Page 52 of Love and War

“Nine-One-One, what is your emergency?” a man's voice answered.

“I need help. Oh fuck, Aziza, she got into an accident.”

“I understand there’s been an accident?”

“Yeah, yeah.” My brain was half working.

“Can you give me a location?”

Rattling off my address and telling them we’re about two miles off the hill, I stayed on the phone with them. They’re two minutes out, and I’m supposed to just wait here. Being completely useless.

Crawling as close as I could without crawling inside and causing more damage, I said, “This is my fault; I’m so fucking sorry, Aziza. I should’ve done better. I should have proved to you that I’m here for you, that I’m not going anywhere.”

“Killian,” her small voice whimpered.

“Fuck, oh, fuck, Aziza. I’m here, I’m right here.”

Her eyes barely opened before she began trying to move around.

“Aziza, don’t. Don’t move, baby, you’re hurt, hurt badly. There’s help coming, but I need you to not move.”

Nodding her head, she whimpered again. “I’m sorry.”

“Moya Printsessa, you’ve got nothing to be sorry about. Absolutely nothing, this is all my fault. I was the one who caused this. I love you, baby, I love you.”

“Killian, I’m scared.” She cries.

“Me too, but it’s going to be okay.” Now if I only believed that, but she looked bad. Her leg was bent at a weird angle, and her arms were covered in blood. I couldn’t even tell where it was coming from. Her dirty blonde hair, that was always shiny and beautiful, was completely red now.

“I’m going to die,” she said just as I heard an ambulance a short distance away.

“No, you’re not, moya Printsessa. You’re going to make it through this, I promise.” I glanced over my shoulder, as red and blue lights filled the darkness. “Aziza, I’m going to meet them up there. I’ll be—”

“Killian.” Crying out, my heart broke as I watched the pure terror in her eyes. “Don’t leave me, please. You promised me. You promised me you wouldn’t leave.” She hiccups.

“I did, I promised you. Always, I’m here. Let me stand up and yell for them, okay.”

“Okay, just do-don’t leave me.”

Nodding my head, I stood on weak knees. “Here!” I yelled. I watched as a few heads turned towards our direction. They pointed, showing the others where we were.

Bending down, Aziza stared at me, an unsure expression written all over her face. Like I was going to leave her here. That didn’t sit well with me. I could never leave her. It broke me the first time, she just didn’t know that.

“I’m not leaving, Aziza, you’re my Heaven.” I smiled at her.

“Popsicle, you don’t believe in Heaven, you don’t believe in any of that stuff.”

“I believe in you, moya Printsessa, and you’re my Heaven. If they don’t let me in, then I guess we’re going to rock Hell.”

Smiling over at me, I swear everything fell back into place. The smile she gave me is the same she’s always given me. The one that made me fall for her in the first place. And I vow right here and now that I’ll do anything to keep that smile on her face.

“Alright, what do we have here?” A medic appears next to me.

“I want to go home,” Aziza whispered.

“You’ll be out of there soon enough, Miss…” He trails off at the end, waiting for her name.

“Aziza,” I answered for her.