Page 55 of This Regret

She looks even more confused as she focuses her attention on Phoenix. “Okay, who is this cute weirdo? If he wasn’t cute and I didn’t like those awesome tattoos, I would kick him where it counts.”

Phoenix looks so nervous; it makes me want to kiss her to relax her again. It seemed to help earlier at least. “Kellan,” she whispers sounding pained. “Kade’s brother.”

Zoe snickers and her face lights up. “What! The guy you refuse to talk about? Oh this is some good-“

Phoenix places her hand over Zoe’s mouth, silencing her. Now I’m really curious about what’s been said about me.

I jump out of the truck, run over to Zoe and throw my arm around her shoulder surprising her. “Looks like we have a lot to catch up on. There’s no way you can’t know about me. Like I said, you were my tail.” She grabs her notebook and I guide her away from Phoenix.

Phoenix combs her fingers through her hair looking nervous as she leans against my truck, but I can’t help it. I want to know what she’s been telling Zoe over the years. She’s had to of told her something for her to know my name. That’s a good sign. I think.

“We can chat as long as you tell me some things about Phoenix I don’t know,” Zoe says with a devious grin. “She’s good at keeping secrets and it pisses me off.”

“What are you guys saying over there?” Phoenix grumbles. “Isn’t it about time you go to bed, Zoe?”

Zoe turns to argue with her sister, so I reach over and grab Zoe’s notebook as it falls to the ground. I pick it up, scanning it, thinking maybe Zoe is like her brother and likes to write songs or something. Instead, I find a bunch of scribbles and words that are mostly misspelled.

I feel the notebook get snatched out of my hand and I look up to see Zoe scowling at me. “That’s mine. Nosy much?” She scrunches her nose and huffs.

She looks so embarrassed and I feel bad for learning her secret. No one knew this about Adric, but he used to have a hard time spelling when I first met him as well. He kept it a secret, but slowly taught himself through music and poetry. I was amazed at the results and he was an inspiration to me that you can do whatever you set your mind to.

“Come here.” I wave Zoe over and out of Phoenix’s earshot. “I have a secret to tell you.”

She looks hesitant at first, but comes over anyways, looking me in the eye. “What?”

I point at the notebook and look behind me to be sure Phoenix isn’t listening. “What nobody knows, is that Adric had a hard time spelling.” I pause and look down to be sure she’s listening. “He learned through music and poetry. I’m going to make the same deal with you I made with him.”

She looks at me with a little hope in her eyes, probably a bit relieved that she’s not the only one that needed help. “What kind of deal?”

I did a lot of embarrassing crap as a teenager and I have Adric to thank for that. I made a promise to Adric that if he could pull his end off, I would do anything he asked me to no matter how stupid and ridiculous it was. “Next time I come over, I want you to sit down and write a poem. I want you to practice while I’m gone. If you get every word spelled correctly, I will do anything you want me to do. As long as it’s not robbing a bank. Those days are behind me,” I tease, making her laugh.

“Are you serious?” she questions unsure. “Anything I want you to do? Anything at all?”

I nod my head and lean against my truck. “Absolutely, I’m not messing with you. I keep my word.”

She looks down at the notebook in her hand and smiles. “Oh, this is going to be fun.” She pats my arm as if I’m going to be sorry later. If she’s anything like Adric, I’m a little scared. “I already have ideas flowing. Weird how that works. See ya, big guy.”

She takes off, skipping inside and Phoenix gives me a confused look as she watches Zoe disappear inside. “What was that about?”

I push myself away from the truck and push my hair out of my face. “It’s our little secret.” My eyes meet hers and my heart skips a beat. Dammit . . . why does she do this to me? I swallow hard and stand up straight. “Call me if you need me,” I say.

She nods her head and smiles weakly. “You suck and by the way, thanks for tonight.” I smile and she starts walking up the porch. “Goodnight, Kellan.”

“Goodnight, beautiful.” I see her blush as she turns away and closes herself inside. I quickly run over and jump into my truck, taking off. A panic surges through me as thoughts of me and Phoenix take over my mind. I can’t believe I let myself break the rules and have sex with her bareback. Not to mention the fact I busted my load inside her without even much thought. I never rely on a girl's word that she is on birth control. That's exactly how guys end up with unwanted kids and stuck with a woman. Hell, I was about take her again here in my truck if I had the opportunity. I can’t let myself be so careless with her. I need to gain my control back before it’s too late. This girl is something else and she throws me all off balance.

When I get home, Maxine is sitting on the porch waiting. I pull into the drive and look out the window at her, hating myself. She’s dressed in a pair of short white shorts and a red spaghetti strap shirt looking damn sexy. She’s sitting with her legs crossed and when she notices my truck she uncrosses them and looks up with a smile.

A part of me wants to turn the truck around and just leave, but I need to handle this before it goes too far.

Letting out a deep breath, I click the garage remote and step out of the truck as Maxine stands, making her way to me. “I thought your sexy ass would never get home,” she purrs. She places her lips against my neck as she works her way up to my face. “You have no idea how bad I need you right now. I want to feel you inside me,” she says breathless.

Gripping her wrists in my hands, I pull her hands away and push them down at her sides, looking her in the eye. “I can’t help you, Maxine. I need you to go home.”

She looks stunned as she reaches for my chest and caresses it. “Did you have a rough day? That’s fine. We can help each other out then. I can take care of your every need.”

“No.” The thought of her hands on me angers me. Right now, I can’t think of anyone touching me but Phoenix. This woman, as beautiful as she may be, just doesn’t compare. I can’t handle her hands on me right now. “Go home, Maxine. I’m not sleeping with you.”