Page 78 of Captivated

Chapter 32


I feel like I’m about to pass out. Not because I’m still weak, even though recovering from a gunshot wound takes time and I’m still not one-hundred percent. No. I’m light-headed and nauseous because I hope to God I’m not too late and Cash is not out tonight kissing someone else at midnight instead of me.

Of course, how would he know I was coming since I didn’t bother telling him? I wanted to surprise him because the need I felt to get to him tonight before the new year was a pull I couldn’t ignore, just like the same one that pulled me to him months ago when I was fighting it with every ounce of my soul.

But I never stood a chance, because Cash Williams isn’t the type of man you can forget. And I never wanted to. I just needed time to process everything, figure out what I wanted, and then jump.

And boy, did I jump—onto an airplane on New Year’s Eve, hoping and praying that the man I love would want me back as much as I want him.

The last six weeks have been torture, but I needed the distance. I spoke to a therapist, processing my grief for Mason and my new reality when it comes to having children in hard-hitting sessions for the past four weeks. I wanted to move forward, and the more I imagined my life from here on out, the picture became clearer that my life and heart belonged in Emerson Falls now. I just needed to know that I could be strong enough to deal with the aftermath of the eight months leading up to when I was shot, and now my new reality as I pursue a life and love with the man that changed everything for me.

I know the situation for having a family isn’t ideal, but there’s still a chance. And there’s also adoption and surrogacy. I just hope Cash will still want me when I tell him my challenges, or the challengeswewill face if he chooses to take me back.

When my plane touched down in Oregon, the nerves really came on strong, and never subsided during the Uber ride to Cash’s place. I had to text Jess to see if she knew where he lived since I had never been to his house while we were together, a detail I hadn’t realized as things were playing out. After asking around, she found out one of the doctors at the hospital actually lives on the same street as him, so she sent through his address.

As I thanked my driver and closed the car door with both of my suitcases beside me, I stood stunned in front of the most charming house. For a man who feared commitment, he sure had the house that indicated otherwise, a home perfect for a family one day. Dark blue trim framed the white stucco, providing a classic backdrop to one of the most beautiful yards I’ve ever seen, full of flowers and a well-manicured lawn with mature trees lining the property. I know I heard him say he took pride in his house, but I never would have imagined this. There’s even a tire swing hanging from the giant maple tree in the middle of the grass—another reminder of his love of children, which brings back the pit in my stomach.

I arrive at his door and knock, but notice there aren’t any lights on inside and his truck is missing. And then I remember. Tonight is Kane and Olivia’s wedding, so who knows when he’ll be home. Visions of him dancing with another woman infiltrate my mind, but I quickly push them aside, remaining hopeful that this trip will hold a happy ending for the two of us.

“Guess I have to wait for a while,” I mutter, taking a seat on the porch and resting back on one of my suitcases, retrieving the box of Cheez Its from inside that I planned to bribe him with in the extreme circumstance he wouldn’t listen, and then reaching for my phone to call my mother.

“Pfeiffer, did you get there alright? I wish you would have let us fly you on the private plane,” Her groggy voice comes through the speaker.

“Yes. I’m here. But Cash isn’t home.”

“Are you at his house?”

“Yeah. I’m waiting outside.”

“Oh, you know I don’t like that idea,” she chastises.

“Well, I don’t have much of an option, Mom,” I say, just as headlights come around the corner of the street and the vehicle races down the road at an alarming speed.

“Are you sure this is what you want, Pfeiffer?”

I take a deep breath as my smile spreads across my face, my hand clenching over my heart. “With every fiber in my body, Mom.”

“Then I’m happy for you, darling.”

The vehicle speeding down the road abruptly stops and turns in to his driveway. “Oh my God, he’s here, Mom. I’ve gotta go!”

“Call me tomorrow. I love you. Good luck!”

“Love you too.” I hang up the call and stand, rubbing my sweaty palms on my leggings, holding the box of Cheez Its in front of me and bouncing in place as Cash’s truck turns off and he hops down from the cab. His long legs eat up the space as he runs to his door, and then he freezes when he sees me, his face turning ghostly white.

“Piper?” He asks, his eyes wide in disbelief as he studies me, but he never moves an inch.

“Hi, Cash,” I whisper, almost afraid to speak too loudly, like I’ll scare him away.

“What… what are you doing here?” He runs his hand through his hair as I take in how strikingly handsome he looks in his suit—the black fabric hugging his toned body I know is underneath, his strong arms that I want to feel around my body so desperately, his abs that makes me want to weep at the sight of them.

“I’m here for you. I want to talk. I’m so sorry, Cash. I know I should have called, but I was hoping…”

And before I can say another word, Cash races up the steps and slams into me, attacking my body with his and fusing our lips together. And suddenly, my entire world is right again.

I drop everything in my hands as I meet him with every stroke of his tongue against mine, getting drunk on his lips and his taste, submitting to the power he has over me—not just physically, but in every aspect you can feel connected to another person.