Page 60 of This Regret

“Answer me, woman!”

We both stare at Jen waiting for her to say something. I’m not sure why, because it doesn’t matter what she says. I want this ass**le gone and I’ll make sure it happens. “Phoenix. You should just leave.” She forces a smile and reaches for my arm to pull it down. “Everything will be fine. I just need to get him inside so he can rest. He just needs a little food in his system. Like I said, I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“No, I’m good.” I grab onto the railing again and look into her eyes, letting her know how worried I am. “I’m not going anywhere until he’s gone. You have a child right inside and he does not need to be around this. Even if that’s what you choose to do, he doesn’t deserve it.” I turn back around to face Nate and he grins as if he’s won. “Leave,” I growl.

His face instantly turns to hatred as he steps up to stand right in front of me and places his finger to my forehead, his nail digging into my skin. It hurts, but I refuse to back down and show this coward any fear. “I’m not going anywhere, you-“

“Stop it, dammit!” Jen pushes her way in between us and slaps Nate’s hand out of the way. “Phoenix, please!” Her eyes plead with me to listen, but I can’t. I fear for her life. She’s my best friend. I would never forgive myself if I left here and something happened to her. I don't know how far he would take it. You watch Lifetime movies about this sort of thing all the time. I won’t cave in on this one. I won’t, no matter how bad she wants me to.

“I’m not going anywhere, Jen. Didn’t you hear me the first time?” Is this girl freaking nuts? She must not be as smart as I thought, if she thinks I’m falling for this crap. I’ve heard of too many women falling victim of domestic violence, thanks to my mother and her movies. I’m not stupid. I know abusive behavior when I see it. “Now go inside and lock the door, Jen.”

Nate reaches around me and grips Jen’s arm, pulling her into his chest. “You listen to that bitch and get inside. You heard her.” He shoves me backwards as I reach for his arm. “I’m taking her inside with me and you better get the f**k off my property before I show you the things I can do. Just mind your own damn business. That’s how little girls like you get hurt,” he slurs.

Reaching for the screen door, he slings it open shoving Jen inside by her hair. I catch a glimpse of Jen’s hands reaching for her hair, as she stumbles over the threshold, letting a small screech escape her lips.

Anger courses through me and I start shaking. I can’t even believe what is happening right here in front of my face. How long has this crap been going on? I will cut this ugly piece of shit's dick off and store it on the mantle before letting him hurt her or Jax.

Following close behind them, I reach for the back of Nate’s muscle shirt, stretching it backwards in my fist. I yank as hard as I can in an attempt to get him off her, but it’s no use. “You sorry bastard! You're nothing but a waste of space. Don’t you dare touch her.”

Swinging his arm backwards, he slaps me across the face, sending me flying into the wall. The impact must have been enough to wake little Jax, because the room is filled with his screams and now . . . I want to scream.

He’s sitting there in the middle of the living room floor, reaching out his arms for someone to hold him, his face red and wet with tears, clearly showing he's scared.

“It’s okay, baby boy. Mommas right here,” Jen cries out from in Nate’s arms.

“Shut the f**k up!” Nate pushes Jen down onto the hardwood floor as she reaches her arms out for Jax. She lands face first onto the floor, her arms stretched out in front of her. “I can’t handle all of this f**king noise. All I hear is waaaah wah waaaah. Now shut up for once,” he says, covering his ears and leaning against the wall like a psychotic maniac losing his grip on reality.

Pushing myself to my feet, I run past Nate and over to where Jen’s lying on the floor. She has blood running down her nose, probably from the impact of her face slamming into the floor. At this point, I could kill this son of a bitch. Jax is still screaming in the middle of the living room and Jen is now standing here in my arms with blood running down her face. This is bullshit. This shouldn’t be happening right now.

I turn to face Nate, while holding my arms out, blocking Jen behind me as I start walking backwards toward Jax. Nate pushes away from the wall as if he’s about to come after us. “Don’t you f**king do it, Nate. Just leave. You’re not wanted here. You need some serious help. You have anger problems and a drinking issue that needs to be dealt with”

Nate lets out a sadistic laugh as Jen bends down and reaches for Jax. We all just stand here in silence, waiting for Nate to speak. He’s so damn creepy. I need to find a way to get him out of here before he hurts anyone else.

“I need help?” He rubs his hands over his head really fast and hard before turning around and repeatedly slamming his fists into the wall, leaving dents and holes. “I’ll. Show. You. Who. Needs . . .” He talks while punching his fist into the wall in between each word. This guy is really losing it.

“You need to leave before he hurts you, Phoenix,” Jen cries into my ear while gripping my arm. “Please do this for me. I don’t want any of this on you. You have enough to take on.”

“No!” I shake her arm off and reach into my pocket for my phone. “I’m not letting this scumbag hurt you anymore. This isn’t right.” My hand shakes as I scroll through my contacts before he sees what I'm doing. I find the number that I’m looking for and press the call button. Nate is still facing the wall, punching it, while slurring nonsense. If I’m going to get us any help, then it’s now.

When I see that the call timer is counting the call, I lock the screen and shove my phone back into my pocket, praying that I made the right decision. Luckily, I get my phone back into place right as he spins around and slaps himself in the face.

“What is wrong with me, huh?” He tilts his head to look at us. “You do this to me. Do you know that? You do this to me.” He slaps himself in the face again before taking a step forward and peeking his head around us to look at Jax. “Where’s my little boy? Come to daddy, Jax.” He holds his arms out and belches, while walking toward us.

“I don’t think so.” I put my hand on his chest, stopping him before he can reach them. “Don’t touch either one of them, you sick f**k.”