I shrug. “I know you’re not her father, and I know you aren’t her brother. But you are the only man in her life, and I thought I’d come to you, hoping you could help me get Dolly’s and Ivy’s approval.” I clear my throat, trying my hardest to ignore the flickering bundle of nerves licking their way up my spine, spreading through my veins, flooding my gut. “Dash and I would like to commit to her.”
He remains silent and motionless for so long that I start spewing things I’m sure he doesn’t want to know.
“I know it’s unconventional, I do. And I know Bluebell is… small. But I’m gonna believe they aren’t small-minded. And if they are, well,” I say, scratching my chin, “fuck ’em. Because I’m in love with Juniper, and so is Dash. And all I want to do is spend the rest of my life with them, and I just want her sisters to know there’s nothing in the world we wouldn’t do for her.”
A memory of Dash with a finger on his shoulder flashes through my mind, as does a memory of the smell that night in the burn chamber at the sanitation plant.
“We would give our lives for hers, Hudson, and I just want her sisters to know that’s the kind of love she has. Even if it’s unconventional, she’ll never want for anything, and she will never be unhappy with us.”
He shakes his head just a little, letting out a laugh as he focuses on his boots. A moment later, he looks back up at me. “Well, shit. I owe my wife a lot of really weird, kinky things tonight because she just won a bet.”
I arch a brow. “A bet?”
He smirks, glancing back at his house. “She told me y’all were a throuple. And I said no.”
I place a hand on his shoulder and squeeze. “Doesn’t sound like your loss is really a loss at all.”
He grins and hooks a thumb over his shoulder. “C’mon in for a sec? Talk to my wife? Now that I know I’ve lost, I better grab some electrolytes to prepare for tonight.”
I glance back at the house. “Well, I’m setting up Juniper’s booth for the market today. But… yeah, that’d be okay.”
I don’t even make it inside. The moment Hudson opens the door, Dolly is there, smirking. “Why are you back so soon?”
Hudson presses his lips to her ear, resting a gloved palm over his baby resting in her belly. “You were right, baby.” He kisses her neck and moves past her toward the kitchen, and her eyes fall on me.
“Oh my god, you guys finally made it official?” She claps her hands together silently, beaming.
“How’d you know?” I ask, because while Juniper does tell us everything, I don’t recall her telling me she spoke to her sisters about us.
“Well, she came over here the other night, while you guys were asleep in her bed. And she told me you guys are together, but she shared some fears too.”
My heart jumps. “Fears?”
Dolly studies me as her palms wander over her belly. “Fears about being a good mom.”
“What?” I retort, surprise lifting my voice. “Seriously?”
“Why seriously?” Dolly asks, her question pointed and intense. But all I can think about is my sweetheart believing or even questioning what kind of mother she would be. I mean, I think I know why—but even so, that’s insane.
“Because Juniper will hands down make the best mom and I can’t believe she can’t see that in herself,” I reply, glancing back at the house where she and Dash are sleeping soundly.
“Were you askin’ Hudson for his blessing?” she asks, not glaring anymore as much as she is actively sizing me up.
“I was hoping Hudson could talk to you and Ivy. I know that if you two aren’t on board?—”
Dolly stops me, and my heart expands as a grin spreads across her face. “Just seeing how you were gonna react, that’s all.” She nods toward the edge of the property, where her cans are lined up. “I’ve seen you around here with her, and I’ve seen the three of you in town together plenty.” She steps up to me, the tiny thing that she is with nothing more than a basketball belly, and drops her hand on my shoulder. “You’re not good at secrets. Your face has been screamingI love youfor years. Ivy and I are just glad it’s finally official.”
“It is,” I tell her, “we’re moving into Juniper’s place this week.”
She looks at the diamond glittering on her finger. “Commitment ceremony?”
I nod. “Yes. I hope.”
“Here?” she says, her focus catching on Hudson setting up white tents, her vision narrowing, tongue sweeping over her bottom lip in a half seductive, halfyou’re minekind of way.
“If that’s what Juniper wants, then yes.”
She nods then sticks out her hand, and we shake. “I like that you came by.” She pushes a slender finger into my pecs pointedly. “Don’t ever stifle her energy. She has big energy, we all do. We need men who can help shape it, not diffuse it.”