“What is it?” he asks, as he lifts his eyes to scan the area, but what he doesn’t realise is that it’s not my fear I’m feeling. The Goddess mark on my arm is glowing, my skin almost rippling, and I realise She is sending me someone else’s fear as a message.
“Someone’s in trouble.” My whisper is a little louder this time, more sure.
Vaeril frowns at me, his confusion and frustration evident. He darts into an alcove so we aren’t in full view, and I think he’s going to put me down but he doesn’t, instead keeping me tucked in his arms. “What do you mean?”
“We have to help them.” Images are filling my mind now, and I know I’m seeing through the eyes of the person who’s fear I am feeling. No, not just any person, a child. A low growl rattles through Vaeril’s chest, and when I look up at him, I’m not really seeing him, the images still flooding my brain.
“We are in the middle of an escape!” He’s angry now, and I know I’m pushing my luck, but this is too important to ignore. “Do you know how long I have waited for this moment?” He could easily leave me here, he didn’t have to wait for me after I freed him. It’s not fair of me to ask this, but I can’t stop myself.
“They’re hurting children.”
There’s a pause followed by another low growl. His grip tightens on me, and I can feel him looking around as he peers out of the alcove.
“Fine. Where?”
I don’t answer him, just pointing the directions as they come into my mind, as if the Mother is sending them to me directly. I continue to watch the snippets sent to me through the eyes of achild, and a large man comes into view. I would recognise those tattoos anywhere. “Tor,” I whisper, as the child looks around.
It’s chaos. Two guards lie dead on the ground, one of them half in the fountain, his blood turning the water red. Tor is fighting off three guards with only an axe, his movements almost inhumanely strong as he battles, bellowing as he buries his axe into the neck of one of his opponents. Placing his foot on the fallen guard’s chest, he yanks back the axe before turning to his other opponents. He quickly finishes off the last two before turning to the child, sheathing his weapon as he kneels down in front of me- no, not me, the child.
“You’re safe now,” he starts, his breathing ragged, but the sound of many marching feet echo around the courtyard and cut him off. Pushing up to standing, he growls and pulls out his axe once again as guards swarm into the courtyard.
All of a sudden, the images disappear, and so does the borrowed sense of fear. My own emotions fill me once again as I look up at Vaeril. “Faster,” I urge, dread lining my stomach.
Rounding the corner, we come to a sudden halt as we take in the scene before us. One child is leaning against one of the pillars, holding onto his stomach as blood pools on the ground around him. A woman is kneeling next to him, pressing her hands over the top of his, with tears streaming down her face. A small child, who must be about five, is just behind her, clinging to her dress. The clanging of metal draws my attention to the other end of the courtyard where Tor is fighting off six guards. His side is bleeding, but that doesn’t seem to stop him.
“Tor! He doesn’t stand a chance,” I breathe, looking up at Vaeril. “We need to help him, he’s been helping children escape...he’s important,” I explain, needing him to understand.
He stares at me, and I don’t know what he’s looking for, but whatever it is, he seems to find it. Nodding, he lowers my feet to the ground, his expression tightening as he takes in the scene.He slides a dagger from his belt that I hadn’t seen before, and I just see the gleam of elven carvings etched into the blade before he darts forward into the fight.
A gasp catches my attention and I hurry over to the woman and children. The boy looks up at me with pain-filled eyes as I kneel next to him. I smile, hoping I don’t look as scared as I feel.
“I’m here to help. My friends will keep the guards away,” I promise, before looking down at the wound. Gently, I move the woman’s hands and place mine over the top of the boys. I had always wanted to be a healer, but right now I wish I was anywhere but here. Closing my eyes, I pray, needing guidance.
Great Mother, help me. Help me save this boy, let me take away his pain.
“Beloved,” the woman who must be the boy’s mother whispers, placing her hand on my arm. It’s sticky with blood, and I know I will have a bloody handprint on my arm when she pulls away. “We were trying to escape. I couldn’t let either of my children become a slave, so we had to go,” she tells me, oblivious to my prayers.
My beloved.
The Mother’s voice floods my mind and I let out a relieved breath.
I can’t save this boy, it’s too late. But I can take away his pain, and right now you need to comfort the mother, she needs you just as much as the boy does.
A tear rolls down my cheek, but I just nod and open my eyes to look at the woman. The warmth of the Mother’s power rolls over me again, and I know my mark is glowing.
“I know, and I’m here, and so is the Great Mother,” I say to the woman, who’s watching me with awe-filled eyes.
“It doesn’t hurt anymore,” the little boy says, and when I look down at him, he’s smiling, his whole body relaxed. “I can see her, she’s waiting for me.”
My chest is tight, and another single tear rolls down my face as I nod at him. The woman is sobbing, clinging to her other child.
Lifting one hand from the boy’s wound, I cup his cheek and smile. “Good, you can rest now.”
He turns to smile at his mother before closing his eyes and taking his last breath. His mother leans over his body and sobs. I can’t watch this, the woman’s pain is threatening to break me. Turning away, I face the fight.
I’d known I was safe while I was with the boy, the Mother had seen to that, but now I need to protect them.
Vaeril and Tor are fighting back to back. Watching the two of them fight together like that, it’s more like a deadly dance, their movements so in sync. Bodies are piled up in the courtyard, yet more guards come streaming into the space. They speed up, their movements so fast I can barely see them. Until, suddenly, Tor cries out and drops to one knee.