Page 31 of Captivated

“I go back to work tomorrow for three days, and usually need a day to recover, so Thursday would be the earliest.”

“I can do Thursday. Text me your address and I’ll pick you up. Six sound good?”

“Yes. That’s perfect.”

“I hope you know what you signed up for, Piper,” he leans down and presses his lips to mine for the second time tonight, and I swear, the more we kiss, the more intense it gets. Cash took it easy on me earlier, but as his body melts into mine, he deepens the kiss and I lose all sense of control. Our tongues swirl, our moans fill the silence in the parking lot, the intense heat passing between our bodies one of the most exhilarating things I’ve ever felt.

I surrender to him in a way I’ve never given myself to another person, not even Mason. And everything in my mind tells me not to, but my heart is winning the fight. My gut tells me that Cash really does have this other side to him, and the fact that he’s willing to showmethat, well I just know that’s a notion that I have to see through. I thought I knew who he was, but he’s slowly showing me that first impressions aren’t always right.

As Cash slows down the kiss, I feel myself sadden that it’s over. One final nip of my lips and then he pulls away, slowly opening his eyes to meet mine, remaining silent for a beat until a car door shutting in the distance makes us both jump.

“Fuck,” Cash chuckles as I rest my forehead on his chest, both of us laughing off the sound that startled us, my heart now pounding from being caught off guard and kissed intensely. “I need your number please, Piper, so I can get in contact with you for our date. And that way, I can blow your phone up if you ever try to ghost me.”

“Don’t make me change my number, Cash.” I pop my head up and reach for my phone from the pocket of my leggings. Cash types on his screen as I rattle of my number, and then he calls me right there so I have his number as well.

“Have a good night and I’ll see you in a few days,” he says, leaning down for one more quick kiss before releasing my hands and retreating towards his truck.

“You too.” I bite my lip as I watch him walk away, giddy at the prospect of where our date could lead, but trying not to get my hopes up too much. Catching my breath before getting in my car, I settle in my seat and head for my apartment, anxious to call Rachel and fill her in.

“Yes, girl! Good for you!” She exclaims when I tell her I agreed to a date with Cash.

“Really? Because I’m going back and forth about this, Rachel. I’m so excited, yet I feel guilty for that… like I’m cheating on Mason, or something, which is ludicrous, I know.”

“Don’t feel guilty, Pfeiffer. You and Mason are done, and even if this whole mess gets resolved, are you ever going to take him back?”

I shake my head frantically, even though she can’t see me. “Absolutely not. Not only did he lie to me and put my life in danger, but I never felt for him like I do for Cash.” My confession makes me gasp.Holy shit, did I just say that out loud?

A sharp intake of air comes through the line when I realize Rachel is just as shocked by my words as I am. “Oh my Gosh, Pfeiffer,” she whispers. “This isn’t just some crush, is it? This isn’t just about wanting to ride him hard either, huh?”

“Jesus Christ, Rachel! When you say it that way, you make me sound like a slut.”

“No, there is nothing wrong with a woman who enjoys sex, Pfeiffer. But obviously you’re attracted to each other, which is what I thought your interest in him was purely based upon. But after you said that—well, clearly there’s more going on here than just a need to get each other into bed.”

I sigh, now even more apprehensive about what I’m getting myself into. “I just feel so indecisive, Rachel. He’s so freaking hot—like, it should be illegal to be that attractive. But I know there is more to him, and he’s desperate to show me that. I can’t help it. I want him, in more ways than one. And it’s terrifying. And now he’s taking me on a date, where he’s going to ask me questions about my life and I have to lie to him. I just don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”

“Just take it slow then, Pfeiffer. You can share things about your life, just try to leave your answers free of too many details. And when you get the chance, take him for a test drive in the sack, obviously,” she says and I can’t help but laugh. “But this is just a first date. See what’s there before you start freaking out completely. That’s all you can do. If there is anything you should have learned in the past six months, it’s that people can surprise you. Mason obviously caught you off guard, and not in a good way. But sometimes people surprise us in the most unexpected ways, and maybe part of the purpose of this shit show was to lead you to someone like Cash.”

“God, I hope this doesn’t all come crashing down like that did. I will definitely let you know how it goes though.”

“You’d better. Love you, Pfeiffer.”

“Love you too, girl. Get some rest,” I say before we end the call and I get ready for bed.

The next morning I do my laundry and run to the grocery store before driving across town to the hospital to start my first shift of three.

“Well, don’t you look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed?” Jess greets me right after I clock in.

I give her a look that instantly makes her laugh. “Who talks like that?”

She shrugs. “Honestly, I have no idea why those words just came out of my mouth.”

“Okay, let’s just move past it then, shall we?”

“Let’s. So, how were your days off? I mean, the last time I saw you, I was a witness to you smacking Cash Williams upside the head,” Jess leans back in her chair, waiting for me to give up more information.

“Well, funny story,” I start but she cuts me off as she pops upright in her seat.

“No, you didn’t… you slept with him?”