How did I forget he was here?
I was so filled with my own rage, my own revenge, that I forgot Tobias was here. I couldn’t die, not with him right here.
“Ple-please, get up,” he begged.
Just like I begged. I begged them to let us go, to let me go. I promised them I wouldn’t tell anyone. I promised I would disappear, and they would never see me again. I lived in fear. Ihadlived in fear.
But no more. I had to make it through this. If not for me, then for Tobias. He had to get back to his family.
Even if it was the last thing I did.
Looking up at Luca, I fought against the rage that wanted to cloud my judgment. That wanted to suck me down and make me do more than kill everyone here. He looked the same, dirty blond hair, a little grayer, and deep brown eyes. The same evil look in them.
He had no idea who I was.
“Why have you been killing my men?” he demanded.
I wondered how long I could keep my mouth shut before they began hitting me. But I didn’t have to wait long before Dante grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to my feet.
“I can do this all night if we must, but I prefer to do something else with my evening.” Luca dragged on. I fought to look around, but from what little sight I had he barely had any men around. Dante held me by my hair, and two men stood by Tobias, keeping watch, while two men stood behind Luca.
I had killed most of his other men, and the rest he had must have been killed from when we had the explosion. I wanted to smile at the fact that his whole empire was going under. I wanted to laugh in his face and ruin everything for him.
Dante punching me in the rib jerked me back to the present. Luca was glaring down at me while Dante gave me three more solid punches.
Swallowing down bile that I definitely was seconds away from throwing up everywhere, I looked back up at Luca.
“Who are you!” he roared. His temper was getting to him. Again I wanted to laugh in his face.
“Don’t remember me?” I asked back.
“Why the fuck should we, you stupid bitch.” Dante pulled on my hair again. My skull screamed in protest.
“Avrei dovuto controllare il polso.”Should've checked the pulse.Throwing my elbow back into Dante, he loosened his hold on my hair, giving me time to sweep my leg, knocking him to the ground. I grabbed hold of the knife from his belt in time to turn and throw it towards one of the men holding Tobias.
The second one didn’t think twice before charging at me. Swinging a punch towards me, I blocked it, throwing my own into his face. He roared, giving me time to grab him around his neck and twist. Twisting took more strength than I cared to admit.
Two down.
Four more to go.
Turning to face Luca, his eyes were wide as he really gave me a good look.
“You’re alive,” he whispered. I couldn’t hear him, but reading his lips gave it away.
“Your worthless son couldn’t even finish the job,” I snarked back.
Dante got to his feet, in a fighting position.
“But how? How could you be alive?” Again he was whispering, a little louder this time. But it was ironic he was surprised to see me alive. They had made sure everyone else was good and dead, but not me?
“You took everything from me,” I spat out.
Dante moved in closer, edging to try and take me down. I itched for this fight. Glancing over at Tobias he was now peeking around a barrel. He would be safe for me to finish this.
“I’m going to end your life, your son, and everything you ever built. Just like how you gutted my family and tried to do the same to me,” I smirked. Luca backed away, his men flanking him as Dante moved at me.