Getting to my feet, I ignored Dimitri if he even said anything to me. I found Salem in the kitchen turning the stove gas on.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I barked.
“We have two minutes to get out of this house,” she said, not giving a single fuck that if anyone shot a fucking gun in here, we’d all go up. She was not thinking logically. Marching over to turn them back off, she sharply turned at me, glaring.
“If you touch those, I will tie your ass to the fucking chair and leave you.” With that she grabbed a few kitchen knives, marching back out into the dining room.
Mila ran down the stairs, tears running down her face. Killian most likely was already inside the SUV ready to go. Dimitri turned the corner carrying Tobias in his arms.
“Why does it smell like gas?” he asked, heading towards the back door.
“Psycho bitch right here.” I jerked my thumb towards Salem who was turning towards the basement door. “Where the fuck are you going?” I asked. You’re supposed to leave the building and not go further into it when it’s a minute away from blowing up.
Rushing towards the door I stopped turning towards Dimitri. “Get to the car, I’ll grab her.” Not leaving an option for him to say anything I fled down the stairs.
The moment my foot hit the concrete ground a solid punch to my jaw knocked me back. Blood filled my mouth, and I barely had time before another punch knocked into the side of my temple. I didn’t have time to put my hands up to even try to defend myself until a bat began pounding into my body.
“Leave him alone!” Salem's raspy southern accent was thick as she screamed. I tried looking up to see who was attacking me, but the bat came down onto my head. Everything got fuzzy and my vision began having spots in it.
The last thing I heard before I blacked out was Salem screaming.
“Well,thatisveryunfortunate.” listening to Luca’s voice was like swallowing glass. The anger flared through my body, my ribs ached, and my face burned with the sensation. “Una mossa di squadra.”A team go.Luca’s voice was quiet, as though he was trying to poorly hide the fact that he was ordering his men to do something. “Non lasciare superstiti.”Leave no survivors.My eyes widened at the phone. I had a split decision to make. Get out now, and let them figure their way out. Or help and save them.
From the corner of my eye, I watched as a masked man stepped into the kitchen, his shotgun raised ready to fire. I made up my mind as I grabbed hold of the butter knife. Shooting to my feet I threw the knife towards Dimitri, barely missing him as it embedded in the man's neck.
Just as fast, four more men followed suit, M16s taking aim at everyone around. I ignored the gasp from the guys around the table. Reaching for all the knives on the table, I threw them just as fast.
“There are five more men outside, and three are heading upstairs,” I muttered running from the dining table into the kitchen, dodging the dead bodies on the floor.
“Killian, get the keys for the SUV,” Dimitri ordered from somewhere behind me.
Looking at the stove, I rushed over, and turning on all five knobs, I let the gas pollute the air.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Zane barked right behind me.
“We have two minutes to get out of this house.” Turning over toward the island, my eyes landed on the only door I could assume was the basement. I could hear Zane doing something behind me and as soon as I turned my head, he was reaching for the stove.
“If you touch those, I will tie your ass to the fucking chair and leave you.” Glaring at him, I grabbed hold of the kitchen butcher knives, marching back towards the dining room. I wouldtryto save them. If he wanted to be stupid and not listen to me, that was on him.
I didn’t listen as Dimitri and Zane spoke. I hurried towards the basement door, and I threw the door open. Running down the stairs, I glanced around.
“Why does it smell like gas?” he asked, heading towards the back door. At the bottom of the stairs, glancing to the right, I took in the large steel table holding a tray of medical equipment, a hatch door, and multiple black cabinets along the wall. To the left held shelves of all different kinds of knives and guns.
Rushing over, I shoved two daggers and a Glock with two clips into my pockets, checking that they were full. A smile spread across my face as I took notice of the hand grenade. Just as I reached for it, a pair of strong arms wrapped around mine, knocking me off balance. Rearing around so I was now facing the set of stairs, I couldn’t believe I didn’t realize Zane had followed me down.
“Leave him alone!” My voice broke, not used to yelling. My throat burned; it was as though those glass shards were stuck inside me again. They wrapped arms around my arms from behind, making me watch as four men began beating Zane. One with a bat, while the others kicked over and over again. Everything was happening too fast.
“ZANE!” I don’t know why I tried screaming. My voice couldn’t handle much more than a tram. Thrashing around, their arms didn’t budge. My body felt weak from Remo’s beatings just twenty-four hours ago. Instantly my body froze. These were Luca’s men. They were ordered to hurt this family. It was like the pain in my body floated away. I was numb to the pain and all I knew was what I had to do.
Throwing my body weight down, they were forced to let go of my arms. I kicked both their knees out, causing them to fall down face first. Grabbing the kitchen knife from my back pocket, I quickly stabbed both of them in the back of the neck. The one who knocked Zane out came at me, bat raised. Throwing the knife into his stomach, he screamed in pain.
“You don’t fucking touch him!” I screamed. Grabbing the knife handle, I drilled the knife over and over again, sinking into his stomach.
“DADA!” My voice broke. My throat hurt. I could barely scream anymore. I should have looked away, but I couldn’t. They stabbed him over and over again. They didn’t stop. Dante didn’t stop. I’m sure Dada was already dead. He had to be dead, but he continued stabbing him. There was so much blood, too much blood.