“Prince Jacob.” Turning to face the person who spoke, I instantly decide I need to avoid this individual. He stands with his hands behind his back, his chest puffed out as he stares down his nose at us, and a fake smile is pasted across his face. I don’t know what it is about this person that I dislike, but every fibre of my being is screaming that this man is bad news.
The change in the prince is immediate. His friendly smile disappears and a careful mask slips into place, much like Grayson when we leave his rooms. Jacob is standing so straight at the arrival of the newcomer that I realise for the first time how tall he is. The stranger takes a step closer, his eyes running over me and landing on my chest. Without realising I’ve taken a step closer to the prince, I feel Jacob tighten his grip on my arm instinctively.
“Advisor Merritt,” the prince reluctantly greets the man, to which the man gives him a spindly smile. He reminds me of a spider, waiting in a twisted web to reach out and grab his next victim.
“It’s nice to see you without your nose in a book.”That’s a backhanded compliment,I think. But the prince just snorts alaugh. I’m surprised this man is able to blatantly insult one of the royal princes.Who is he?
“Ah, well, you will be disappointed to know that I am just escorting Lady Clarissa to the library. Plenty of books for us to get lost in there, I’m sure.” Jacob’s tone of voice is anything but friendly, and I get the impression that there is no love lost between these two.
“So, this is Lady Clarissa.” Advisor Merritt turns his head to look at me, his beady eyes boring into me. His tongue pokes out between thin lips as he licks them slightly, the movement making me shudder. I try to pass it off as a shiver in the drafty corridor, but I know I don’t manage to pull it off. “I’ve heard much about you and your…unusual choosing ceremony. I expect great things from you.” I’ve been in some situations that still give me nightmares, so I know, deep down, that this man promises pain—his whole aura radiates violence.
“We must be leaving, Advisor. The books aren't very patient.” Jacob is already leading me away as he speaks, and the advisor makes a noise of disgust but simply nods. However, I keep watching him as we walk away and I don’t miss the look of pure hatred he shoots at the prince before his eyes shift and lock with mine. Like a bolt of electricity shoots down my spine, I gasp, my body arching. If it weren’t for the prince holding me up, I would have fallen to the ground.
“Clarissa! Are you okay?” Jacob sounds panicked, like he actually cares for my safety, which seems ludicrous given the fact he only met me the other day.
“He’s dangerous. Leave the library early tonight, don’t go back after the evening meal.” Staring up at the ceiling, back bowed, I have no idea where these words are coming from, except that I have this surety that if the prince doesn’t heed my words, he will be in great danger.
“What are you saying?” I can hear the frown in his voice, laced with a tinge of fear. “How do you know I go to the library in the evenings?”
As quickly as it came, the feeling leaves my body, all except for a tingling in the small of my back and by my Goddess mark on my wrist. Absentmindedly, I rub at my wrist until the prince pulls my hand away, exposing the glowing mark. “I don’t know what just happened, but I have a really bad feeling about that man. Who is he?” Jacob simply stares at the mark before raising his wide eyes to my own.
“Merritt is one of my father’s advisors. A fowl man, but I never would’ve thought he’d pose a risk to me.” He frowns as he helps me stand, taking a step back from me, appearing lost in thought. A flash of fear runs through me, but I realise after a second it’s not my terror, more like anechoof fear, of a feeling that will come to pass. I suddenly know with a surety I can’t explain that I’m feeling Jacob’s future fear. Reaching out, I grab his wrist, pulling him to a stop. The prince frowns at my arm. I’m sure I’m gripping him tight enough to hurt, but as he looks up at me his expression softens as he takes me in.
“Don’t underestimate him.” My voice shakes with the echo of fear that’s seeping through me, my body trembling slightly. Whether it’s my words, the surety in my eyes, or some little voice that whispers to him like the one that guides me, he nods.
“Okay, I won’t. I promise.” Taking a step closer to me, he places his other hand on my shoulder, lowering his voice so only I can hear him. “I’ll return straight to my rooms tonight. I promise, Clarissa.”
Suddenly aware of many sets of eyes watching us, I take a step back from the prince, putting space between us. I’m not sure where or when the advisor disappeared, but since then the corridor seems to have filled with people, all of whom are pretending not to watch us.
“Would you still like to visit the library? Or would you like to retire to your rooms?” I can tell that he’s expecting me to answer with the latter, and perhaps that’s what a real lady would do, but I have no intention of doing so.
