A knock at the door announces Jayne’s arrival as I sit at the desk in front of the mirror, looking through the selection of lotions and makeup.

“You’re Lady Clarissa today,” Jayne announces as she bustles into the room, pulling open the wardrobe door and searching through the clothes with vigour. I have no idea where all these clothes came from, all of which are in the colours of themagicians. An uncomfortable thought comes to me as I watch Jayne through the mirror.

“Jayne, where are these clothes from? They’re not Grayson’s sister’s, are they?”

“No, they didn’t belong to Opal,” she replies with a sad sigh, pulling out a dress and hanging it on the door. The garment looks lovely, but my thoughts are caught on something she said. Opal. Grayson sees me as a sister. Something twists inside me, something that feels like disappointment, but I push it aside. “Grayson made a couple with his magic, but the rest were made by the royal tailors.” I’m not quite sure how I feel about this, and I have no idea how the tailors were able to make anything for me without measuring me. Perhaps Grayson told them. Shaking my head to rid myself of those thoughts, I stand and walk over to the maid where she’s brushing down the skirt of the dress she selected.

“They’re all blue.”

“Yes, I’m sure it’s a way to protect you, by claiming you as one of theirs.”

The ladies I’ve seen walking around the castle have been dressed in many different colours, but so far all of my dresses, including the one I wear when I work with the priests, have been blue. Casting my eyes over the dress, I see it’s much grander than the one I had worn to the library the other day. The top is fitted, deep royal blue in colour, and has sleeves that end at my wrists. The dress is fairly plain in design, but the golden stitches and edging on the bodice make it stand out much more. This is a statement in a dress if I’ve ever seen one.

With Jayne’s help, I slip into the garb, and with the bodice laced up tight it accents what little bust I have, making me look more womanly now that I’ve started to fill out. The skirts are pleated, so they fall in a way that shows off my hips, with delicate golden patterns stitched into them. From a distance it just lookslike the skirt is sparkling, but if you look closely, the patterns are actually the Great Mother’s symbol delicately stitched over and over again.

There’s a knock at my door, and after a moment Grayson walks in, his gaze immediately taking me in. His eyes skim over the fine dress before rising up to my face. I feel the tingle of magic, resisting the urge to reach up and touch my hair as his magic changes my locks from black to blonde.

“You look lovely.”

Shaking my head, I try to ignore the tight feeling in my chest at his compliment, catching sight of one of the now curling blonde strands. “What’s going on?”

I obviously didn’t give the response he was looking for, as he reaches up and runs a hand through his hair as he sighs. “Prince Rhydian has returned from the warfront, there will be a meal and ball in his honour tonight.” I understand why I’m wearing a nicer dress, but if the meal isn’t until later in the day, why am I dressed up now?

“Your time is your own this morning. I’ve got a meeting I have to attend, and I’ll come find you later to escort you to the meal.” He turns to leave but pauses in the doorway, his back tense as he looks over his shoulder at me. “Be careful today.”

As he leaves, I get the feeling there is something more going on than he was saying, and I realise that today is going to be difficult. With that thought plaguing me, I finish dressing and eat breakfast alone.

I try to decide what to do with my free time, knowing at the very least I’m going to leave these rooms and get some fresh air. As I exit Grayson’s quarters and walk through the corridors, I can’t shake the feeling that’s hovering over me. Something is going to happen today, something important.

Perhaps I’ll see if I can find Wilson,I muse to myself. The young mage has a way of always being able to lighten my mood.Now having a plan, I feel more confident as I enter the main corridor of the castle. It’s much busier here. The wing where the magician’s room is located is always quiet, but I suppose that’s because most magician’s don’t spend much time here, being required either at the academy or on the frontline.

As I look around the hallway, I see many groups of young ladies, all of whom are watching the lords as they strut through the castle. I fight the urge to roll my eyes at the obvious ogling of both the males and females, and simply ignore it and walk past them. I still feel uncomfortable under their gazes, so used to being unnoticed before, but I can’t let them see that it gets to me. Whispers follow me but, thankfully, no one tries to talk to me. My thoughts are too twisted to attempt to navigate a conversation with the vipers disguised as ladies.

I continue to search the castle for Wilson, sticking only to the areas I know and have already been shown. I don’t want to get into trouble for wandering into some forbidden area out of ignorance. Although this part of the castle is carpeted and there are tapestries on the walls, I can’t help but feel uneasy, like I’m being watched and they know I shouldn’t be here. That I don’t belong.

“Lady Clarissa, right?” A voice cuts through my musings, making me jump slightly, and put more distance between myself and the person who’s appeared at my side. Looking at the woman who surprised me, I can’t help but wonder what’s happened to me, how she managed to sneak up on me. I’ve always been very good at knowing my surroundings, but this last week it’s like I’ve lost that ability.

“Yes, I am,” I reply, looking over the lady again and realising I recognise her. She was the one next to me in the choosing ceremony who stood up to the snobbish lady. She’s wearing the same colours from the ceremony, but her dress is much lessformal, her bright, curling auburn hair falling free around her face. “You’re Lady Aileen?”

“You remembered my name.” It’s a statement rather than a question, but I don’t miss the slight note of surprise in her accented voice, like she hadn’t expected me to remember her.

“You remembered mine,” I counter, the corner of my mouth lifting in amusement.

“Aye, but I wasn’t the one who received a Goddess mark and then disappeared.”

“Grayson has been keeping me busy—” I start to explain before realising how what I just said would sound. Blushing furiously, I try to clarify, mortification filling me. “Not in that way. I’ve been working with him, helping him,” I babble, my words coming out in a rush which I’m sure makes me look all the more guilty.

“Aye, I believe you.” An amused smile spreads across her freckled face. “You’re fun to wind up. Will you be attending lunch today?” I’m still trying to decide if she truly believes me or if she’s joking—the laughter in her eyes telling me the answer—when I realise she’s asked me a question.

“I hadn’t realised it wasn’t mandatory.”

“Oh, it is. But you’re Goddess blessedanda friend of a high magician, so the same rules don’t apply to you.” Shifting uncomfortably under her gaze, I simply shrug at her flippant comments. “I’ll see you there,” she chirps abruptly before spinning on her heel and walking back the way I’ve just come from. Remembering my own mission, I call out to her again.

“Oh, Lady Aileen, have you seen Mage Wilson?”

At my question, she quickly turns back to me, her eyes wide as a ferocious blush covers her cheeks. Shaking her head violently, she practically runs away from me and I have to fight back a laugh. Seems Wilson has an admirer.

After aimlessly wandering around the castle and not finding the young magician, I finally get tired of all the stares and whispers following me, so I head to the one place I’ve always found peaceful. The farther I walk away from the main part of the castle, the quieter it gets, and as I reach the Queen’s Courtyard and push through the doors, I smile when I see it’s completely empty.