But watching him beat the shit out of a punching bag while he was heartbroken was just a clear reminder for me why I don’t do love.
Nope. Never.
I do sex. Pussy. Women writhing beneath me and chasing the ultimate physical release—because in my mind, that’s the only thing good about connecting with another human being. You don’t have to discuss your pasts, where you grew up, and the name of your childhood pet.
All you need to focus on is how many orgasms you can dish out—and I have a strict two or more policy for her. It’s one of the reasons I don’t need to search for love at all or a woman to get my dick wet—because the women come to me. My reputation proceeds me and word travels fast. Add in the fact that I’m an officer of the law, and well, women throw themselves at me willingly and I can’t say that I hate it.
If you’re looking for a down and dirty fuck, I’m your guy. I am not the guy you bring home to Mom and Dad, or the guy that you’re gonna change, no matter how spectacular you think your pussy is.
Love and I don’t mix. I’ve watched relationships be torn apart by jealousy and greed, cheating and hate—my parents giving me the perfect glimpse of what happily ever after can turn into.
And I’m not saying that everyone will experience that, like my friend who’s about to get engaged. Cooper and Clara are meant to be, and I support that one-hundred percent. In fact, I root for love for the people who aren’t as fucked up as me and deserve it.
But when you’re raised around a toxic relationship between two people you share blood with—well, it makes you fearful you’ll continue that pattern subconsciously because it’s all you know and have ever witnessed firsthand.
Cooper nails his proposal, complete with tears and applause from the crowd gathered to watch. I whistle loudly, shoot him a farewell salute, and then head back to my cruiser parked on the road adjacent to the park, taking off and continuing my patrol of the streets encircling the event.
Clove Park has been sanctioned off and surrounding streets blocked for parade routes and parking. Most of the town is here, taking part in some way or spectating and enjoying the last official weekend of summer before kids return to school and the weather starts to turn.
But I guess that doesn’t stop people who aren’t celebrating in the park from cruising around town and causing problems for people still trying to drive on the roads.
“Can people not read the fucking sign? It says a one-way street!”
Flipping the lights on in my cruiser, I close the distance between the car in front of me and myself as I wait for them to pull over to the side of the road. Luckily, the driver is smart enough to turn off of the one-way street and onto the side of a regular two-lane road before stopping and turning off their vehicle.
Shifting into park, I wait the customary few minutes before exiting the cruiser, hand on my gun as I approach the driver’s side window. The black tint on the glass makes it hard to see the person inside, but as the buzzing of the window alerts me it’s lowering, my eyes bounce up and take in the porcelain face of the blonde woman being revealed to me as if in slow motion.
Blue eyes as deep as the midnight sky on a summer night peer up at me beneath dark lashes and long locks of golden honey tendrils fly around her face from the breeze coming through the window.
I’m star-struck—my chest feeling like a truck just slammed into me and cracked a rib. Fucking-A… this woman is gorgeous. Not just hot, but strikingly beautiful, angelic even.
Suddenly images of her face calling out my name while I pound into her flood through my brain, but then I realize I haven’t even heard her speak. I need to hear her voice to make the fantasy truly come alive.
Clearing my throat, I remember my line. “Do you know why I pulled you over?” I deepen my voice like I always do on the job to signal my control and command.
“Well, I think so, but I’m hoping you’ll give me a pass today, Deputy. I’m kind of lost. These roads are closed off around the park for the event, and I need to get across town for a meeting,” she explains with a wave of her hand.
Yup, voice sounds like liquid sex. And now I’m hard. Fuck me.
Why did the idiot I thought I was following have to be a walking wet dream?
“Well, you were going the wrong way down a one-way street… does that sound about right?”
She nods. “Yes, I’m sorry. Luckily no one was trying to go the right way, huh?” She grins and fuck me, my dick twitches. It’s been a while since that’s happened.
“Yes, you got lucky. I need your license and registration please,” I ask as she turns and fetches the items from her purse and glove box.
“Sorry again. Like I said, I got lost. I’m still new around here.”
“New to Emerson Falls?”
“Yeah, I’ve only been here for about a month. I’m actually headed to a job interview and I really don’t want to be late,” she cringes as I stare down at her license in my hand.
Piper Davis.
It suits her. Original. Beautiful. Intriguing.
No, Cash. Shut it down. You don’t do details. You don’t need to know shit about this woman besides the fact that she can read a street sign.