“Of course I’d still like to see the library!” I exclaim. Does he not want to take me there anymore after my little outburst? A sense of disappointment that I’m not prepared to examine rolls through me, but I shake it away. “Why, do you need to be elsewhere?”
“No!” he replies hurriedly, before smiling ruefully at me. “You’re not what I expected.” Offering me his arm again, I look at it critically like it might bite me before nodding and linking my arm with his. He snorts with laughter and starts to lead me towards the library.
“Is that a bad thing?” I query after a couple of seconds. I had debated not saying anything, I’m supposed to be blending in, after all, but everything I do just seems to make me stand out all the more. Besides, I want to know his answer.
“No! You’re the first lady I have found that I can actually have a debate with, without you simpering and answering only to please me,” he explains, as we walk through the castle, dipping his head in acknowledgment to the lords and courtiers who pass us. I follow his lead, not sure on the protocol for greeting others whilst I’m with the prince. After a pause, I realise he’s waiting for me to reply, and I scramble for something to say.
“Ah, I was raised differently.” Not a lie, he hasnoidea how differently I was raised. If he realises that he’s arm in arm with one of the slaves that serve in his castle…I don’t even want to think of the consequences.
“I think I should visit Lake Haven,” he says with a little laugh, and I respond with one of my own, deciding his comment doesn’t need an answer. It’s better to keep my mouth shut so I don’t dig myself into any more holes.
The prince continues to lead me through the corridors. The library is on the opposite side of the chapel, built onto the back of the castle. I’ve never been, but I’ve seen it from outside. The walls are rounded, covered with gleaming windows. It looks beautiful at night, with lights shining out, the large glass dome on top making it appear as if it’s glimmering. I’m filled with excitement at the prospect of going inside, not that I’d be able to read anything, but the prince doesn’t need to know that. Reaching the large double doors, I look up with awe at the beautiful carvings etched deep into the wood, with golden accents painted to highlight the beauty of the work. The doors are open, but I have to wonder how they managed to move them, given as they are four times the height of a man and thicker than my torso. As soon as the prince guides me through into the library, the whole atmosphere seems to change. My jaw drops as I take in the opulent room—it’s easily as big as the ballroom, if not bigger. It’s six floors tall with the domed ceiling making it even higher. The ceiling is painted with beautiful depictions of flowers and plants around the glass dome. There’s a large open space with desks for studying in the middle, the natural light from the large windows making it a perfect place to read. Rows upon rows of large bookshelves fill up the rest of the space, with wooden ladders strategically placed around the room available to reach the higher shelves. The large, curved windows along the back wall have a carpeted area before it, complete with comfortable looking leather seats. Two spiral staircases parallel to each other lead up to the next floor, golden handrails gleaming.
“Your Highness,” a gentle voice greets, pulling me out of my dazed stare. A middle-aged lady is pushing up from her desk to the right of the large doors, which I’d missed as when we’d walked in, my attention was fully caught on the room. She hasa kind face, but I get the impression she could be a force to be reckoned with if you were on her bad side.
“Annalise, this is Lady Clarissa of Lake Haven, she is new here and wanted to see the library.” I smile slightly at the woman, clasping my hands in front of me as her gaze takes me in. For some reason, I want this woman to like me. “Clarissa, this is Annalise, the head librarian. She’s in charge of the library and there is nothing that she doesn’t know,” Jacob states with a large grin, laughing as Annalise rolls her eyes, her lips pulling into an amused smile.
“That’s very kind of you to say, Your Highness,” she replies with a fondness that gives me the impression she’s used to him saying things like this. It’s Jacob’s turn to roll his eyes dramatically.
“Oh, come now, don’t start that ‘Your Highness’ nonsense again, I’ve only just trained you out of it.”
Laughing again she inclines her head toward me. “You have company.” Jacob raises his eyebrow and turns his head to look down at me.
“Clarissa doesn’t mind, do you?” Eyes widening, I take a small step backward, or at least I attempt to, but Jacob is still holding onto my arm so he simply pulls me back to him.
“Don’t put her on the spot, that’s cruel. Wicked boy,” Annalise chides, but it’s with a long-suffering smile that piques my interest. These two interact in a way that is far more familiar than librarian and prince type relationships. Studying the two of them, I can’t help but wonder what relationship they share. I’m pretty sure they’re not romantically involved, it’s more like that of mother and son. Feeling my stare, Annalise turns and offers me a smile, but I get the impression she’s examining me as much as I am her. “What do you think of my library, Clarissa?”