“You don’t even know me.” It was a weak excuse. He had already been inside me twice now. I had fallen asleep on his chest, and if that didn’t scream something at both of us we were dumb.
“I know more than you think.” Jumping back from his words, I opened my mouth to say something, but his hand covered my mouth, shutting me up. “But right now we need to get out of this cold ass water, get dressed, and head downstairs before Mila comes up here and tries to kick your ass,” he finished giving me a quick kiss. Grabbing hold of my thigh once again, my legs wrapped around his waist. He stood without trouble, and sure I knew I was small. I mean five foot four, maybe 130 pounds. But from sitting in freezing water, this man got up with no trouble. He carried me out of the bathroom and to the door next to the bathroom. The one I assumed was the closet.
Setting me on my feet, he wrapped me in a towel I hadn’t even noticed him carrying. I watched as he dried himself, pulled on a pair of dark jeans, a long sleeve Henley, and put on a pair of dark motorcycle boots. Suddenly, I felt uncomfortable standing there in nothing but a towel with hair soaking wet like a damn mop bucket. He stood there looking like a dark angel, who’d fucked me into another world.
Watching him bend over I couldn’t help but look deeply at his ass. He really did have a nice one.
“You done staring at my ass?” he asked, breaking me from my thoughts. Looking up at him, I hadn’t even realized he was looking back at me over his shoulder. He was holding clothes in his hand, holding them out to me.
Giving him my best smile I took the clothes from him and turned for the bathroom again. I didn’t know why I felt this embarrassed about changing in front of him—he had seen me completely naked and seen the scars covering my body. I hated that I felt this vulnerable. I never needed anyone anymore. I had to remind myself of that.
I already started to fall down the rabbit hole for Zane, and I couldn’t fall down. I just couldn’t.
Shoving my feelings down I headed into the bathroom and quickly changed into the long-sleeved Henley he gave me and a pair of leggings.
“Come on, dinners done,” Zane called through the door. I needed to get away from him. Just the sound of his voice right now was doing things to me. Things I didn’t want to be dealing with. I didn’t want to deal with the emotions creeping through me whenever Zane was around. I was used to being alone. I needed to be alone.
“Salem, come on.” He spoke softly again. It was that voice that had me melting, ready to fall into his arms. I don’t even know what happened last night that caused this shift in both of us, but I didn’t like it. Not one bit.
Opening the door, I almost ran directly into his chest. A chest that I wanted to lay my head on. I wanted to lay on him again. To fall asleep on him. I wanted nothing more than to lean on him when everything in my life suddenly felt like it was falling apart.
Zane went to open his mouth, but I didn’t want to talk. I didn’t want these feelings. Shoving past I ignored him when he called my name. Storming my way downstairs, I continued on my way, not bothering to stop until I made my way to the dining room.
I don’t know what I truly expected, but it was not finding four people staring at me. A man with dark brown hair and striking gray eyes was smiling at me. Another man sat at the head of the table, his black hair slicked back, green eyes glaring at me. Like he was ready to jump across the table and murder me on the spot.
Then I reached her. The woman sitting next to the one wanting to murder me.
She sat at the table, her eyes widening at the sight of me. It couldn’t be because I looked like shit. No. It was because four years ago I saved her. My body tingled as I tried to mask my surprise at her sitting here. How could this be? What luck did I have?
Mila only smiled at me before she continued cutting into a small plate of food. Then I turned my attention towards the little one. A small boy sat on the other side of the angry one. His brown hair matched Mila’s, his goofy smile. From the looks of it, he couldn’t have been more than four or five. My guess, she was pregnant when she was kidnapped. My heart warmed, and I was ready to burst into tears. It made me miss my family. I missed them all. The pain wanted to tear through my body, to tear me apart.
I felt Zane behind me before he even had the chance to say anything, and I found myself leaning backward into him. Wanting his comfort. I needed it.
“Sit next to me.” The little voice pulled me from my thoughts. Looking over, my body went numb. Looking back at the same child, he sat on his knees, bouncing in his seat. It reminded me of myself. I always wanted Lee to sit next to me at dinner. I remember sitting next to Dada, begging Lee to sit on the other side of me. He always seemed to make a fuss, but it was all an act.
“Kitten,” Zane whispered into my ear. Looking back at him, he nodded his head towards Tobias. I forgot he wanted me to sit next to him. I just wanted another moment with Lee.
“Uh, sure,” I muttered. My feet were moving before I realized it. Sliding down next to him, everyone kept quiet. I was used to being quiet, but it was unsettling.
“What’s your favorite color?” he asked. Looking over next to me, I tried my best to ignore the angry man shooting daggers at me.
“I don’t know if I have one, but if I did, I think it would be gray.” I smiled back at him.
“Hmm…” The child cocked his head to the side, as though he was thinking about my answer, determining if it was good enough or not. It made my heart flutter, and for the first time I actually felt at ease.
It seemed like forever before he finally let out a belly laugh. “Gray is a great color. I think it’s my new favorite.” Then just as fast he turned back towards his plate and began shoving his mouth full of food.
Turning back around I looked down at my now full plate of what looked like chicken in some type of sauce, a salad, and a few pieces of broccoli. I hadn’t even realized someone made a plate.
“It’s Chicken Marsala, and the salad has vinaigrette, and yeah it just has broccoli, nothing special. But yeah, um, if you don’t like it, I can cook something else.” Mila looked between me and her own plate. This is the same Mila that I remembered. She was shy and unsure of herself. “Or I can just order pizza, I’m sure that would be bett—”
“I’m sure it’s great, thank you.” I smiled. I could barely remember the last time I had a home cooked meal. Sure I knew how to cook, but normally I didn’t take the time to do it.
Just to prove to Mila that she didn’t need to worry about what I ate, I cut into the chicken and took a huge bite. A low moan escaped my lips before I knew it and I hadn’t realized my eyes were closed until I heard someone clear their throat. Snapping my eyes open I looked right across from me. Zane was staring so hard at me I could see the vein on the side of his forehead straining. Sparing a look of anger, he had yet to pick any of his food up, and I doubted he had looked away from me either. Shifting in my seat I grew uncomfortable from the lack of quiet in this dining room. And I knew it was because of me. I was the reason they were all being so quiet.
“What’s your name?” the little man asked. Looking down at him again, I shoved another piece of chicken in my mouth. Swallowing without chewing it much I tried to ignore the burning of my throat.