Page 28 of Captivated

Truth be told, this is the longest I’ve ever gone without sex since I lost my virginity. Four weeks is too long for this red-blooded male to go without the tight, wet heat between a woman’s legs. But that’s how long it’s been since Labor Day, when a long-legged blonde nurse entered my life and knocked it off balance.

“Just haven’t found anyone interesting,” I lie. I found someone interesting alright, someone so damn intriguing that my dick doesn’t even want to fathom the idea of someone else. Piper is the star in my fantasies each night in bed and each morning in the shower, making me harder than I think I’ve ever been—and that’s ahugeproblem for my sex drive, pun intended.

“Nah, I think you’ve found someone you want. And I think that’s the problem. What happened with the girl from the bar?”

I shuffle around the ring, contemplating whether I should try to land a punch again to shut him up, or how much I should divulge to Cooper. The guy is my best friend and earlier this year, it was him that was having girl trouble. I’ve never considered myself the talk-about-my-feelings type of guy, but maybe his opinion on the matter would help me figure out how to approach my situation with Piper.

“Can we talk about this while we’re not trying to beat the shit out of each other?” I huff as I drop my hands, my chest heaving with every intake of oxygen.

“Yeah, truce.” Cooper taps his gloves with mine before we both exit the ring and head to the locker room. Once showered and dressed, Cooper takes a seat on one of the benches next to me, resting his forearms on his thighs as he waits for me to speak.

“Her name is Piper, and fuck man…” I shake my head, still baffled that a woman has wormed her way into my mind and has made me question the way I’ve been living my life for years.

“And the man has met his match,” Cooper chuckles. “I remember you telling me her name in the bar, but how do you know her? And more importantly, why did she smack you around that night? You took off after her so fast, Clara and I were left with a shit ton of questions.”

I spend the next few minutes filling Cooper in on my encounters with Piper—pulling her over on Labor Day, waking up in the hospital with her as my nurse, her overhearing about the date with Misty being a bet, and then kissing her in the parking lot.

“Damn, Cash. I’m kind of concerned. In the few years I’ve known you, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you chase after a woman. And then you fucking kissed her? Are you feeling alright? Did you really hit your head that hard?” Cooper reaches up to pretend like he’s checking my temperature with the back of his hand on my forehead as I swat him away. After my little accident that landed me in the hospital, Cooper checked in on me once I was released. Part of the job is being put in harm’s way, so if someone isn’t shot or near death, we don’t overreact. Now when Cooper was shot, you bet your ass I was visiting him in the hospital, even though it was only a graze wound.

“Fuck off, man. Look, I’m just as confused as you. But she’s fucking gorgeous, Coop. And she fights me—goes back and forth with every snarky comment I throw her way. She’s intelligent and volunteers at the retirement center when she’s not saving lives at the hospital, and just the thought of her drives me fucking crazy.”

“Wait… how do you know she volunteers?”

Fuck. I guess there are even more details about my life I need to fill Cooper in on now.

“Well, there’s something else I should tell you I guess, since I’m baring my soul today and shit.” Exhaling heavily, I inform Cooper about why I moved to Emerson Falls in the first place—to be closer to Birdie.

“I feel like I don’t even know you right now, man,” Cooper shoves my arm, trying to lighten the mood.

“Yeah, well, few people see that side of me. If it weren’t for coincidental timing and what I’m beginning to think is some sort of fate, Piper wouldn’t even know about her.”

“Why are you hiding that, Cash? I think the fact that Birdie is that important to you isn’t something you should keep to yourself. In fact, knowing that about you now only solidifies the loyalty I know you showcase every day in your job. You may be someone that plays things off casually day to day, but I’ve always known deep down you were a guy who isn’t as selfish as you lead everyone to believe. Why do you think we’re friends? If I didn’t think you were a good guy, I wouldn’t be here.” Cooper shrugs and then sits up tall, turning to face me straight on. “Here’s how I look at it. I spent months with Clara, seeing her behind closed doors because that’s what she wanted. If I had actually gone after what I wanted sooner, we could have both saved each other some heartache, but lesson learned. Anyway, my point is, if Piper is what you want, then go after her.”

Releasing a deep breath I didn’t realize I was holding, I contemplate what Cooper’s saying. I know that when I asked Piper out the other night, she turned me down. But maybe Cooper is on to something. I know she was fighting what she clearly wanted—what we clearly both want. I felt her desire for me in her kiss last week. I know she’s attracted to me like I am to her. And I know that even though everything inside of me is screaming to run the other way, there is a part of me desperate to know more about her, break down the wall she’s erected between us. She’s a mystery, and I love a good puzzle.

“I don’t know how to do that, Coop. This all so foreign to me. I don’t date seriously, I don’t chase women, they come to me. And, well, she kinda shot me down when I asked her out the other night…”

“You… Cash Williams… asked a girl out on a date?” Cooper’s eyebrows shoot up.

“Fuck off, man. Seriously, you think I should still go after her? God, I hate that I’m even having this conversation with you right now. I feel like such a goddamn pussy.” I rake my hands through my wet hair in frustration.

“Don’t be. Remember when I got all mushy on you in the cruiser talking about Clara? Even though we’re men, we need to process shit out loud too. And who better to do that with than each other?”

I narrow my eyes at him from the side. “Okay, now you’re freaking me out. Being in a relationship is making you all warm and fuzzy. I feel like we need to beat the shit out of each other again just to get our man cards back.”

Cooper’s laugh fills the locker room. “Maybe next time. I’ve got a smokin’ hot woman waiting for me for a lunch date, and you have some wooing to do.”

“Wooing? How the fuck do I do that?”

“Show her who you really are, man. Show her that you’re interested and not going anywhere. Don’t let her tell you no. Be the cocky asshole I know you are, but just a little less cocky and asshole-y than normal,” he winks, and then grabs his bag and stands to leave.

“Coop,” I call after him. “Thanks, man. Wish me luck. Fuck knows I’m gonna need it.”

“Good luck, man, but you’ve got this. Wear her down.”

I brought a change of clothes to the gym, so I’m dressed and ready to take on the rest of my day before I visit Birdie this afternoon. I try to see her as often as I can during the week, usually a night here or there, and at least on one of my days off. Well, today is my day off, so Birdie asked if I could come by earlier than normal for a game of Scrabble.

Cheez Its in hand, I make my way inside, checking in with Sarah at the front desk like normal.