“We are almost there.” He glances over, his expression apologetic. He isn’t going anywhere despite knowing his presence is making things awkward. “I don’t want to leave the two of you unprotected, especially while drama prince over there is experiencing the leash of the mate bond.”
Alaric bares his teeth, his head whipping around to lay his narrowed eyes on his friend. “Don’t look at my mate,” he hisses, his body jerking forward like he’s holding himself back. Realising what he’s doing, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. When he opens them again, he glances at me before going back to Blaise. “Please,” he says through clenched teeth. “I do not want to kill my best friend, and you have already seen more than enough.”
The reminder of what happened earlier makes my cheeks flush red. Blaise walked in not long after Alaric and I untangled ourselves from each other, and we were still naked. Naturally, I was embarrassed, but poor Blaise had it worse. I thought he might die on the spot with horror when he realised what he was seeing. While I do not know for sure, I have my suspicions about Blaise and his sexual preferences, and his reaction to seeing me without clothes on only strengthens that thought. To make matters worse, I thought Alaric might actually kill his friend. Ever since, there has been a quiet anger hanging over my mate.
With how difficult it was for Alaric to control himself, we decided to forego resting any longer and head straight to the castle.
There are still so many unknowns ahead of me, making my anxiety creep through me like a dark shadow. Honestly, I’m not sure where to start when it comes to asking for information. This city is like something from a dream, and the creatures around me are unlike anything I could have ever imagined with my slow, human mind. Now that I am the mate to the prince and heir of the Seelie Court, what does that mean for my future?
“How will us being mates affect things going forward?” I ask quietly, breaking the petulant silent that has settled over us.
Alaric straightens in his saddle, and I feel a flash of pride through our bond. There is something amazing about this. He doesn’t regret the fact that we ended up mated. Instead, he isproudto call me his mate. In this moment, though, he glares at anyone who dares to look this way. “It’s not safe to talk about this here. If the king were to hear from someone other than myself, it would be…” His face pales a little. Clearing his throat, he continues. “It would be bad. I will explain once we get to the castle.”
His comment is alarming, and I’m sure it shows on my face because he reaches out and squeezes my knee in comfort. Whydid mentioning his father make him blanch like that, and why would him hearing about his son mating be a bad thing? We are trotting towards this male, and I have no idea what to expect other than he might not approve of Alaric and me.
I need something else to think about, otherwise I will get lost in my thoughts and create problems that aren’t really there.
Everything in the city is pristine, without a speck of dirt to be seen. Even the fae here are perfect and beautiful. A stunning marble fountain in the centre of the square depicts two fae embracing, while shooting crystal clear water into the air, the stone glimmering in the light.
The castle waits for us ahead. Like the rest of the city, it is pale and accented with gold, making it glisten in the sunlight. What makes it stand out, though, is that it isn’t made of wood, rather it is carved into the rock behind it, the back of the castle seeming to sink directly into the base of the cliff itself. The white stone is perfect and appears to glimmer as though covered in glitter.
Entering through the golden gates and into the courtyard, I see that the palace is even more beautiful up close. The minute details in everything is just mind-blowing. The craftsmanship that must have gone into this is beyond what I even knew was possible.
Eyes wide, I realise just how small my human life is. I would have happily lived out my life in Brine without ever having experienced something like this. I tip my head back so I can take in the tall, pointed towers, the architecture seeming to defy gravity. Magic must have been involved in the building process, something that most fae can use.
Sentries wait for us just inside the palace gates to take our horses to the stables. Alaric is off his mount and at my side in the blink of an eye, snarling at the female who tries to assist me off my horse before helping me down himself instead. Honestly,the whole interaction passes over me, my attention on the castle. The courtyard is just as beautiful, full of troughs overflowing with roses filling the air with their floral scent.
The palace doors are open and accessed via one of the two short staircases that lead up to it. Standing in the entrance, watching us with a neutral expression, is a male dressed in a pristine white uniform, his jacket decorated with golden trim. I get the impression he has been waiting for us.
Blaise, having passed his horse over to one of the attendants, takes the stairs two at a time, speaking with the male and gesturing towards Alaric and me. Their voices are too quiet for me to hear, but I don’t miss the look of shock on the new fae’s face as he whips around to stare at me.
