Page 51 of Eternally Devoted

As I’m lowering the bar to my chest, two large hands appear above me, followed by Sterling’s face. His hair is mussed from sleep and he’s still shirtless, but his eyes are lined with concern. He shows no strain and he lifts the bar and reracks it, preventing me from finishing my rep.

“You okay?” he says from upside down over the top of me.

I blink up at him. “Yeah.”

He blinks. I blink. He nods, motioning for me to sit up, and I do. He takes a seat on the bench next to me, a space between us big enough for another whole Sterling. It irrationally upsets me that he left so much space, when a week ago it would be supremely strange if he didn’t.

“If your role with the police department?—”

“Sterl,” I interject, “I’ve told you three times. I’m good.”

Our eyes idle and heat spreads through my veins, hot awareness bleeding into my groin as I focus on the gold fleck near his pupil. I noticed it the first time we met. I find it and make it my focal point at times like this, where I want to look deep into his eyes but I’m afraid of what I might feel if I do.

“It’s fine,” I reassure him one more time, softening my tone.

“I just, I don't know. I know you must be full of turmoil over this.” His hazel eyes swarm me, making my chest tight. “I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

I let out a sigh, heavy and long. “You know, Sterl, thatshouldbe the thing I’m focused on. But honestly, it’s not.”

His brows pull together, furrowing as lines of concern appear along his forehead. “What’s bothering you, then?” He blinks, staring into my eyes as he patiently awaits a response. Does he not know? Has he not felt or seen my turmoil and restraint? Has he not felt the same things?

I take my head in my hands and let out a sigh, studying my Nike trainers. “I?—”

The hinges squeal, and Juniper appears in the doorframe, still dressed in Sterling’s clothes. “I thought we could eat together,” she says, her gaze moving between us. Her little nipples poke at the soft, faded cotton shirt she has on, causing another rush of desire to flood my groin.

Grabbing my water jug, willing my slutty cock to obey, I get to my feet and smile at Juniper across the garage. “Let’s have breakfast and plan our day,” I say, smiling. Looking down at Sterling I drop my voice an octave. “I’ll call out at the station now.”

He nods, but his brows are still cinched in confusion. I clap my hand on his shoulder as I walk past him. “C’mon, I know you hate cold eggs.”

Inside, I slip into my room to make the call to the station. It takes all of two minutes, but I pop my head out and tell them I need another five. Then I ball up a t-shirt, shove it into my own mouth, drop to my knees in front of a splayed out bath towel, and jack off until my gag absorbs my moans as I come like a fire hose, thinking of waking up next to them again.





Dash has been in his room for the last few minutes, taking the next few days off of work.

For me.

Both of them are taking time off of work to help me.

It’s so sweet.

“Think he’ll have any trouble getting the next few days off?” I ask as Sterling scoops eggs from the pan, working on the third plate.

“Naa,” he replies. “The guy hasn’t taken a day off in two years. I don’t think it’ll be an issue.”

Chewing my lip, I nod while watching the tendons in his forearm twist as he lifts the cast iron pan from the stove. He stops before setting it next to the sink, arm flexed as he blinks at me. “What’s the matter, sweetheart?”

We’re going to be spending the day together. We spent last night, today, and the evening before that, too.

I feel like I’m lying by not coming clean, and I hate that feeling. Itchy, nagging discomfort swirls in my gut as I watch Sterling grow concerned from my silence, lowering the pan to close the space between us. Cupping my elbows in his hands as I rub my face, he lowers his voice again, whispering, “What’s going on, Juniper?”

Now or never.