Page 21 of This Regret

Larry, the giant, grabs for shrimp dick Kenny’s wallet and wraps the chain around my neck as Kenny holds my arms back, pulling tightly.

“What are you doing back, huh?” Spit flies in my face as he leans in close and pulls the chain. It’s hard to breathe, but I’m not letting these two jerk offs leave happy. “You know you’re not allowed anywhere near here. You didn’t think we wouldn’t find out, did you?" Thank f**ks sake that damn tattoo shop is so close to our new favorite bar. "Guess we’re pretty damn lucky, right?”

They both laugh as I cough, gasping for air. “Fuck you,” I choke out.

I must’ve pissed them off more because Kenny twists my arms into an uncomfortable position before kicking my legs out so I’m down on my knees now, my head being forced backwards by Kenny’s elbow. “Cape sends a message.”

A fist connects hard against my right eye sending me backwards, the chain digging even deeper into my neck, before a knee slams into my abdomen, causing me to spit out a little blood. It hurts like hell, but I won’t give them the pleasure of knowing.

“Would anyone else like to take a swing at me today? I don’t think I’ve had enough," I choke out as the chain unwraps from my neck, causing Larry to push me to the ground so I’m lying flat on my back, the heel of my boots digging into my spine.

He leans in close and smiles, revealing his blackened teeth and I flinch at the foul smell that lingers on his breath. “You have three weeks to leave or you’ll be getting another visit and next time you won’t be so lucky. You’re lucky you’re even getting that and that’s only because Cape wants to see you suffer for a little bit. You know how that brings him pleasure.” He winks and gives me one last shove, before turning to leave. “Enjoy your time, mother f**ker.”

I roll over, cough a few times and spit as they hold the wallet up, and laugh to each other. “Anything else that bastard wants to say that he couldn’t come say himself?” I growl out, pushing myself back to my feet and spitting out more blood.

Larry laughs sadistically, turns back around, grabs me by the jacket and slams me against the wall. “You think this shit is funny, don’t ya, you stupid f**k?” He turns around as if he’s about to walk away, but then stops when Kenny pushes his elbow into my neck, holding me against the wall. “Oh. He has plenty more to say.” He spins around and swings his fist, connecting it hard against my jaw. The same damn spot that Kade packed a good punch at just about twenty minutes ago.

Fuck! I’m going to be sore tomorrow.

“Come on Kenny. Let’s get the hell out of here before we kill this shit head.”

“Next time you’re going to wish you had.” I bend over, my hands to my knees and spit a few times from the blood pooling in my mouth. I watch the ass**les walk down the street and hop into a tiny Mazda, beat to hell and back.

Seeing them two is a sure sign I'm going to get my ass killed. I should’ve been smarter and stayed away like I promised. A promise made before the two most important people waltzed back into my life. How can I leave now? I can't, not after seeing her and as selfish as it may be, I won't. At least not yet.

I have barely been inside long enough to strip down to my briefs and get an ice pack, when the doorbell rings, causing Rayne, my chocolate colored beauty, to growl. She's standing at full alert, her pink lips back, exposing her sharp canines and staring over at the door.

“Down, girl. Shh, take it easy.”

I pull the icepack from my face and stand up, placing my hand on Rayne’s collar. “It’s okay, girl. Stay here and let me see who our visitor is."

She lets out a whimper and plops back down to the ground while watching my every movement. She's had my back since I found her two years ago, injured. Someone abused her and left her to die. She’s really protective, but I have trained her well enough for her to know her place. Most people take one look at this well-muscled Pitt and make a run for it. Deep inside, though, she’s a softy, just a big ol’ teddy bear.

Running my hand over my chest and stretching, I look through the shades to see Maxine standing there in a long black jacket and a pair of red heels, looking seductive and ready to pounce.

Usually, I would welcome a little surprise visit like this, especially after the day I’ve just had, but right now, I’m just not feeling it. Even sex can’t fix this disastrous day. Even if it could, after getting a look at Phoenix only half naked, I knew Maxine wouldn't compare. I'm in deep shit after seeing her that way.

Exhaling, I reach for the door and pull it open, my eyes landing on her breast that are popping out of the top of her jacket. “I see you remembered where I live,” I say calmly.

Twirling one of her red curls, she leans into the doorframe while unbuttoning the top buttons of her jacket, exposing more of her plump br**sts. “How could I forget?” Her head turns up, her eyes meet my bruised face, and she suddenly looks terrified. “Holy shit! What happened?” She takes a step forward and reaches for my face. “Was it Nathan? Did he-“

I push her hand away and huff, while placing the icepack back to my face. This girl is crazy if she thinks that pu**y could have caused this kind of damage. “No sweetheart, it would take more than that scared little pu**y to throw me around," I say sarcastically.

I turn and walk through the house with Maxine’s heels echoing off the hardwood floor behind me. Rayne gets ready to stand up and growl, but I place my hand up, stopping her as I plop back down onto the leather couch and throw my icepack on the coffee table.

Maxine stops dead in her tracks when she notices Rayne for the first time. “Whoa, is your dog going to bite me?” She takes a step back, almost tripping over her own shoes.

“No, she’s fine.” I snap my fingers and point down the hallway. “Go lay down, Rayne.”

Rayne scrambles to her feet, panting, before taking off down the hallway and turning right into her bedroom.

Pain is shooting through my face again and throbbing almost as if I can feel the bruise spreading over my eye and its beginning to swell shut. It hurts like hell. I just want to take some painkillers and go to sleep, but now I have to deal with this shit.

Maxine is standing here in front of me practically naked as she gets down on her knees in front of me, but all I can think about is what Phoenix and Kade are doing.