I kick my foot. “I’m never gonna be able to focus on the movie,” I playfully whine, but I’m only halfway joking. Being inside of Sterling while he’s inside Juniper will be my world’s quickest orgasm, of that I’m sure.
Two hours later, I wake up pressed against Sterling’s chest, Juniper, too. Sterling holds a book out in front of him, the fireplace tossing glints of light over our tangled legs as he slowly turns a page.
I’m awake, but I close my eyes and stay still, basking in the reality of my life.
Sterling’s hair is adorably fucked up and so is Dash’s as they sit at the kitchen table eating pancakes in silence. They’re exhausted. I’ve been wearing them out at night and I can’t help myself.
I warned themI have energy.
And when you’re in love with a man, all you do is dream of all the delicious ways to take his cock. But being in love with two men? I can’t get enough.
Not to mention, I have baby fever to the extreme. Watching Dolly have babies with her husband hasn’t helped. Plus, I’ve waited. Patiently. For years. I’ve been the single, older sister for my entire damn life. My hormones and instincts are driving me to mother, urging me to the realm of care that is only satiated by being a parent.
“Excited for today?” I ask, since I’m not even sure they know what day it is, that’s how relentless I’ve been.
Dash has been working the midday shifts, so he and Sterling are getting home around the same time each day. And from 4 o’clock until midnight, bless them, they’re mine.
Mine to ride, mine to suck, mine to tease, mine to fuck.
But they’re tired, so I’ll go easy on them today. Sterling sips his coffee and forks another pancake off the stack. “Of course, sweetheart.”
Dash takes another pancake, too, adding, “I am, though I’m still a little cranky about Sterl having that talk with Hudson, without me.”
Sterling reaches over to where Dash sits, taking the edge of the table in his hand, pulling himself nearer. He drops his lips to the back of Dash’s neck, making Dash smirk. He drops private words down his back, kissing his throat, then ear, and finally his cheek. “I will apologize to you in any way you see fit,” he says again, this time taking Dash by the mouth in a hot kiss.
My insides flare with desire watching them love each other. Dash, while he understands, accepts and has no problem with Sterling’s position in our relationship, I know he also loves the apologetic affection he receives when teasing him.
Sterling spoke with Hudson about the three of us, and our future, asking him to speak with my sisters. And he spoketo Dolly that day, too. Dash wanted to be there, but Sterling explained that it was something he needed to do, for himself. I know Dash understood, but again, Sterling’s sweet kisses are something I wouldn’t want to miss out on either.
Little does he know, he’ll have a chance to speak with Ivy, Dolly, Hudson, Honey, Bear—hell, anyone who I love, he will have the chance to speak to. Because I’m surprising them with a family lunch at Goode’s.
“All right already.” Dash grins, pushing back on Sterling as he takes another bite of pancake. “I have to eat and you’re scrambling my brain with your entire existence right now.” He waves up and down, signaling to Sterling.
Sterling chuckles, reaching for the jam in the center of the table. I love that they put my jam on literally anything that they can. I love the way they show me love in passive actions. They always did these little acts before, when we were just friends. He holds up the jar as I tread down memory lane, thinking about how long I’ve been in love with these two men that are now mine.
“It’s empty,” he says, the playfulness draining from his face. Dash reaches for the jar, tipping it in his direction to see the empty insides.
The disappointment on their faces makes me giggle. I think I got these two addicted to my jam. I make my way to them and kiss each of their cheeks. “Don’t worry, there’s more in the garage.” I pop out, a smile on my face, eager to get the case to bring back to them, finally glad to have them at my table and not waiting at their house for a delivery.
Snatching it up, I trudge back inside, heat flaring through my insides at the sight of my guys standing side by side, both shirtless, scratch and bite marks emblazoned along their bodies, my house phone held between them.
“Who is it?” I mouth to Dash, who simply shrugs.
“Hello?” Sterling calls again, but this time, he hangs up. “You know, someone keeps calling here and hanging up,” he says, replacing the phone on the dock before smoothing both hands through his wavy hair. “Do you get a lot of hang-up calls?”
I shrug, thinking back. “I don’t know. It’s probably nothing.” Clapping my hands together in excitement, I steeple my hands beneath my chin, staring at them.
Dash reaches into his basketball shorts. “I think I can go again but… I definitely need a warm-up.”
My arms fall to my sides. “What?”