“Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of time to play with her another day, but right now, she’s expected,” the guard in charge says in a placating tone, striding forward and grabbing my arm as he drags me towards the door. I want to shudder at the implication that I am nothing more than a plaything, but I don’t have the energy. With Grayson gone, I’m sure I’ll be down here every day. The only thing stopping them from holding me down here indefinitely is the fact Wilson is keeping an eye on me, which I now understand is exactly why Grayson instructed him to do it.
The sound of banging stops, and I raise my head just enough to see Vaeril watching me, his face set in a heavy frown, his hands balled into fists.
I want to snap their puny, worthless necks and watch as the life drains from them.The thought floats through my mind, and I frown as I’m dragged farther away. That wasn’t my thought. I must be so tired that I’m hearing things now. There’s no way I can hear Vaeril’s thoughts, and I’m sure he didn’t say it out loud, the guards would have said something if he did.
Vaeril’s staring at the guards with a look of pure hatred now, and I’m worried he’s going to do something stupid. If he attacks them, we will never escape, especially with me as exhausted as I am.
Look at me, I think, wishing I could talk to him, assure him I will be back, and to my surprise, he does—his eyes instantly flick to mine. I don’t have time to dwell on it, but I know this will consume my mind later. I shake my head.I’ll be fine, they aren’t going to hurt me. I wish there was some way to project my thoughts to him, but instead I simply hope he can read my expression and hold back his rage—at least until it’s time for us to escape.
He dips his chin slightly, and to anyone who was looking, they wouldn’t have noticed the slight movement, but I know he was agreeing with me.
Not yet.
Wilson met me at the end of the corridor where he’d left me this morning. His frown was severe when he saw my exhausted state, but thankfully he didn’t bring it up when I gave him a look. He helped me back to my rooms, with more assistance than I would like to admit, and left me in Jayne’s very capable hands, saying he would return for me later.
It was only when I was soaking in the bath that I remembered what the guard had said.“She’s expected.”
Expected by who? I hadn’t thought to question it before, but the thoughts plagued me while I was bathing. I was also worried, wondering why Wilson didn’t stay for supper like he usually would, instead returning for me later.
I look at myself in the mirror as Jayne combs and styles my now golden curls, the magic clinging to me. I find myself here often with her steady, gentle, calming hands, and I realise I quite enjoy this process of getting ready. It’s obvious I’m going somewhere for supper rather than eating here like I usually would. I hadn’t heard of any balls being called for tonight, so I’m still wondering over the ‘expected’ comment from earlier. Should I be worried?
Jayne helps me into a beautiful, deep blue dress, the rich fabric complimenting my pale skin without making me look washed out. It’s not a ballgown, but it is much smarter than the usual court dresses I would wear around the castle. The neckline goes from shoulder to shoulder, scooping across the front of mychest. It doesn’t go low enough to show cleavage, but it definitely accentuates the bust I am starting to develop thanks to good, regular meals. A delicate silver star necklace, which matches the two star pins in my hair, finishes the look.
Taking a step back, Jayne assesses her work with a small smile in place, but I can tell from the tightness of her eyes something is bothering her.
“Do you know what the occasion is?” I ask, as I watch my friend through the mirror. She walks to my side and offers me a hand to help me stand before turning her attention to my dress, straightening the skirts and brushing off imaginary lint.
“No.” Her answer comes straightaway, but there’s something she isn’t saying. Frowning at her, I reach out and touch her arm gently to stop her fussing.
“But you know something…”
Sighing, she finally meets my gaze. “I’ve heard rumours, that’s it, and the person who told me is notorious for spinning stories.” Her pitch gets higher as she speaks, her words getting faster. I just nod, but from her reaction I would say she’s worried that whatever she’s about to say will upset me.
“Tell me, it’s okay.”
“There’s a rumour that the king and Prince Rhydian are inviting eligible ladies and their escorts to private meals and hosting a ball after.” My eyebrows raise as she speaks. Private balls are being ran for the prince to choose a bride.
Well, that would explain what the guard said about being expected.Nausea rolls through me, and I wish I had an excuse not to attend. Perhaps I could feign an illness?You don’t even know if that’s what is going on. Wait for Wilson, he’ll know more,I reassure myself, but Jayne’s anxiousness is infectious, and I find myself spinning the silver bangles on my wrists.
I find it funny how I’d been so desperate to remove my manacles when I was a slave, and now I’m obsessed withmaking sure my wrists are covered. I never thought I would miss the cuffs, but my new jewellery is the only way to hide the truth. Thankfully, I can wear my thick, cuff-like bangles without arousing any suspicion or showing off my marks.
A knocking at the door pulls me from my thoughts and I see Jayne startle, like she, too, had been deep in thought. She hurries off to see who it is, and I slowly make my way through to the main room, smiling when I see her talking to a smart-looking Wilson. He’s combed his shaggy hair and is wearing his formal jacket magicians wear for official occasions such as this. Leaning against the doorframe, he chats with Jayne and makes her laugh, which I’m grateful for. She’s been so anxious with everything going on. However, I can tell Wilson is on edge by the tightness around his eyes no matter how much he pretends otherwise.
“Wilson,” I call in greeting, smiling as he grins at me and blows a wolf whistle as he takes me in. He gestures for me to spin so he can see my dress to its full effect.
“Clarissa, you look beautiful,” he compliments, as he appreciatively looks me up and down. Had it been anyone else, I would be mad at the obvious appraisal, but this is Wilson, he would never do anything to make me feel uncomfortable.
“You’ve seen me in far grander dresses than this,” I scoff, and I can’t help but smile to myself at the absurdity of the comment. Who would have thought a slave girl would be remarking about the quality of her evening gowns?
“Yes, but tonight I have you all to myself,” he teases with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Wilson, behave,” Jayne scolds, but the effect is ruined when she laughs at the daft face he pulls.Savour this,I think, as I watch the two of them bickering with each other. The feeling that everything is about to change settles heavily over me, sitting like a weight on my chest. I may not have experienced freedom forlong, but I will be forever grateful for the time I’ve had, which Grayson has given me.
“Are you ready?” Wilson inquires, and I get the impression it’s not the first time he’s asked. Nodding, I smile and take his offered arm before we say our goodbyes to Jayne.
Walking down the corridor, I look around, waiting until I know we’re alone. The main passages will be much busier, so I need to ask while we’re still in the residential part of the castle. Most of the lords and ladies live in the city, travelling by coach to attend the events at the castle, and these rooms are reserved mostly for guests, so I know now is my only chance.
Taking a step closer to Wilson, I keep my voice low as I speak, making sure to stay near. “Do you know what this is all about?” He smiles down at me and shakes his head. Anyone watching might think we are just a young couple enjoying each other’s company, and that’s exactly what he wants them to think.