I don’t know what I’m looking for as I scan his face. I suppose I am searching for clues in his expression, but it doesn’t change, remaining unreadable.
“I willalwaysfind you, Iris.”
He’s avoiding my question. Is he trying to hide something or is he just trying to reassure me with his answers? I say nothing in response, waiting for his next move. Some might take his words as a threat, but I am able to feel his complete dedication to me. He would literally tear people apart to get to me. Something about being this close to him is allowing me to pick up on his feelings, and the depth of his devotion is astounding.
His lips part, his tongue wetting them as he starts to speak, only to cut off and look up sharply. His grip tightens on me, his firm body becoming hard and unyielding beneath me. Something happened, and he is trying to protect me.
“Something is happening. It is not safe to leave now.” He curses, his gaze high as though he’s looking through the ceiling at something transpiring far away. “I have to go, but I shall return for you, Iris. I promise.” He steps forward and cradles my face between his hands, leaning down and pressing a searing kiss to my lips. He takes my breath away, but before I cantry to return the kiss, he pulls away, taking my hand and placing something in my palm. “In the meantime, I’ll leave my messenger with you.”
He gives me one last intense look and disappears in a blink of an eye. One moment, he is there, and the next, he is gone. I open my palm, not sure what he meant about a messenger. What I see makes me gasp—a black butterfly with the most gorgeous bright turquoise flashes on its wings that seem to glimmer with each movement. I have seen many butterflies in my life, but I have never seen as beautiful as this.
Gently, so as not to crush it, I walk back over to my bed and slowly lower down. Once again, I am on my own in my cell, but as the butterfly rests on my knee, I no longer feel so alone.
Chapter Twenty-Six
The land is at war. Swinging my weapon around me, I slay the foul creatures that dare to step foot in this realm. I could use my magic and wipe them out with the wave of a hand, the motion effortless. However, I am frustrated and full of anger. Something needs to die, and I have extra energy to burn.
The gods are mad that I have strayed from my path and are making things difficult for me, not to mention the nonsense between the Seelie and Unseelie, all of which is keeping me away from Iris. I do not give a flying fuck what the gods think—Iris is mine, and I will have her.
My long dead heart pounds in my chest when she’s near, and I finally want tolive. She makes me feel as though I could have what I’ve witnessed during the centuries I’ve roamed this land—love.
That is not going to happen while the Seelie prince has his grips on her and his asshole father has her locked away. Just the thought of her trapped in that cave beneath the castle makes myblood boil and my dark powers pulse in my veins, demanding to destroy them all.
Before I can take her away from all this, I have to deal with the consequences of defying the gods. I cannot risk them trying to hurt her to get to me.
In the meantime, I shall use my dark shadows to kill the vermin they send my way.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Walking through the grounds of the castle, I savour the feel of the sun against my skin and the fresh air in my lungs. Finally, my chest can fully expand, filling my body with hope. Beneath the castle, the air doesn’t move. It feels stale and warm and oppressive. I never thought I would miss feeling wind against my skin, but several days locked underground will do that for you. More than that, though, is the feeling of being free. Beneath the castle, it is easy to feel forgotten, my every move filled with hesitation as I know I am being watched constantly.
Everything that I am is locked away inside me, and I feel as though I’m losing my identity. I am no longer Iris, but a prisoner, unable to be myself or do what I want, when I want, which is why I am so grateful to the fae at my side for managing to get me out, even if it is only temporary.
“Remind me how you managed to convince the king of this?” Reluctant to take my gaze off the gorgeous flowers and plants in the courtyard, I watch my companion from the corner of my eye.
Snorting, Blaise crosses his arms over his chest as we stop for me to lean in and smell a particularly gorgeous bed of roses. “It was mostly Alaric. I just made sure the king overheard me telling Alaric that you were going crazy and could do with a real shower, as you were starting to stink up the cave.”
Jerking upright and full of outrage, I turn to berate him, only to see his smirk in full force, his eyes sparkling with amusement. I’m so happy to see him back to himself after his near-death experience that I can’t find it in me to snap at him.
I fight a smile, instead rolling my eyes and looking away before my own amusement gives me away. “Charming.”
His elbow bumps against mine in a friendly motion. “It worked, didn’t it?”
Honestly, I am just happy to be out of those rocky rooms. I have no idea how the fae of old used to live in there. Standing upright from the flower bed, I turn to face him, warmth spreading in my chest as I reach out and touch his arm.
“Thank you, Blaise.”
He doesn’t say anything in response, but I see the repressed emotion shining in his eyes. Blaise isn’t the type of male to wax lyrical with his emotions, so I’m not surprised that he just nods and gestures for me to walk over to the small garden area to the side of the courtyard. It is clear that he is indicating we should sit, and while there is a stone bench built in amongst the plants, I choose the alternative.
Lifting the bottom of my skirt, I ease down onto the grass, crossing my legs. Arranging my dress around me, I brush my hands over the gorgeous pink fabric. Although they are keeping me locked away here, I have to concede that the clothes they gave me are beautiful and of the highest quality. Pressing myhands to the grass, I enjoy the cool sensations of the individual blades tickling my fingers. The flower beds behind me are brimming with manicured roses, their scent making me smile. Tilting my head back, I bask in the sun, surrounded by plants. The only thing that would make this better would be if I had my mate with me.
Blaise must sense the change of my mood, because he sits heavily on the stone bench, resting his elbows on his knees as he leans towards me. “He wants to be here with you, you know?”
There is only one person he could be talking about, so I don’t even need to question what he’s saying—Alaric. An ache starts in my chest at the thought of him. No, that isn’t right. The ache has been present since the moment we were separated, only growing as our time apart gets longer. I have become accustomed to it and pushed it to the back of my mind. Thinking of him now just brings that feeling to the forefront of my mind, my longing becoming painful.