Page 41 of Captivated

“How so?” She asks, taking a sip of her coffee I can hear through the line.

“I… I met someone.” It’s the first time I’m speaking to my mother about Cash. I said nothing before because I didn’t know what was happening between us, but now I’m sure I want to see this through.


“Oh? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. I’m just surprised is all. I didn’t think you’d want to date so soon.”

“It’s been eight months, Mom,” I sigh, sitting down on my bed.

“Gosh, has it really? I just miss you so much, darling.”

And then the emotions bubble up, just like they always do when I speak to her. I haven’t called in a while because it gets harder to talk to her every time, not knowing how much longer it’s going to be before I see her.

“I miss you too, Mom. But really, I’m happy. He’s… surprising, to say the least. Nothing like Mason, and he makes me feel things I didn’t know were possible. His name is Cash Williams.”

I hear her sniffle. “Then I’m happy for you, Pfeiffer. Although, I feel obligated to tell you… we got a letter the other day.”

My heart drops to my stomach. “A letter? Like the first one?”

“Yes. It seems Mason never paid up in full what he owed to the Montevallo’s. They made another threat if your father doesn’t pay off Mason’s debt.”

“Oh, my God. How?”

“Well, I think it has something to do with Mason going missing. They threatened your safety again. So as your mother, I want to tell you to be happy, but I also have to tell you to be careful, baby. We sent you away for a reason, to keep you safe. Your father refuses to give in to their demands, especially because he feels a sense of peace knowing you’re far away from here. Just please watch your back, don’t go places alone. Stay in public spaces when you have to go out. But… just please be careful, Pfeiffer.” My mother’s voice becomes frantic and increases my panic tenfold. The high I experienced last night with Cash has been diminished tremendously with this conversation.

“I promise, Mom. I need some sleep, so I’ll call soon, okay?”

“At least just text me once a day at this point, Pfeiffer, so I know you’re alive, alright?”

“Okay. I can do that.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too, Mom,” I whisper before ending the call and letting the sinking feeling of doubt and paranoia swallow me whole once more.

Chapter 16


“Is she really coming?” Birdie questions as we sit around the table in the game room, waiting on Piper to arrive. She text me to let me know she was on her way, but she should have been here by now.

“Yes. Calm down, please. I know you’re excited.”

“You bet your little behind I’m excited! My boy is actually dating someone, someone that I approve of whole-heartedly. You’d better not mess this up!” She points a finger in my face.

“Who says I’m the one who will mess it up?”

“Uh, news flash, Cash… but most of the time, it’s the man that’s screwing shit up,” Samuel interjects.

I hang my head. “True. But believe me, I’m doing everything in my power not to fuck this up, okay? I really fucking like her.”

And that honest-to-God truth still unnerves me. When I got home from our date last week, I laid in bed staring up at my ceiling, contemplating how the hell I got to this point—me, Cash Williams, self-proclaimed playboy and hater of love, is obsessed with a woman I’ve only known for a few months and have taken on one real date. I hate to say it, but Cooper was right. I’m eating my own words I threw in his face months ago—that dating and sticking to one woman would never happen to me. But it has, and I’m immersing myself in her.

“Ugh! This just makes my heart so happy.” Birdie clasps her hands over her heart, just as Piper walks through the door.

Standing to greet her, I rise from my chair and make my way over to her, but not before noticing the box of Cheez Its in her hand. “Did you stop for Cheez Its?”