“Prince Rhydian,” I greet, and as I stand, I keep my eyes low, but I can feel his amusement.
“Lady Clarissa, Lady Aileen,” he replies, his smile wide, before he turns to the mage at our side. “Wilson.”
Wilson stiffens, and I know he’s been insulted by the greeting, but he can’t say anything in return without putting us at risk. I’ve seen ladies being killed this week for smaller faux pas than that. I squeeze his hand in support, and he stands a little taller, squeezing my hand in return. Rhydian sees this and chuckles, knowing he’s gotten under the mage’s skin. Turning his attention to Aileen, he narrows his eyes.
“Lady Aileen, I’m surprised your father isn’t here this evening.” The words are innocent, but the threat is clear. They expect him to be here and they have noticed his absence, this will not be tolerated again.
“Yes, unfortunately my father is ill and unable to attend. Mage Wilson kindly offered to escort me,” she says smoothly, and if I didn’t know it was a lie, I would believe her. The prince slides his gaze to Wilson, his eyes travelling up and down before darting back at Aileen.
“How kind of him,” he sneers. “I hope your father recovers quickly, we wouldn’t want him to miss tomorrow’s meal.”
“Of course, Your Highness, I will pass on your well wishes,” Aileen replies, dipping her head in agreement, ever the willing subject, but I can see her hands shaking with anger.
“Lady Clarissa, come dance with me.” The prince turns his attention back onto me, his words more an order than a request.
My eyes widen and I instinctively take a step back. His body tenses like a predator stalking his prey, his grin widening as he gets ready to hunt. I can’t dance, and from the way he’s looking at me, he knows it. I feel sick. Is this his plan? Will he take me onto the dance floor, make me look like the fraud I am, and then kill me at dessert?
“No, I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Wilson interjects, and I have never been more grateful to have him as my friend. Rhydian makes a growling sound as he rounds on him.
“Mage Wilson, is there a problem?”
“Clarissa has an injury to her leg, so she’s unable to dance,” he lies, gesturing towards me, and I have to fight the insane urge to start hobbling around to ‘prove’ my fake injury.
“What a shame.” His tone implies he thinks the opposite, and I know he doesn’t believe us. Taking a step closer, he holds out his hand to me. “I do happen to be a proficient dancer, however, so I can lead her into a simple dance without straining her…injury.”
I know there is no way out of this, so with a quick smile at Wilson, I place my hand in the prince’s, wincing as his tightens around mine. Wilson goes to take a step forward, but Aileenplaces her hand on his shoulder, stopping him from going any further. He turns to look at her and then back to me, the pain of having to decide between us clear on his face.
“I’ll be okay, see you soon,” I say quietly, hoping my smile stays in place as the prince begins to walk away, pulling me with him.
I follow behind the prince, trying to hurry so I can walk alongside him and not be practically dragged around the hall. When I reach his side, he glances at me out of the corner of his eye and grins. Coming to an abrupt halt, he pulls me to him, and I land against his chest with an ‘oomph’ as the air is knocked out of me. His hands come up and steady me as I hurriedly take a step back, his smirk still in place.
“Everything okay?”
I’m aware of everyone watching, and I realise why he’s picked to talk to me out here in the middle of the hall. He’s showing me how much power he has, that he’s in charge of all of these people who would kill me in a second if he ordered it.
“Yes, Your Highness, I was just startled is all,” I reply, giving him a small smile and praying he can’t see the disgust I feel at being this close to him. It feels… wrong, and I want to get as far away from him as I can.
Placing a hand on my waist, he takes my other hand and begins swaying to the music, holding me close.
“I know you can’t dance,” he says in a low voice, and as I stiffen in his arms, my heart in my throat, he simply chuckles and tightens his hold. “Don’t panic, I’ll take it easy on you.”
He leads me into some simple steps, but we mostly staying in one place and the prince is true to his word. About halfway through the dance, I feel him looking at me, and when I glance up, I see his usual smirk has dropped, and it’s been replaced by a serious expression.
“It’s a shame. If I had gotten to you before Grayson had dug his claws into you, I could have moulded you into the perfect queen,” he whispers, brushing a lock of hair behind my ear. “So beautiful.” Sighing, he drops his hand back to my waist, and I work hard to stop a shudder of revulsion from his touch. “But now you’retheirs.” Disgust lines his words, his lip curling up into a sneer as he speaks of the mages. “You would betray me in a second, wouldn’t you?”
“No, Your Highness.”Liar, my inner voice goads, and from the smile the prince gives me, he knows it too.
“Call me Rhydian.”
I really don’t want to call him by his first name, but I don’t have a good excuse not to, and I don’t want to start an argument with the person who is responsible for deciding if I live or die tonight.Fine, seeing as we are now on a first name basis…
“Rhydian, why don’t you like the magicians?”
I can feel his assessing gaze. It’s a bold thing to ask the prince, but as he considers me, I can tell he appreciates my directness.
“Because they lord their magic about like they are the most important people around. They have been blessed, yet they use their magic for trivial matters.” He pulls at a curl of my magicked hair, and I realise from his expression that he knows this isn’t my true hair.
“They fight in your war. They keep us safe.”