What happens next goes by in a blur as we are led into the castle and through the sparkling halls. Impossibly, the inside feels even larger than it looks on the outside, and all the furnishings are in bright colours of white, gold, and a spectrum of yellows and oranges. There are quiet conversations going on around me, again passing me by. I am completely hypnotised by the majesty and grandeur of this place, fully under its spell.
We come to a stop, and my mind finally returns to the present, picking up on the tight atmosphere over our little group. The fae who greeted us at the entrance of the castle looks at me with barely disguised disgust, but he is careful to keep his expression blank when Alaric is looking in his direction. Tall and thin, he holds himself with a sense of smug pride, his pointed chin, high cheekbones, and narrowed grey eyes not making for a welcoming appearance. His blond hair is brushed back and pulled into a short ponytail, and although his face shows no signs of aging, I get the impression he is far older than he looks.
We stand outside of two grand wooden doors, depictions of fae carved into the wood. I could spend hours examining it, but I can sense something important is waiting for us on the otherside of the doors, and I need to be prepared. Alaric’s shoulder brushes mine, our bond tightening with anxiety as he takes my hand in his. It takes me a moment to untangle the mix of emotions the bond presents me with, but the anxiety isn’t mine. What are we waiting for, and why is it causing Alaric to feel this way?
I should have paid more attention, and now I feel completely unprepared for whatever we are about to face. Glancing over my shoulder, I find Blaise guarding our backs, his expression serious. He tries to give me his usual smirk as he spots me looking at him, but I can see it’s strained. My chest tightens with my own sense of apprehension and unease.
The fae knocks on the door and a muffled, “Enter,” is called from inside the room. Without waiting another moment, he rolls his wrist, and the doors magically open. We step inside, and all thoughts fly from my mind as my mouth drops open at what greets us. The room is circular, and the tall domed ceiling is painted in the colours of a sunset. Tall bookshelves are fitted to the walls, with hundreds of books housed within. The floor is decorated with white and gold tiles, patterned to depict geometric stars. It’s stunning. What I find surprising, though, is that the room is very sparsely furnished, with only several couches positioned in front of the huge domed window facing out over the city.
Finally, I realise that someone is watching us, and I allow my gaze to land on the fae—the king. Rows of golden buttons travel the length of his tailored double-breasted jacket. Peeking through the top of his crisp white cape are epaulettes, again garnished with gold, most likely proclaiming his rank.
His skin is the same golden colour as his son’s, but where Alaric’s hair is the colour of fire, the king’s is a lighter orange, almost blond. Atop his head is a simple golden crown, not needing the extravagance of a large, bejewelled crown when hispresence is enough. Above all, the thing that gives away his rank is the sense of power that surrounds him. He has a magnetic presence that makes me want to fall to my knees and bow at his feet. Alaric is powerful, I could sense that from the moment I met him, but his father’s power seems to be magnified. It makes me feel nauseous, my head spinning from the effort it’s taking to withstand the pull of the king’s intense magnetism.
Thankfully, Alaric is by my side and helps settle me, reassurance pouring down the bond. Taking a deep inhale, I allow my senses to extend, absorbing the feel of my feet on the hard floor, the warmth of Alaric beside me, the scent of old books, and the bright smell of summer.
The fae who led us here walks over to the king and whispers something to him, covering his mouth so we can’t make out what he’s passing over. The king watches his son as he listens, and his only sign of surprise is his eyes glancing at me, yet he quickly returns his intense gaze to Alaric. Something he heard displeased him, and he is trying very hard to hide that fact. Why? What does he get out of hiding his emotions, especially from his son?
The messenger fae steps back and clears his throat, clutching his hands behind his back. “His Majesty, King Rex of the Seelie.”
This is a very formal greeting considering he is welcoming his son after an extended trip, and I have to assume it’s for my benefit.
Alaric dips his head in greeting, and with a quick glance over my shoulder, I see Blaise bowing low. Taking their lead, I drop into a curtsy, keeping my gaze down. Fae customs could be completely different, so I need to tread carefully so I do not inadvertently offend someone.
“Father,” Alaric greets, stepping forward and tugging on my hand to keep me at his side. When we are a meter or so away from the king, we stop, and Alaric’s hand rests on the small ofmy back. “May I present to you the female from the Unseelie curse and my mate, Iris Bloom.”
The king notices Alaric’s casual touch and where his hand now rests, his keen eyes narrowed, only for his gaze to snap back to his son. “Mate?” The word is said sharply, like a curse word, and the king’s body seems to bristle.