The king doesn’t look at anyone as he passes, keeping his head high as he strides across the hall. Rhydian, however, is gazing around the room with a cruel smirk, his expression showing that he knows he owns us all. Michael simply saunters behind them, winking at some of the closest ladies as he walks by.

Frowning, I glance up at Wilson. “Where’s Jacob?” I’m surprised he’s not here, and a pang of concern runs through me. Wilson shakes his head, but I get the sense that even if he did know, he wouldn’t tell me while we are surrounded by all these listening ears.

Once the king and the princes have taken their places, they turn their gazes to us, watching us in silence. Eventually, the king leans forward in his throne to address us.

“I suppose you’re all wondering why you have been summoned here tonight.” There is a quiet mumbling of agreement and the king gestures towards his son. “As I mentioned before, Prince Rhydian needs a wife. Those who have been invited here have been chosen as eligible, and the courting games will commence. One of the women here will become the next queen.” The atmosphere suddenly changes, and I see many of the young ladies stand taller, their smiles dazzling. The fathers and chaperones get a gleam in their eyes as they look around at the competition. “Don’t think this will be easy,” he warns, his keen gaze locking onto certain people. “Each evening, you shall be invited to attend your evening meal in this hall. Here, you shall meet various members of my court and conduct yourself with the proper manners of a queen.” Excited titters fill the hall and the king clears his throat with a frown. “The lady whoperforms the weakest will be... eliminated from this competition. There are dire consequences for poor performance, so don’t disappoint me.”

I get the feeling those consequences end with death, and from Rhydian’s cruel grin, I know I’m right.

“You really didn’t know anything about this?” I press him quietly out the corner of my mouth, seeing a couple of other ladies doing the same with their escorts. How has all of this been organised without anyone knowing? I’m still worried about Jacob not being here, his absence an ominous warning.

“No,” Wilson answers with a frown. “But the Mother will guide you through this, you’re her beloved, she won’t let you fall.”

Taking a deep breath, I nod as I turn to look at the other ladies gathered around us. “I hope you’re right.” Even as I say it, a knot forms in my stomach. I might be guided by the Mother this evening, but one poor woman will likely die tonight. I certainly don’t want to be Rhydian’s wife, but I also don’t want to die, so I will ‘perform’ to the best of my abilities.

Everyone is chatting away, their excited voices filling the hall as ladies socialise. Other people enter the hall and music starts up in the corner of the room. Some of the ladies are approached by the newcomers, and I notice a few of them are the king’s closest advisors. Servers arrive with trays of appetisers and drinks, offering them to the guests. Several of the ladies simply grab a glass of wine and completely ignore the server. It’s like the nobility have completely forgotten what’s happening or what the king said. As we stand in our small group, I’m acutely aware of being watched, the princes and king still sitting at the top of the room as they observe us.

“What’s going on here? I don’t understand.” Shaking my head, I try to figure everything out. There was a definite, blatant warning of consequences, but what would that be? I have no ideahow to behave in situations like this. All these ladies have been brought up in this environment, this is their natural habitat. I am bound to fail whatever test this is.

“It’s very clever,” Lord Bastian tells me quietly, his eyes narrowed as he glances over at the king. “In politics, everything you do or say will be examined. Politics can be as brutal as battle, it’s just more subtle and less messy.”

This is exactly what I was fearing he would say, and panic starts to claw at my throat, but I fight to ensure my expression is neutral.

“What are we being judged on?”

Bastian shrugs and looks at Wilson for confirmation. “I’m not sure, one would assume on behaviour and interactions with his court.” Aileen makes a slight noise, and I turn to see she’s even paler than usual. I know she’s thinking the same thing as me. She’s always been outspoken and different, the court of her homeland very dissimilar to this one. Reaching out, I place my hand on her arm and squeeze, offering the only comfort that I can think of. I turn to Wilson and see he’s looking vaguely sick.

“What do you think the consequences of failing would be?” I keep my question quiet, not wanting to be overheard, but he meets my gaze and his expression turns serious.

“I don’t know,” he replies with a shake of his head, but I can tell from the look in his eyes that he fears the same thing I do.

Mother above. What do I do?This time I can’t contain my anxiety as my heart thuds in my chest, my breathing speeding up. Inhaling deeply, I look at my friend.

“Wilson, I don’t know anything about this court—” He cuts me off before I can finish my sentence, but I notice Aileen frowning as she catches my slip-up.

“I know.” He pulls me so I’m standing directly in front of him, placing both hands on my shoulders so he can see me. “Trust in the Mother, she will guide you. You are her beloved,and she won’t let anything happen to you.” As he speaks, I reach across and touch my Goddess mark, the instant tingling reassuring me as I feel the Mother’s soothing energy flood through my body. Nodding, I take another deep, reassuring breath.

Around us, people seem to have gathered into small groups, mingling and sipping from tall wine glasses. Several ladies are dancing in a space that has been cleared near the musicians, and I notice Prince Michael has left his throne and is dancing with one of the ladies.

The rest of the evening goes much the same, and I’m beginning to think I was worrying for nothing. Lord Bastian introduced me to a couple of men that he knew from court, but we mostly stuck to ourselves.

“Nice to see you again,Clarissa,” a weaselly voice says from behind me. I cringe at how he emphasises my name. I turn to look at whoever the voice belongs to, and I instantly recognise the man as the king’s advisor who I met in the library with Jacob. I can’t remember his name, but thankfully Lord Bastian saves me from having to answer.

“Advisor Merritt. I didn’t expect you to be at an event such as this.”

I can see the advisor bristle and turn to look up at the tall lord. The size difference between them is almost comical, and I can tell from their expressions and the tension pouring out of them that there is no love lost here.

“Lord Bastian. Well, the king needs advice on who to… on who is suitable for the prince,” he finishes with a small, tight smile, and I get the impression that wasn’t what he was initially going to say. Clearing his throat, he narrows his eyes slightly. “I didn’t expect to see you here either.”

“My daughter was one of the lucky girls invited, I am escorting her.” He almost manages to convince me that he’sactually pleased to be here, but I can see the tightness in his shoulders and the hand he places on Aileen’s back, pulling her closer to him.

“I see.” He looks the two of them up and down, and his tone says he has no idea how Aileen was picked as a potential bride for the prince. I bristle, offended on her behalf, but I see Wilson shake his head slightly and know to shut my mouth.

“Clarissa, will you join me for a walk?” Merritt queries, holding out his arm, as if expecting me to say yes.

I don’t want to be anywhere near this man, and certainly not anywhere where I’d be alone with him. How do I get out of this?

“Sorry, Advisor, but I can’t let Clarissa leave my sight, so unless you don’t mind me coming with you, may I request you stay within the hall?” Wilson speaks up as if he can hear my thoughts and I silently thank him.