“No one likes jam as much as you two.” I press the tip of my pointer finger into the crevasse between Sterling’s pecs and drag a line down his torso. “And I don’t like anyone else the way I like you two.”
Cupping my breasts gently, I rock to my toes and dust a soft kiss along Sterling’s lips. “When you drove your truck up the street and came to the house to collect the garbage,” I tell him, letting my nipples graze his chest as I fall back to my heels. “I felt something I’ve only felt one other time.”
I look over at Dash, and hold his eyes with mine. We both know whether we’ve acknowledged it or not, we have chemistry, too.
“Juniper,” Sterling hedges, as I reach for the band of his sweats with both hands. Stopping, I stare down at the thick ridge in his pants, and look over at Dash, finding his eyes drunkenly hovering on Sterling’s crotch. Dash is sporting the same hard-on.
Quickly, I tug down Sterling’s pants and do the same to Dash, stepping between the two of them, taking them each in a hand. Thankfully my hand hardly hurts, whether adrenaline or not. Sterling is hot and thick, and hard as hell. He’s uncut, and watching his crown surge forward, his foreskin pulled back, my mouth waters. I pump him and though he doesn’t groan aloud, his eyes roll closed for a brief moment, and desire rumbles in his chest. Dash is big, hot and hard just like Sterling. I stroke him, too, and then stroke them both at the same time. This time, they groan, and the noise throws a tightness low in my belly and a ball of fiery need between my legs.
“You two got me off the other night. I just want to return the favor, that’s all,” I whisper back to Sterling as I smooth my palm over his cockhead, smearing his precum down his shaft. He doesn’t argue and I do the same to Dash, who also does not argue.
Using their cocks as leverage, I get to my knees between them, still stroking and pumping. I’ve never done this before and I’m excited.
“He won’t bite, if you want to step closer,” I whisper up to Sterling. I could’ve said that same thing to Dash and he would’ve been hip to hip with Sterling in a heartbeat. But I want to make sure that what I’m about to do is something that Sterling wants, too.
He glances over at his roommate and best friend, then sidesteps, leaving just an inch between their hips. “Thank you,” I whisper, smiling.
“Would it be okay if I went between the two of you, you know, with my mouth?” I ask, slowly lapping at the bead of precum that shines at the tip of Sterling’s cock.
Sterling moans as he nods. Dash, too.
“Okay.” I smile, happy to see zero hesitancy in their response. Pumping Dash, I hold Sterling tight and lower my lips to his crown, taking him into my mouth and throat slowly, one savory inch at a time, breathing through my nose.
“Sweetheart,” he groans, and something about that term of endearment was already hot, but groaning it while his hefty cock is lodged down my throat really turns the heat up in my ovaries.
Saltiness rouses my palate as I work him in and out of my throat, sucking and tasting every inch possible. His grunts and words of praise incinerate my center as I bob on him, still diligently stroking a very erect Dash.
“You’re too good at that, Juni,” he rasps. Opening my eyes I find him watching me, and when I peer up at Dash, I find him watching us.
Sliding Sterling out, I turn my head to switch, sucking Dash into my mouth with a wet slurp. I strain to look up at him, but manage, even with watery eyes. Reaching down, he plunges ahand into my hair along the side of my head, fingers tangling as he keeps his eyes trained on my mouthtaking his cock.
“You look beautiful like this,” he says, his smoky tone wrapping my spine, leaving me hot and wobbly. “You look beautiful between us,” he says, paying focus to those last two words.
Has Dash thought about the three of us together? I’d place a million-dollar bet that he’s thought about Sterling before, that much is evident by the way Dash looks at him when he doesn’t realize I’m watching. And I’m fairly certain he’s had a thing for me for a while—so fantasizing about the three of us together isn’t that far off. My mind yo-yos back to the question ofwhy, if they like me,have they not asked me out, but I reroute those thoughts to live in the moment.
I suck Dash again, then return to Sterling, getting lost in the attention they pay me. The words they shower over me.
At one point, as I move between them, Sterling stops me, cradling my jaw in his hand. His voice is low when he utters, “I won’t last much longer.”
Those five words have Dash grabbing himself, cursing, taking a step away from the intimate circle we’d built. Still on my knees, Sterling’s cock in one hand, I reach for him. “Come back,” I offer.
“I was close before he said he was close, now I’m in scary territory,” Dash admits, his cheeks full of color, his neck, too.
I look between them. “Do you trust me?”
Their “Yes” comes in unison.
Positioning myself just right, I let go of their cocks to reach around them, bringing them as close to me as possible. Then I tip my head back just slightly, finding two sets of hazy eyes gazing down at me with lust storming their pupils.
I stroke them in unison, and slowly bring my mouth to their heads.
Part of me expects a protest and another part of me wonders if they’ve been waiting for someone to bring them together like this. They’re both so big that they don’t comfortably fit in my mouth, but I do my best to suckle and suck at their cockheads together, drenching myself at the groan that erupts from Sterling at the first pass of Dash’s slick cock against his.
Dash is leaking precum like crazy, and from my periphery below, I see his toes curl into the floor beneath him. His hand comes out, cupping the side of my face. Our eyes lock and he wordlessly warns me he’s there, right at his unraveling point.
I nod, glancing up and over at Sterling, whose flushed cheeks and heaving chest ignite a fire between my legs. I don’t believe me on my knees naked sucking his cock is the only reason he’s so worked up. Same goes for Dash.
“Watch,” I whisper up to him, making his eyes fall to my pink tongue jutted out on display. With Sterling’s cock resting on my bottom lip, I hold him there as I stroke Dash’s shaft one more time.