Page 67 of Captivated

“Yeah. It was an Audi, clearly out of place in Emerson Falls.”

“That’s exactly what I thought when I saw it across from her apartment a few weeks ago.”

“So you’re saying you may know who this guy is?”

I shake my head. “No, but I’ve been aware of his presence. Fuck! He must have been following her…”

“Do you have any idea why?”

“No, Luke! I fucking don’t! I was literally at her apartment for her to explain to me why she has two fucking names, and then she was fucking shot! I know nothing!” And then I crumble, sliding down the side of the building, hanging my head between my knees while my forearms rest on them, letting all the fucking stress and emotions I’ve been feeling extract themselves from my body in the form of tears.

“Fuck, Cash. I’m sorry, man. I’m here, okay?” Luke pauses while I try to gather myself. “We’ve got the guy. I’m gonna head back to the station and I’ll let you know what we find out.” Luke rests his hand on my shoulder while my body convulses.

“She has to be okay, man. She has to fucking be okay. I have so many goddamn questions still.” I pop my head up to see him, my face leaking many different fluids.

“If she’s in surgery already, that’s a good sign,” he swallows hard. “Does she have family? Do you know how to get in contact with them?”

Her phone. It was lying on the ground next to her when I found her there, and I grabbed it before they took her away. Reaching into my pocket, I retrieve it and then swipe to unlock it and scroll through her contacts, noticing only a handful of entries, but not one of them labeled Mom or Dad.

“That’s weird. She doesn’t have any contacts in here for her parents, but I know I heard her talking on the phone to her mom in her apartment.”

“I bet she was using a different phone then,” Luke replies. “It would make sense if she was hiding something from you. Why don’t you go to her apartment and see if you can find one?”

“I can’t leave her.”

“She’s in surgery and probably will be for a while. You have time. It should only take you about fifteen minutes to get there. Her parents need to know, Cash. The people she cares about need to know.” I can see Luke’s sorrow in his eyes, knowing damn well what it’s like to lose someone you care about and never getting to say goodbye.

“Okay,” I say as I stand, wiping the moisture from my nose and eyes. “Keep me updated.”

“I will.”

We part ways as I rush to my truck, hop inside, and make it to Piper’s apartment in record time. Her door is still unlocked since I left in a hurry and never went back inside once she was hauled away.

My mind wanders aimlessly, taking in her apartment I was in just less than an hour ago, hoping that everything wrong would be resolved with one conversation. And now, I’m in the middle of a shitstorm, full of secrets and a mystery I need to solve.

I search frantically through every drawer, cupboard, and box I can find before I hit the jackpot in the back of her closet. Two unmarked phones lie side by side in a shoe box, taunting me with what they represent—her old life and the people she cared enough about to keep in contact with. I stare at them like if I touch them they may turn to dust, my entire body thrumming with nerves. But after a moment, I finally gain the courage to pick one up and dial the only number programmed inside labeled MOM.

“Hello? Pfeiffer? What’s wrong, darling?” A sleepy voice answers the phone, worry etched in every word. “Pfeiffer? Are you there?”

I finally manage to clear my throat before I speak. “Mrs. Winters? This is Cash Williams.”

“Oh,” she pauses, and then continues. “Yes, I know of you, young man.” The fact that Piper told her mom about me offers me a level of comfort right now I was desperately seeking. “But if you’re calling me from that phone, I’m sure there is a reason.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Well? Is Pfeiffer okay? Where is she?”

“She… she’s been shot, ma’am.” Saying the words out loud make me want to vomit and kill someone.

“What?” She barely speaks, and I know right then that this situation is her worst fear.

“She’s been shot. She’s… she’s in surgery right now. I overheard her talking on the phone with you the other day, but she never got to fully explain. It’s… it’s a long story, but I thought you should know.”

“Frank. Frank!” She screams on the line, the rustle of bedding clear in the background. “Pfeiffer! She’s been shot, Frank! We have to go to her, now!”

“I’ll do everything I can to keep her safe until you get here.”

“Frank! Move!” She’s crying and frantic, a feeling I know all too well now. “Yes, Cash. Please stay with our girl. We will be there soon.” And then the line goes dead.