“I mean, it was kind of a slow night, nothing too exciting. But yes, Mom. It was climatic, finally walking around the halls of a hospital on my own, knowing I could handle whatever was thrown my way. I made a new friend as well. Her name is Jess and she’s a nurse too. I just… I’m afraid of saying too much…”
“Pfeiffer,” my mother starts, “I know you’re scared. We are, too. But please don’t put your life on hold while we handle things. Mason has been quiet, which is unnerving. But you have an entirely new life to live out there as Piper Davis now. Make the most of it. Lie low, don’t ruffle feathers… but also don’t be afraid to live and make friends. Just be cautious of sharing too much and you’ll be fine. Remember, you left so we could keep you safe. But that doesn’t mean you have to put your life completely on hold while this mess gets cleaned up.”
The deep breath I let out escapes my lips, tension leaving my body that’s been building for weeks. I’ve been so scared to leave my safe haven, the four walls of my apartment that is my new home for the foreseeable future, but I can’t live like this forever. I know myself too well to know that eventually I will need human interaction. Sociable and people-pleasing to my core, my entire childhood comprised of helping others and volunteering my time where it was needed. I need to make a life here in Emerson Falls, even though the one I had before burst into flames.
“I’ll try. Gosh, I would give anything to be able to hug you right now.” The ache in my chest doesn’t seem to ebb each time I speak to my mom—no, I feel like it only gets worse.
“Me too, darling,” she croaks and I can hear her cry through the line as I do the same on my end.
“This is so unfair. I just still can’t believe I had no idea, let alone that Mason would use me…”
“Believe me, Pfeiffer… no one is as upset about this as me and your father, but we are handling it. Unfortunately, no one has seen Mason for a while, so it’s been hard to track him down and settle things.”
“I feel so stupid, and right now, I’m too tired to even fathom how I got here. I love you, Mom, but I just got home and I’m exhausted. Can we talk more soon?”
“Absolutely, dear. Go get some rest and remember to fly under the radar. I’ll be in touch. Love you, Pfeiffer,” she whispers.
“I love you too, Mom.”
After ending the call and stripping off my clothes, I enjoy the scalding hot shower, soaking my well-worked muscles after my long shift. Tonight was only twelve hours on my feet, but I know that most nights there will be no guarantees when I’ll get off. My body is sore, my mind is reeling, and my exhaustion is slowly winning by the time I throw myself into bed and pass out.
It’s been hell to get here, several unimaginable obstacles thrown my way, but being far away from the chaos back home gives me a little solace, as well as knowing that my life here in Oregon will be close to the one I envisioned back home—just minus one person I thought would be right alongside of me.
Chapter 3
Two Weeks Later
“A bet’s a bet, man.”
“Fuck, I know, Coop. But it’s Misty Chambers,” I whine while Cooper stands above me at my desk in the station.
“It’s been almost six months and you’re the one who had the idea for the bet in the first place,” he replies, referencing our stupid need to out-man each other back at the Date the Deputy auction in April. Each year our station holds an event to raise funds for the Fallen Deputy program to give money to the families who lost loved ones while on duty. Earlier this year, the committee who organizes the event added a Date the Deputy auction to bring in more money. Cooper and I bet against each other on who could bring in more for their date, and thanks to his now fiancé Clara, he won by a landslide, which means I have to uphold the stakes of the bet by asking out Misty Chambers, the town man-eater, on a date.
“Yeah, well, if it wasn’t for Clara and her glaring jealousy, I definitely would have won.”
“Don’t blame this on Clara. You’re just pissed you lost.” He stands there with his hands braced on his hips, staring me down more like a father than my best friend.
“I’m afraid I’m going to catch something just being near the woman, Coop,” I shudder as I visualize Misty next to me, licking her lips. The woman works at the high school as a secretary, but when she’s not around teenagers, she’s flaunting her body and trying to nail down any single guy she can. She’ll have you married before the end of the first date, and when things don’t end the way she wants, she retaliates like a cliché crazy ex-girlfriend.
“Well, make sure you have all of your shots then because I gave her your phone number this morning while I was getting coffee at Skye’s Creations,” he smirks.
“What? What the fuck, man!” I shout as I stand and get in his face.
“You’ve been sitting on this for too long, Cash, so I took matters into my own hands.”
“You’re such a cock sucker, Walsh.”
“And you love me.”
“Not right now, I don’t. Fuck! Now she has my number? I don’t give out my number, Coop! So, when things don’t lead to a second date, what the hell do you think she’s going to do… accept it quietly? Fuck, no! The woman is going to act like a tornado and blow up my phone and maybe even my car.”
Cooper grins in my face, clearly pleased with himself. “Think of it as you paying interest for waiting this long.”
“If Clara wasn’t such an awesome chick, I’d shoot you in the dick.”
“She’d have your head, Williams. Misty said she’d be in touch soon by the way, so be on the lookout for her call,” he winks and then saunters off.