know he hurt me. Again.
I didn’t know why he decided to tie my wrist, or why I was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room. I didn’t even know where I was. I was trying to sneak out of the house with the rest of my shit. I was leaving for good; he couldn’t hold me back anymore. I was twenty-one. I could do whatever I wanted.