Strands of Juniper’s honey hair fly around, bringing her scent to me. A familiar comfort diffuses in my chest, and I place my hand on her thigh, giving her a squeeze. “We took care of him, sweetheart. Okay? It’s gonna be okay.”
“One down, nine to go,” Dash comments.
“What did you do with him?” Juniper finally asks after we ride in contemplative silence for a few minutes. “If you don’t want to tell me, I understand.”
Waiting for the light in the center of town to turn green, I look down at her, centered between the two of us, so small in comparison. “We carried him down to the mineshaft, and made his death look like an accident.”
“I tore the door off the mineshaft, Sterl set up a tent and staged it with a few things. We tossed him into the shaft along with supplies, like a lantern, knife, a headlamp, and some other things to make it look like he was looking for gold.”
She doesn’t say anything, just stares at me, then turns her head to stare at Dash.
“I put a pamphlet called Miner’s Gold on the passenger seat of his pickup truck,” Dash adds.
“Thank you,” she whispers, her tone husky with emotion. “You guys know I love you both, right?”
Dash takes her hand, waffling their fingers together. Juniper uses her free hand to grip my thigh. The connection roars between the three of us. “I know,” Dash says. “Love you, too.”
I keep my focus on the horizon as I drive toward the sanitation plant. “Of course, sweetheart. Love you too.”
More than you know.
It’s only a few more minutes until we’re there, but when I glance over at Juniper, I don’t have the heart to wake her up. It’s been a big few days for her, but tonight was especially hard, I’d have to imagine.
Having secrets is one thing, but secrets like hers? Then to spill them to two of the most important people in your life? That had to be hard. She handled herself so well, she was so brave.
Sheisso brave.
Hell, when she told me about all of her victims, I started to think victim is the wrong word. Those men gaslighted her, they baited her, they expected to treat her like an object while demanding king worship in return.
They had it coming and as fucked up as it is, I’m proud of her.
I wish I could’ve offed them myself.
When I finally pull into the plant and put the truck in park, Juniper is still asleep and Dash is quiet, gazing thoughtfully out the window at the sliver of moon that remains.
“You okay?” I ask hoarsely over a sleeping Juniper.
His eyes are misty when they come to mine, and my chest tightens at his expression. “Just… processing.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
He blinks at me. “How are you always so solid? I feel… fucking dumb for struggling right now. I’m the cop. I should be?—”
“You’re not dumb so shut the fuck up with that. And the reason you’re struggling isbecauseyou’re a cop.” I glance out at the lights glowing on the side of the old concrete building that I call home all week. “I’m not good all the time but I will be gooduntil we get this mess cleaned up.” I look back toward him. “I have to be. To save her.”
“You know what’s funny?” he hoarsely asks.
“I thought ditching the scene in front of Ink Time so that Ivy didn’t get arrested was the worst thing I was going to do for Juniper.”
In a way, I kind of did, too. It didn’t surprise me that he whisked Ivy away after she destroyed Trace’s car. Juniper’s pleading would’ve worn me down, too.
“I’m going to say this one more time. If you want out, I’ll never tell a soul. If we get caught and it traces back to any of us, I will solely take the heat. For you, too, not just Juniper. And I will not judge you if you take the out.”
His gray eyes narrow, studying me, dissecting my words, Juniper’s soft breathing diffusing the otherwise silent moment. “Why would you offer that? Aren’t you worried about yourself at all?”
The answer is easy so it comes fast. “I care more that you two are okay.” I pop open the door quietly and step out, ducking my head back into the cab. “Tomorrow night we’ll get the guy she buried earlier tonight. C’mon. We gotta get cleaned up and get her home.”